
dream's echoes


warning; there's much of cussing in here. so please. if you're like 12 or like younger, i hope you will not read this. but if you just don't care, go ahead. 


          After the photo shoots and all the crap, SHINee was exhausted. So they decided to grab drinks in a cafe. Though it was a little after midnight, none of them wanted to drink any caffeine. They were so exhausted, they had to drag their feet like they weighed a million.

          The three oldest members grabbed a frappe, while the two youngest got orange juice. The day wasn't exactly great for some of the members. Key was irritated that he won't be able to get any sleep that night; on the other hand, Minho felt like crap because the photographer was displeased of his performance. The others were pretty contented but didn't think they needed to show it except   Taemin. A big grin was pasted on his face ever since they got there.

          But the next thing happened snagged the grin off of Taemin's face. Everybody just stood there for a moment. It wasn't much, but when somebody spills orange juice on your favourite coat on a very bad day, Kibum just snapped.

          "What the ?" All five of them could just feel the heat increasing, which contrasted the fact that it was freezing outside.

          "Oh . I didn't mean to. I'm so--"

          Kibum snarled at the culprit. "You always ruin everything; for me. This was exactly like it was 7 years ago."

          Taemin tried to calm him down but Kibum wouldn't quit. He continued bashing the guilty.

          "I said I didn't mean to. Damn it. Why do you always make this about you." Their voices seem to go louder.

          "You're such a er, Minho." Kibum paused to give the guy a death glare. "I know you always mean to do these things." Let's not forget about the fact that Minho too had a bad day, which probably made him slam the glass on the floor.

          "You . I said I didn't mean to." At that moment, about 7 people in the cafe were staring excluding the members. That moment, Jinki and Jonghyun decided to cut in. They succeeded in separating them, but insults were still thrown to each other, like they were playing dodge-ball.

          Nobody could make them shut up, until their manager came in. And when he did, the members realized that seven people in the cafe had their phones out. They were probably going to earn some money from the media. In that instant, they realized how important everything they do is. A wrong move could just ruin everything; ruin them.

          "You guys are idiots," was what our manager welcomed us with. Kibum and Minho were silently pissed off and exhausted. The other members sensed the tension, so they didn't bother. The only conversation that was heard was the tires whispering to the ground and the engine complaining about the weather.


          Jinki knew that this was a disaster. All for a glass of orange juice.


          Jinki thought it was pathetic. But he knew how real this whole thing is.


          The next days after that had them in many gossip networks, newspapers, radios, you name it. They knew exactly that this wasn't a good kind of publicity. They did have some things like this happen before, but not as one whole group. Usually, dating scandals or conflicts with other celebrities. But nothing prepared them to have a scandal within themselves.

          But even though it was raining, the sky decided to downpour. It never did stop. Arguments here and there, slaps of blames where on the walls. Now it wasn't only the two members but all the four fighting. Except Jinki, he knew the role he had to play. Jinki knew more than to give in and be a part of it. He decided to be the peacemaker.

          He didn't do such a great job at it though. He, honestly, feels so lonely. A person can be most lonely when they're seeing their world fall apart, and all they can do is just stare, like they have given up.






          A few seconds after switching the TV on, the teenage boys were again welcomed by a blank screen.

          ". I'll never be able to watch anything until this whole crap is over. Why did you guys even fight?" The pissed off brunette scowled.

          "Oh. Shut up Jonghyun. You don't need TV to survive." Kibum rolled his eyes.

          "Says the person who kept complaining about his 'beauty shower'" Jonghyun made the quotation marks with his fingers.

          "Can't we just play video games?" Taemin suggested. His voice a little bit excited.

          "Ugh, Taemin. it's been almost a month already. I don't want to play it again." Leaving the poor boy pouting.

          "If only someone didn't pour the gross thing on me, then we probably wouldn't be in this situation." Minho's eyes fixed on Kibum's.

          "Why do you always blame me for everything? I already told you, I didn't do it on purpose. God." Minho was pissed again and he stood up followed by Kibum.

          "Will you guys please. Just stop fighting." Jinki huffed.

          "Shut up. You're already used to not watching TV."

          "Don't talk to Jinki like that Minho. Have some respect." Jinki was on his feet in between. The other two were just staring.

          "I, in fact, have some respect. It's just you, I don't have respect for." Minho glowered. "You don't deserve my respect, Kibum." Kibum snapped and punched the little on the face.


          Sad to say, Jinki had to be in the way. "." Jinki cussed as he tasted the rusty blood. "Jinki why do you have to be in the way?" Kibum was more than angry now. The other members were now on their feet too. A silence followed after.


          "I give up." Jinki muttered, dragging his feet to his room.


          Dreams don't happen when you're asleep, they happen when you're awake. They happen when you're fully aware of everything.

          And right now, Jinki felt like everything was a nightmare; again.



author's note;

one more chapter to go.


have a good day!





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