Forgotten Anniversary

Forgotten Anniversary

_________________'S POINT OF VIEW


What the-?! Ok, I know he's busy directing and all but he could just text me and greet me a 'Happy Anniversary!'. Sigh…




I pulled my phone out of my pocket, thinking Jaejoong finally caught a chance to greet me in the middle of their concert. You maybe wondering why I, myself, his SECRET girlfriend wasn't there to support him. Well, it's because Thailand isn't a kilometre away from Seoul and tomorrow is the day of my Graduation and I just can't miss it.


'_________________, It's Jaekyung. Let's hang out after the graduation party tomorrow!'


I can't help but frown after reading the message. Not because I don't want to hang out with my best friend but because, it's not the one whom I expected the most.


After a few minutes, my ringtone played as I eagerly pick up my phone and the frown on my face was soon replaced by a big grin. Enough to reach both my ears. It was Jaejoong calling.


'Hey baby. How's your day?' He cooed.


'It's alright Joongie. How's the concert?' I frowned--again, a little.


'We finished a minute ago and we're on our way for dinner. Have you eaten already?'


'Yeah.' I simply answered.


Then, there's a minute of silence before I decided to ask out loud what's on my mind.


'Uhmm… Joongie?'


'Yes baby? I'm still here.' He chuckled.


'Do you know what day today is?' I murmured.


'Today? It’s Friday, babe. Why?'


So he really did forgot it.


'Baby? Are you still there?' He asked, with his oh-so-sweet voice.


'So you really did forgot it, don't you?' I sighed.


'Forgot what?' He asked once again, with a hint of curiousness in his voice.


'Kim Jaejoong.' I uttered, in a cold way.


We both know that I only call him with his full name when I'm mad or… nearly like that!


'Why? Baby? Tell me! What is it?' He said, in a sort of panicked mode.


'Kim Jaejoong! Today is freakin' 23rd of April!' I yelled and furiously hang up.


How can he forget such an important date?!


And the next thing I realized was-- falling asleep after crying a litre of tears.




Why did she hang up? Did her mood swings attacked again? But… never she get that far even once. Is she mad because I said 'Friday' only and not the exact date of the day?


I let out a deep sigh before resting my head on Yunho's shoulder who's sitting next to me.


'What's up Jaejoongie?' He asked. Kind of worried yet, his gaze never left the list of our schedule.


'_________________ got mad at me' I release my third sigh of the day.


'What happened to the both of you?'


'I don't know exactly. She suddenly sounded cold and said 'You really did forgot it' and yelled 'It's freakin 23rd of April' before hanging up on me!' I sulked.


'23rd of April?' Junsu, who happened to hear what I said, stopped playing the soccer game on his treasured ITouch and look at me with a calm expression.




'Hyung, isn't today your 4th Anniversary?' Changmin in.


'You kiddo with big soul! Why do you keep saying what I was about to say?!' Junsu smacked him across the head.


The next thing I knew was-- I am currently cursing myself while Changmin returned the hit on Junsu five times harder. Yeah. You guys were right. The maknae is a baby no more.


But now, I had to think as to what will I prepare for my dearest baby when I got home-- back in Korea.


_________________'S POINT OF VIEW


'What are you sulking about, _________________?' Jaekyung asked, her eyes keep wandering around the café.


'Did your boyfriend forgot to greet you today?' She added.


Forgot? He did not forgot my graduation day. Actually, my inbox has been overflowing with his messages. Both congratulatory and sorry.


I tossed my phone to her as she pick it up and began reading my inbox.


'For what I've counted, this is the 6th time you declared a quarrel.' she said and took a sip on her iced mango.


I rest my chin on my palms that was leaning against the glass table.


'Why is it in every complain you have, he's always the one who keep apologizing? And for what I've known he never talk back to you.'


'You're lucky _________________.'


'What?' I dumbly asked.


'You're lucky to have him. To have an understanding boyfriend who never quarrel back with you.' Jaekyung said.


'Are you trying to make me feel bad?' I pouted.


'No, I'm just saying it dear. Jaejoong isn't like us. He's not free all the time. He's a star! And sneaking out for a date is a BIG risk. But even once, did he complain?'




'_________________, I think-- he never did it on purpose.' Jaekyung give a small smile and held my hand.


She's right. How can I be so selfish? I am lucky enough to have him with me and I must admit, a guy like him is so rare to find. I know he loves me as much as I love him and maybe, that's the reason why we stayed for FOUR years.


'Go call him and be the one to apologize this time.' Jaekyung said.


I nodded and was about to press the green button when my phone suddenly died.


'Damn. The battery's dead.' I cursed.




It's my 64th sent message since this morning, but even a single word from her-- I got no reply! Even my calls were ignored. This is actually the first time I forgot one of the days I keep on looking forward to.


'Jaejoongie Hyung?' A knock on the door broke my trails of thoughts.


'What is it Su?'


The door opened revealing no other than Junsu.


'Have you packed your luggage yet? We'll be off to the airport in a few more minutes.' He sat beside me.


'Yeah. Just a while ago.' I replied.


'_________________ hasn't forgiven you yet?' He asked.


'I'm going nuts, Su. What if _________________ really got tired of me? I can't bear to lose her!' Yes. That's true. She's my world. I can give up being a star-- this luxurious life just for her. I love her that much.


'Gosh hyung! I'll kill my self if she broke up with you!' He put up an irritated expression.


'How'd you say so?' I pouted.


'We all know _________________ loves you as much as you love her! And that 'got-tired' thing is a nonsense. She should've broken up with you before if she does.'


'I'll go directly at her place once we landed back in Seoul.' I said, making up my mind.


'Oh My God. I never thought being in love can make you CRAZY.' He exclaimed, emphasizing the word crazy.


'You duck . Just help me bring my things!' I stood up and throw him one of my luggage.


'My is cute. _________________ will enjoy mine instead of yours.' He mumbled, but still clear enough for me to hear.


'You dolphin! She's mine! Take back your words before you regret it!'


_________________'S POINT OF VIEW


Five more hours and Jaejoong and the rest will soon arrive to attend my Graduation Party held at the House which was organized by my mom and her friends-like-sisters.


'Honey, Don't worry, I'm sure they will come once they landed here in Korea.' Mom patted my back and gave a smile before going to another guest and boast about her lovely daughter whom graduated with a title of Laude and currently having a love sick right now.


What will I do If they arrive here? Ofcourse, act normal! Well, I can do that with Junsu, Yunho, Yoochun Oppa and Changminnie! But with Jaejoong? I don't know. Not after how I acted last night and this morning. Gosh, only if I acted more mature, this wouldn't be AWKWARD.


Time flew quickly and It's already 7:30 in the evening. 5 and half hours past to be exact, but still no sign of the great Dong Bang Shin Ki!


'Dear, There's a letter for you.' Mom handed me a piece of envelope with a letter inside.


To: Park _________________


Baby, I know you're still mad at me. But please do what will I say?

There's a limousine waiting for you at the backyard of your house.

The chauffer will directly send you to where I am.

I'll wait for you whether you come or not!

But please, do! *kisses*


Your Only Love, Joongie


I immediately get my phone and bid goodbye to mom and dad. Whoa. They just agreed?! Awesome. Probably, they knew why.


'Are you Ms. Park?' Ask the chauffer.


'Y-yes… It's me.' I flashed out a small smile and get inside once he opened the door.


After 20 minutes, we already arrive at out destination. I stepped out and start finding Jaejoong but, he's nowhere in sight. The limousine made its way together with the chauffer.


I sat on the bench while my eyes wandering, finding the reason why I'm here. Another 5 minutes and I started to grow impatient. And the cold weather didn't help neither! I stood up with a frown and was about to head home when suddenly different colours of light that was covering the trunks and branches of trees lit up, sending the whole park in to a great sight seeing.


'Wow…' The first word that came in to my head.


I was smiling so brightly now, forgetting the fact that I was about to go home. Little lights between the tall trees which was a few meters apart starts to form words that move my heart.


'Baby, I'm sorry! Please forgive me!' The word said.


I felt my tears gather at the back of my eyes and about to fall anytime.


'Please, Forgive me…' I felt a pair of arms wrapped securely against me from the back, his perfect sculpted nose nuzzling on to my neck.


I slowly turn around, his black orbs staring right at mine. I saw his lips formed in to a grin then a pout, matching it with his popular puppy eyes. Who would resist such an awesome creature?


I broke in to happy tears and pressed my lips against his. Damn. I miss this feeling. He immediately respond which began our passionate kiss for a good one minute.


'Am I forgiven now?' He grinned, his forehead on mine.


'I don't think so.' I teased, he pouted.


'Cause I think, I must be the one to say sorry for acting childish and immature.' I pouted back.


'Don't be. It's my fault forge--' I cut him off.


'No, It's not. I should've understand you more. And the fact that you're the one who's risking all just to spend time with me. I'm sorry Joongie, for giving you hard times.' I mumbled.


'It's my choice to spend my time with you and taking big risks. You shouldn't be sorry. You know I will do everything for you right? You're not giving me a hard time, baby. I enjoy spending my time with you.' He smiled softly and his soft, smooth palms caressing both my cheeks.


'I Love you too, Joongie.' I gave him a peck yet, Jaejoong seems to be unsatisfied and start replaying the passionate kiss we both shared a while, this time, longer.


I can't ask for more since I already have him. My best friend, My lover and soon to be My husband! Yes, you heard it right. Jaejoong and I were finally engage! And I'm happy that I get to share lifetime with him!

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Chapter 1: aw, this was nice to read~ i love when ppl in stories are able to work things (misunderstandings, really) out T_T
suju1375 #2
AMAZING!!! Love the story :D
loveboojae #3
@miko12 Thanks for telling me! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I already edited it ^^
miko12 #4
lol.. You wrote 'April 23rd' first.. then I got confused when suddenly it changed to August... You should correct that to avoid further confusion =))<br />
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Cute story, by the way. ;>
cassiesAKTF #5
Aww.. I really love your story :)<br />
Please do write more :)
Aww..your story is so cute... more plz