Chapter 24

Love's Business


It took a considerable number of weeks to fix things back at the company. Stacks papers and deals were left unsigned and ignored, sales had been fluctuating in the worst ways possible, clients came and went, and to put it simply, it was a colossal mess. Minho had had to endure several sleepless nights just to look for a solution for a problem involving his company building’s plumbing maintenance before moving on to the next crisis. Then again, he manages to work through it all because during his all-nighters, Taemin would stay over and brew him a cup of coffee, dutifully serving it to him with an invigorating peck on the cheek.


He won’t be getting any sleep tonight either, he thinks miserably. He leans back against the headboard and takes off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose where the accessory was pushing into the skin. He looks down to watch Taemin’s slumbering form, marvelling at the boy’s serene face and quiet exhales. A few hours ago, he had told Taemin to go to bed and that he’ll be joining him shortly, after he finishes typing up last week’s delayed business proposal. Technically, he stayed true to his word. After editing the proposal, he fixed up his desk, took a shower, went to bed, and worked on a whole new other file.


He chuckles soundlessly when he hears a small whine erupt from Taemin’s lips. The boy had unconsciously burrowed against Minho’s side, messing up the papers that the elder had placed there, and frankly, Minho does not mind. He likes how it is almost like an instinct for Taemin to stick to him, like a magnet to iron.


The clicking sound of his keyboard under his fingers keep him working for a while, until he hears the whining and shuffling from beside him.




He tears his eyes from his laptop screen and pushes away the strands of hair covering Taemin’s face. “Yes, babe?"


Hands come up to catch his, “Sleep.”


Minho tries to reason out with the sleepy brunette.


“No,” Taemin slurs. “Sleep. Now.”


Minho still has a massive workload waiting for him, and he knows that Taemin is well-aware of that, what with him being his assistant and all. But maybe his boyfriend is right— maybe he should take a break and go to sleep now. (Even though future Minho would probably want to strangle him for making him do all the work he had left behind.)  Besides, cuddling with Taemin is too good a deal to pass up, regardless of the consequences.  


it, he thinks, sliding under the blanket and allowing Taemin to nestle into the hollow of his neck.



Everything goes back to normal and the weeks fly by in a blur, where Taemin and Minho find themselves spending more and more time with their lover’s family.


Minho was invited to one of the Lee’s monthly picnics (in which the elder just had to ask, Do people still go on picnics these days?) where he had taken full advantage of the large bushes and shaded areas to ravish Taemin every chance he could get. Those chances, however, were kept at a minimum because Taesun was there and his brother complex was even more overwhelming than ever. He had positioned himself between Taemin and Minho when Mr. and Mrs. Lee had called them over to eat, and he’d always had a reason to pop out of nowhere whenever Minho was close enough to Taemin to steal a kiss. Even worse, Kai was there, and Minho just had to wonder if the boy was an adopted child of the Lee’s as well.


‘This is supposed to be your family’s picnic, so why is he here?’


‘You’re here too, aren’t you?’


‘Are you saying that I’m on the same level as him?’


‘Of course not. Just ignore him and give me a kiss, ‘kay? Taesun-hyung is too busy dealing with him, anyway.’


It seemed that Taesun really was too busy to either of them because they had successfully managed to have a go at each other in a secluded area of the park right before they were called over by Mr. and Mrs. Lee.



Taemin was invited (forced, Taemin swears to Amber, forced.) to attend Mr. Choi’s monthly corporate gathering. He was worried at first, but Minho had assured him that when asked to, he will be introducing Taemin as his assistant, nothing more, nothing less.


The hall where the get-together was held was decorated by luxurious colours of grandeur with a taste of a minimalist. The people were exceptionally friendly and really, there was nothing to complain about— but for the two young men who were seated beside each other in a round table filled with stuffy, middle aged strangers, it was absolute torture. It was impossible for Minho to keep his eyes and hands off of Taemin, and it was impossible for Taemin not to succumb to Minho’s lustful gazes and touches. So when they thought nobody was watching, they sneaked into the bathroom to satisfy their insatiable appetites for each other, walking out minutes later with dishevelled appearances and mussed up suits. Amber approached him in his office the day after, smirk in face.


I never thought you were one for having quickies in the bathroom, Taemin.




And that was the farthest the conversation went.



There were times when Minho would visit the Lee household and Mr. and Mrs. Lee wouldn’t be there, so he would be stuck with the ever-present overprotective older brother while Taemin went and prepared some snacks for them— though he would always be the one finishing them all up. He would be left alone with Taemin’s brother in the living room, and when Minho posed no threat of stealing his little brother away, Taesun can be really friendly. They would jovially talk about luxury cars and effective business techniques and famous figures they both liked until Taemin plops down next to Minho and suddenly Taesun hates him again.


Taemin had also experienced his fair share of painful awkward moments with Mrs. Choi whenever she dropped by the office and Minho would be busy stuck in a meeting. He had had to keep her company, at least until Minho came back. During those times, the woman hadn’t exactly been cold to him, but she wasn’t a warm presence to behold either. They would be able to hold decent conversations where Taemin brought up no mentions of his relationship with her son. The air would become less tense in an instant whenever Minho sauntered in and obliviously hugged each of them in greeting.



They both agree that the developments between their partner and their respective families are enjoyable and that these are wonderful improvements. It makes them happy to see that their loved ones get along with each other. They treasure these moments.


But these moments only come second (a close second) to the moments where only the two of them together— where they both let themselves believe that they are the only living beings in their world, where they cling onto each other with mutual need and want.


When they hold hands in the car as Shindong hums another contemporary song, when they exchange secret kisses when there are no other patrons around in the restaurant, when they stroll hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder around the park under the ever cliché starry night sky, when they take turns massaging each other’s shoulders in Minho’s bath tub as they try their hardest not to be too ual and let things lead to heated love-making because they are both sore from the previous evening, when they cheesily dance in Taemin’s apartment to Taemin’s cheesy western love songs, when they skim their fingers against each other’s slick skin after they are done with the messy love-making and they just want to cuddle against each other and into the covers until they fall asleep with their limbs tangled intimately— these are the moments on top of their list, the moments that matter the most.




Short transitional chapter, to prepare for the next one. 2-3 chapters left! Bear with me, please!

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Chapter 31: And thank you for writing
Chapter 30: Such a sweet ending . I am so happpppppyy for them
I thought we will have happy ending soon
Chapter 25: Is that his father again? I feel enough
Chapter 24: Huhuhuh it wll be end soon :(
Please dont separate them
Chapter 23: 100th .... lmao
Chapter 22: It just turn tobe a ing drama :(
Chapter 21: I almost worried with Jinki goddamnit.
Glad he just test Taemin to make him realize that all he need is minho
Chapter 20: How could it be down like this huhuhu
They expect so high just to let down. Demn.