Trying to spy on our little ukes..?

Angry cutie and his revenge

Chunji had tried to talk to Ljoe for a week but Ljoe hadn't talked to 
him. He felt weirdly. 
"Why is he always trying to avoid me? He has never acted like that." 
He went to C.A.PJo's room and asked them for advice. 
"C.A.P ah~ I need to..." 
"Baby ah~ i'm sorry~" 
C.a.p was lying on the ground. 
"C.A.P,you're okay?" 
"Not really. My back hurts." 
"You guys are in an arguement,right?" 
"your pout is not cute so plz don't''Chunji thought 

"what happened?" 
"i touched him when he was busy and he got mad at me." 
"O.o are you guys still kids?" 
"him,not me." 
Then,suddenly, Changjo went to the living room where C.A.P and Chunji 
were sitting. 
He looked at C.A.P and Chunji with the eyes " you guys " and said: 
"I'm going out with Ljoe hyung!" 
"Changie ah~ why do you leave me with UR bastard ?!"Chunji screamed 
The door of ChunJoe's room opened. Ljoe stepped out. He was wearing a 
very y loosen shirt with skinny jeans. This kind of fashion made 
Chunji blush. 
"None of ur bussiness!"Ljoe answered and grabbed Changjo's arm: 
"Changie ah~ Let's go!" 
And they'd gone. 
"="= calm down! It's just a hang out!"-C.A.P shook his head. 
"But my baby is still innocent. I can't let him go with the maknae. He's 
too dangerous" 
"YAH! My baby is innocent too="=" 
"HE'S NOT!" 
"HE IS!" 
"HE'S NOT!" 
"HE IS!" 
If someone made these people shut their mouth,it was the one and only 
Ann Daniel. 
"Nothing.Just argue something! And Niel ah~Plz show me the way to make 
Hunnie normal again!~plz~"-Chunji begged Niel. He seemed exhausted. 
"So that's the reason makes our visual worried,huh?"-Niel smirked.-"What 
about you,C.A.P?Arguing with the maknae again?" 
"yes"-Both Chunji and C.A.P replied. 
"aigoo...*smirk* Then where is Ljoe and Changjo?" Niel asked 
"together" they said in unison 
"Get my Ljoe back~ plz" chunji kneeled 
"hm...m" Niel thought for a while 
"a ha!" Niel came up with an idea. 
"HAVE U COME UP WITH AN IDEA YET?"-Chunji screamt. 
"Calm down! Btw,where are Ljoe and Changjo?" 
"They've gone out!I have already told ya"-C.A.P complained. 
"Where are they going?"-Niel ignored C.A.P and continued his work. 
" or sth. Who knows"-Chunji answered 
"=.=. U guys ! Why don't you spy on them?"-Niel said with a smirk. 
"SPY ON HUNNIE/CHANGIE?-both C.A.P and Chunji shouted. 
Spying on their little lover? They had never done that before. 
"Spy??it sounds cool. Maybe i'll try to do it~^^"-C.a.p thought and 
then,he said: 
"Niel,i'm in!" 
"Good! What about you,Chunji hyung?" 
"but what if hunnie found out?" chunji said worrily. 
"he won't find out" Niel said 
'' but what if hunnie knew about it but play hard to get?" chunji asked 
"you will get him" C.A.P said 
"but what if he knew and hated me?" 
"=.=. Will u stop asking me those kind of questions?"-Niel grumbled 
"but what if...?'' chunji just about to say then... 
"SHUT UP!!!!!" Niel shouted 
''but..." chunji just about to open his mouth 
"SHUT UP!!!" this time C.A.P was really angry. 
Chunji shuted his mouth. When C.A.P was angry,don't you dare to annoy 
Niel took a deep breath and said: 
"So,what is ur opinion?" 
"I guess i'll say yes"-Chunji said. 
"Great! Now,where can we find them?" 
"Molla!"-Chunji said. 
"In Seoul shopping center." 
Suddenly,Ricky came out of his room. 
"baby ah~ I thought you went to the mall."-Niel came to Ricky and hugged 
" I want my baby back~ I want my baby back"C.A.P and Chunji 
thought.(from Lenka-The show.:-P) 
"i was tired! I wanted to sleep a while but i couldn't. Thanks to you 
guys!"*glanced on Niel,Chunji and C.A.P* 
"Oops,sorry baby! I'm so sorry"-Niel said. He felt guity for making his 
baby awake. 
"Oh,plz,shut up! If you guys don't want to know what Changjo and Ljoe 
are doing,you can keep up ur argument. I won't mind!"-Ricky said and 
unwrapped Niel's arms. Then he came back to his room and tried to sleep. 
"so...i guess we have to go now. It's getting late and we have schedule 
tonight"-Chunji said and wore his shoes . 
"aish... Really" C.A.P said 
"so are u going Niel?" Chunji asked 
"no~I'm staying home with my baby, Ricky ah~" Niel said and went into 
the room 
"aigoo...Seem like only us left" C.A.P sighed 
"yeah, let's go" Chunji said. 
~At Seoul shopping center~ 
"yah, hunnie hyng ah, do u think that it will work?" Changjo said 
"I think so. Who cares? It's time for shopping. I want new clothes, like 
omma~" L.joe nagged. 
~yeah,TEENTOP is back 
''oh wait, I have a phone call." 
-hyung ah~ It's me,Ricky. 
-hyunie ah~ sthing happened? 
-yes. Chunji and C.A.P are heading to Seoul shopping center. Just like ur plan. 
-Perfect! Thanks Hyunie! 
-ur welcome! 
- and where's Niel? I thought he was with you. 
-not anymore. He has to participate in Dream team 2. So i can call you to tell you about ur plan. If he's at home, i can't do this. bye hyunie! 
-bye hyung!] 
Ljoe closed his phone and turned to Changjo: 
"step 1-done. Let's move to step 2." 
"omma is so talented!"-Changjo screamt. 
"I know! Let's make them jealous!" 
Then, Ljoe dragged Changjo go shopping with him. 
"YAH! LEE CHANHEE! WHERE ARE WE GOING?"-C.A.P yelled. The had no idea where they were going.

MINSOO! Can't you shut your mouth? I'm trying."-Chunji was trying to find where Ljoe was. Then he had an idea. 
"Let's check their twitter. I think we'll know where they are" 
Luckily, Chunji was right. Ljoe had just updated a photo and he said:" 
go shopping with Changjo! Changjo is changing his clothes. Can't wait to 
see his new look!<3" 
"So they are at the clothes shop?"-C.A.P said. 
"Maybe. So let's get them"-Chunji said and both of them ran to the 
clothes shop. 
~At the clothes shop~ 
"we're here! Oh,shh,here they are.hide,hide,hide!"-Chunji and C.A.P hid 
behind the door. But they didn't know that Ljoe and Changjo knew 
Ljoe whispered to Changjo's ear: 
"They're here! Step 3,start" 
"should I bring out my best act hyung? I'm very good at being cute :3" 
Changjo said 
"yes, let's start" L.joe nodded 
all the time, L.joe smiled and talked very happily with Changjo, who was 
also laughing like the world was about to fall down 
At a corner, there were two angry men (angry birds :P~) 
"yah, hyung ah, they are laughing again" Chunji cried 
"u think only you is upset? Changie is laughing too, with ur HUNNIE, I 
feel unsafe too u know"C.A.P grumbled 
"yah, ur CHANGIE is much more dangerous. What if something happens to 
Hunnie? MY HUNNIE!!!!" Chunji suddenly shouted 
"are u nuts? Do u want them to find out?" C.A.P covered Chunji's mouth. 
"hyung, how can I not shout????? LOOK" Chunji turned C.A.P's toward 
L.joe was tip-toe-ing and said something to Changjo's ear while smiling. 

"wish i were Byunghun"-C.A.P said. 
"wish i were Changjo!"-Chunji said. 
Ljoe and Changjo still were trying to make C.A.P and Chunji jealous. 
~yeah,TEENTOP is back 
-hyung ah~ we have performances today! 
-oops! I forgot the time! Tks ricky! 
-ur welcome!hurry up] 
"Changjo ah~ We gotta go now! We have performances today." 
"oh,right! Let's go!" 
Ljoe and Changjo left. Then Chunji and C.A.P followed them. They tried 
as fast as they could in order to come back home before Changjo and 
~At 6T dorm~ 
"We a..r..e ho....home...!"Chunji and C.A.P finally came home. They were 
exhausted. They had tried to run a 10-km road to come home before 
"Here u are! Where are Changjo and Ljoe?"Ricky asked. 
"We're home.phew!"Changjo and Ljoe had just came back from the shopping 
mall. They seemed happy. 
"Here u are"-Ricky smiled"LET'S GO!" 
~Music Bank~ 
Teen Top was nominated to the first place. Although they didn't win,but 
they were still happy because a lot of Angels had come and supported 
them. But there was one person who wasn't happy. That was Chunji. 
TeenTop had just finished their performance at MB . Suddenly, their 
manager came and said: 
"BTOB's Ilhoon is busy next week so one of our rappers will replace his 
place in GNA's Oops." 
"Sounds cool but i think i shouldn't do that. My Changjo might be 
jealous."C.A.P thought. 
"I'LL GO!"Ljoe said immediately. 
"WHAT?HUNNIE!YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I...."Chunji was shuted by Niel. 
"Oh,please,none of ur business.tks"-Ljoe stared at Chunji. His face 
earned a smirk. 
"perfect!"Ljoe thought."hyungie~I wanna performance with G.NA unnie. I'm 
a huge fan of her and I think i'm suitable for the song!*blinked*" 
"C.A.P, what do you think?" 
"I'm fine with it!btw,the song is in a cute tone so it's not suitable 
for my imagine!"C.A.P said. 
"ok!so i'll confirm: Ljoe will replace Ilhoon in Oops next week MB"-The manager confirmed then,he left. 
"i'm going to perform with G.NA unnie!yay!"Ljoe screamt and jumped like a eight-year old kid. That action made Chunji smile but also worried. 
"ottoke?ottoke? He will perform with G.NA. Yah,Lee ChanHee! It's just a performance! CALM DOWN!!"Chunji said to himself. 
Ljoe stared at Chunji and smiled 
"ChanHee ah~ You'll know my feeling soon!~" 
~End chap 2~ 


sr 4 my late update. Will u gurls forgive?*doing aegyo* 
btw,Changjo in my fic will be the bottom. He's so womanizer now!>w< 
Last,thanks subbies. I <3 all of you!

OMG, this is her co-author dazzlingdep 

We had to update using cell phones so it took a super duper long time >w<

Anyway, hope you will understand :), enjoy the ride :3

BTW, although I'm better at boyxgirl, still Chunjoe is my thing :)

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angel2001 #1
Chapter 7: Can you please do HunHan too??
Chapter 6: Wahhhh chunjoe feels!!! I like it
Chapter 6: ahhh~ cute Chunjoe!! xD and lol lee joon is so so SO Slow -_- I love yahh~ xD thanks for updating!!
angel2001 #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!^^
angel2001 #5
Chapter 5: Update soon!!:)
shainspirit #6
Chapter 5: Update soon~^_^
Chapter 5: Aw...this is such a cute story!!
It's very fun to read~~ ^^
Chapter 5: aghhh!!!! i LOVE it!!! 1 word...... UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UpdATE UPDATE!!!! plz!!! >_<
Chapter 5: damn it!!! now wht...its lee joon on d form!!! aish lee joon u jerk...stay away from my bby!!!