Chapter 9

Stuck In Between Two Gangs


Kimmie’s POV

The lesson then finished I couldn’t wait to get out of this classroom I mean Kris was staring at me the whole time. I really don’t understand him no one else dared to take a second look at me but this guy, he stared at me the whole lesson. I got my books and headed for the door while trying to get out alive because all the girls started to rush to my table due to Exo.

I think Kris shouted my name but I ignored it and went to the detention class. So I walk in and fid some students were already there I sit down at a table in the middle of the classroom and the teacher then said ‘’ your time starts now everyone’’ then resumed back to his own work.

Then the door opened ‘’ you’re late Kris ‘’ the teacher said to Kris while frowning. I’m just saying if this teacher actually knew how Kris can fight he would not even allow him to stay for detention. Kris then sat down next to me.’’ Not this again’’ I thought. LJoe then walks in and looks at me for a second and then he went somewhere at the back of the class.

The teacher didn’t even say anything, but I don’t get why he’s here, he never goes to detention. But that’s not what I’m worried about, I have detention, I never had one in my life and it wasn’t even my fault.

The teacher told us to do some kind of work so I got out my maths work and started doing it, some other students were on their phone while others were sleeping but I have no time to waste I just know there will be tests soon so I’m revising.

On the other hand Kris was blankly staring at his maths book and put his hand up ‘’ sir I need help with my maths work can I get some help’’ he then said ‘’ Ask Kimmie she’s smart and plus she sits next to you.’’ I could not believe this he planned it all out so that I would be the one helping him not the teacher.

I exhaled got closer to him and started explaining the maths exercises to him but to no use. He was staring at me. Not the book. At me. Me. What is wrong with him? I’m trying to help him and all he does is look at my face.

Then a strand of hair came on to my face while I was explaining and he reached out to my face and tucked it behind my ear. I widen my eyes and backed away quickly ‘’o-okay I-I think you must get it now’’. And I turned back to face the front but I felt my cheeks heat up.

LJoe’s POV

I am in detention right now, for some reason I decided to go when I found out that Kris was going to be there maybe I’ll get to talk to him for the real reason he’s back. So when I get to the detention room I see Kimmie and Kris sitting next to each other. I just went to the back and sat down. WHY THE HELL WOULD HE SIT NEXT TO HER??? She out of all people here he must be crazy.

Kris then put his hand up and asked for the teachers help but then he just said ask Kimmie for help.’’ HHAHA Just watch she’s not going to help him’’ I thought. But then she actually went closer to him and started explaining. Whaaaaaaaat? Why is she helping him? All he did is to stare at her.

Wait I remember he did the same last lesson, I just happen to accidentally look their way and I see him staring at her I just don’t figure out why. Wait don’t tell me does he like her? No of course not why would anyone like her.

All of a sudden  a strand of hair came on her face and he tucked it behind her ear. What? Why is he touching her? Why do i even worry about this, I already have a girlfriend. So I try to look away but I always keep coming back to them two.

Kimmie’s POV

OMG OMG OMG OMG, I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, I’M GOING TO DIE RIGHT ON THIS CHAIR! And to my luck the detention finished. I sighted with relief. I got up quickly and started speed walking out of the room. Then when I got out on the corridor, Kris was walking behind me.

Then I finally reached the gates, I’m not going to lie it was damn dark outside.’’ Want me to give you a lift? ’’Kris then says from behind me. I turn around and said’’ No no I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me I’ll just take the bus’’ and turned around trying to avoid seeing him after what just happened earlier. ‘’ If you think I’m going to let you walk home in this darkness then think again’’ he said.

Then to my surprise LJoe came from behind Kris and grabbed my hand and started dragging me to his car.’’ Nope she’s coming with me’’ he simply stated. ’’LJoe- what are you doing?’’  I nearly shouted at him, ‘’ taking you home’’ he said while still dragging me.

I look back only to see Kris with a bit of an angry expression on his face. LJoe opened the car door and shoved me inside and I’m telling him to let me go cuz I’ll just take the bus but he won’t listen. He got into the driver’s seat and leaned over and put on my seatbelt, I stopped talking at moment. No let’s rephrase that , my heart stopped beating at that moment. Yeah that’s more appropriate.

Did he just do what I think he just did? I don’t think so because that means I must be stuck in a dream or something. Oh god what’s happening? I looked over to him and he looked dead serious, he started the car engine and sped off.

I didn’t really know what to do or what to say I just sank into the car seat. I don’t want to get him mad because he is a gangster, I bet that he already has already planned out more than 100 ways to kill me and hide my body and not even get caught already so I don’t want to risk it. Then his next question shocked me. ’’How do you know him?’’.

I mean why would he be interested in that I thought none of us should get involved with our personal issues of friends right , I mean he was the one who told me to stay away from him and now he just did the opposite of what he meant, first of all he approached me in school when he told me not to go near him and now he is asking about my personal life? But in the end I decided to tell him how I know Kris.

‘’Well.. .you see the day that I was meant to move in your house, well I was walking down the street and saw a gang which happened to be EXO-M and they were wounded and I helped them, but when I wanted to then leave a car was about to hit me but Kris saved me ‘’ I said to him. He then took his eyes off the road and looked at me.

Ok that’s weird. ’’And that’s how I met him’’ I then said to break the tension.’’ Can I ask why is it that EXO-M and Teen Top kind of hate each other’’ I couldn’t resist it I had to ask it. ’’They used to be in charge of this area before and then moved away so they left the priority to us , and now they decided to come back and think they can own everything’’ Ljoe said.

I then understood it was all about power and which gangs is the best.  ''You know I thought you told me not to go near you in school but you did the opposite’’ I told him but then he said ‘’I don’t want you around him. Understood?’’


Hello everybody! Hope you are having a great day because mine's was good anyway and thought of you so i decided to update :)


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Officially Done. Yayy!! :DD


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Chapter 13: Wow, L.Joe just saved her. I'm wondering if he likes her.
Chapter 9: Oh wow. This is different. L.Joe has a heart after all.
Chapter 1: pretty good i most say xD
Chapter 40: This story was amazing!! Please me a sequel!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: noooo author nim nooooooooooo :( who got shottt :(
Chapter 40: This is the end of it? Seriously?
Chapter 40: pleaseeee make a sequel.. pleaseeeeee
Chapter 40: Omg!!! What happen!!??!?!? Ehhh!!! Sorry just in shock.... Anyways super great and interesting story!!!!!
AngelForEternity #9
Chapter 40: No no no no no no no. You can't do this author-nim. There's gonna be a sequel right? There has to be. I hope it wasn't L.Joe or Kimmie who got shot, that would be horrible, but you made it seem like L.Joe did because he was coming towards Kris. Other than that, this story was really good, and I enjoyed reading it. Bye Bye >.<