A (family) date!

Rehab : Family

Yoseob's POV

I could suddenly feel warm sunlight shining over my face, the light was blinding but then it was darker again, but still brighter than before. I opened my eyes to see her face in front of mine.

"Good morning, Yoseobie!" she smiled at me with the warmest smile. Warmer than the sunlight. The kind of smile that makes one's heart melt. Heh. 


She waved at me and i waved back. Wait, why is she waving?

"Earth to Yoseobie! Hello! Hello!" she said to me. I must had been dazing off just now. She looks like an angel. I must be in heaven then.

"Hello. I mean Good morning Ji-Hae," I finally responded to her.

"FInally, go on, wash up and get ready. We're going on a date today!" she said cheerfully, laying down an outfit on my bed as i walked to the toilet  to wash up.


*Later that day*

This .

I had thought that when she said date, she just meant the two of us, but apparently it's a "FAMILY" date. Yea, meaning with the three other guys as well. We are all now at the supermarket.

What a great date. -_______-

"Okay, let's go get stuff. Today we have a barbeque dinner okay!" She sad cheerfully as she dragged me along and letting the others walk around by themselves.

"Don't worry, it's safe here. There's only old people around the area," she smiled as i smiled back. 

I was smiling back BECAUSE she was still holding on to my hand not because of what she said though, whatever she said earlier do make me happy as well. I guess this is what it feels like to be normal again. 

"Yoseobie, what do you want? I can make it for you. It's your birthday today, you know?" she said  as she flashed that warm smile again. Wait! My birthday? I looked at my watch. Oh yea, today's my birthday.

"Urm, how about this?You with a bow as my present?" I said cheekily.

I mean, a man's got to try right? She glared at me before smiling.

"Funny. But I don't even know you, how can i be a present for you? Plus the possibility of me liking you is this small," she put up her hand with a tiny gap between her thumb and index finger. "That's means almost impossible."

"Ohhh.. really? That to me means very possible," I smirk as i pushed the trolley behind her, almost hugging her. She gave me a look but then she ignored me maybe because she was too lazy to do anything else.

We were waiting in line to pay the cashier when i leaned over to rest my head on her shoulder.

Like this, just like this.

Maybe my birthday was going to be a good one after all.

Maybe i could forget about all the problems in my head now.

Maybe i could try to smile genuinely again.



Yay! Update for you~
I realise that no one commented after yesterday's update and i had a double update too >3<.
Haha, but no worries, i understand you guys must be busy.
Anyways. I LOVE you guys! My subs! HEE!


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Chapter 48: That was an amazing and really cute story! Kevin was my first bias in ukiss! :') anyways, cute story!!
HatrednAshes #2
Nice story :)
yoshido #3
Oh my god.!! U made me cry, laugh, worried and almost every thing..!! Wow u are so amazing. <br />
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I was hoping Jihae would end up with Yoseob or Junnie not becuz they are my BEAST bias...but cuz of the connection they had.! Oh well. :) <br />
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BTW u picked my fav members from both Ukiss and Beast LOL. All four of them are my lovely bias. :)
oh my gosh! It's over! I love the final chapter though, it was very sweet! And her ending up with kevin was quite unexpected at first and they're cute together! Sorry for bringing up the junra couple :p let's not talk about shall we? Haha anyways! Thank you for writing awesome chapter everytime you updated! I love you! <3
YukiMary #5
Awwwww so sweet! So she was with Kevin.. I knew it Hwahhh well its okay though heheh Eli can be with me xD While Junhyung...... i don't wanna talk about it. and Yoseob can be my super duper bestfriend forever! xD hahahahaaaaaaaaa lol <br />
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Thanks for writing this awesome fic unnie!! hehehehe i loveeeeeee you! <3 hwahh i'm gonna miss u too unnie.. Love yaaaa~
wtfelicia #6
Aigooo!! So sweet.. So Kevin got her in the end? Hahaha! Well, at least they are happy. Thank you for writing!!
YukiMary #7
Omg this chapter is so sad.... TnT I cried!!! hwaahhhhh Awww the one who i wanted to be wit her in the end is not chosen. Ohh well~ its okay~ heheh Awww Jihae..... why must you suffer like thisss?! ><
aww, i nearly cried when i read this chap, plus the news about junhyung and hara dating, gosh my bias in beast is taken ;'/ but hey if both of them is happy why not support them :p oh my gosh! Its going to an end! Update soon!
wtfelicia #9
Awww so Daniel is actually good? Hmmm...
YukiMary #10
I'm super going to cry....... TnT Waeeeeeeeee please JIhaeeeeee be fineeeeee >< hwaahhhh i'm crying... This is so sad.<br />
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Unnie.. update sooonnnnnnn >< TnT this story is getting sad and sadddd D: