
Em Gets An Oppa?!?
As the cards were dealt, Kyu taunted you some more.  "Do you know the rules?"
"Of course!" you chirped.  Annoyed that he assumed you would be ignorant.
"So you know what this card is?" Kyu asked pointing to a card.
"Yes, it's January!" you stuck your tongue out at him.  The others were laughing at the two of you.  You began to play.  Kyu won the first round getting three points.  Gloating as always, he did a little victory dance.  
Not wanting to watch you snatched up the cards to shuffle.  As you were dealing he finally stopped.  A grin plastered on his face.  He was feeling good after beating you once.  The next round was a little worse for him.  As you pulled off a win getting three points after he said go.  Meaning you beat him quite badly.  He had used his skills and you had snuck in with a victory.  Kyu swiped the cards from the table to prevent losing again. He shuffled so that you couldn't curse him with your bad luck.  Henry rolled his eyes.  Ready for another GameKyu outburst.  When he lost he turned crazy.  Conspiracy theories spouted from his mouth as he accused you and Henry of cheating.  Of Donghae and Siwon telling you the cards he had.  You stared at him in disbelief.  
"Is winning really that important to you?" you asked him incredulously.  
Kyu looked hurt. "What?! No! You were cheating!!" Kyu declared.  Huffing in anger, he couldn't believe that you thought he was petty.  Caring only about winning, as if he thought.
"Riight," you drawled.  Wanting to leave but fearing what would happen if he didn't have a chance to win anymore.
As you picked up your first four cards, a smile formed on your face.  This might be easier than you thought as you had three of the December willow.  Kyu glared at you wondering if this would be another round you would try to trick him.  He finished dealing out the cards.  Calmly you picked up the rest of your hand.  Glancing down at them, you got a pleasant surprise. The last of the December willow!  You couldn't stop your grin as it spread across your whole face.  Donghae and Min exchanged looks wondering what had happened.  Siwon was laughing and Henry and Kyu were busy sorting through their cards.
Throwing down your set of four you yelled brightly, "I WIN!" Then you got up to do a victory dance of your own.  Siwon joined in and helped you twirl around.  Kyu's jaw nearly hit the floor.  
"That's not possible!" he said quietly.  Henry shrugged before smiling.  Any incidence when Kyu lost was fine with him.  Kyu's jaw was working as he tried to form words.  
Hyuk returned with dinner.  "What's going on?" Hyuk asked.  Seeing most of you dancing.  
"Oh, oppa!  You should see the look on his face!" you said joyously pointing to Kyu.  Who was facing away from the door.  He hadn't moved at all.  Hyuk set down the food rotating so he could see Kyu's face.  
"What's wrong with him?" Hyuk asked still confused. 
"OH, it's wonderful!" Donghae said.  "Em beat him!"  
"Huh?" Hyuk still a bit behind what happened.
Min cleared things up for him, "Em beat him at GoStop after he accused her of cheating. He dealt her the whole month of December!" Hyuk smirked.  
Patting the younger guy on the shoulder, "Don't worry.  You'll get over it."  Kyu scowled at Hyuk.  Kyu got up from the table and went into the bathroom.  He almost left the room but realized he'd only be a target out there.  Alone.  Scary thoughts, just take a few breaths and then get over it he thought.  
When he sat down at a table so he didn't have to look at you.  You were already eating.  You reached for something with your chopsticks only to be cut off.  Hyuk had counter reached to prevent you from picking up some fried chicken.  
"Why won't you let me eat that?" you protested.  The chicken smelled delicious.  It made your mouth water.  The dishes nearest you were all vegetables.  Spinach, bok choy, kimchi, pickled radish, cucumbers and onions, and some beans.  
"You're not supposed to eat this kind of food," Hyuk told you.  Popping a piece of chicken into his own mouth.  
"What? That's not fair!" you protested.  Pouting as you heard your stomach growling.  You'd already eaten a lot of the vegetables but you were so hungry.
"Yah, let her eat some chicken!" Min said.  He felt guilt hearing your stomach.  You were obviously still hungry.  He wouldn't want to eat only what you had like a rabbit. 
"NO, you can't have any!  It's fried! You're a patient!" Hyuk stated.  You were growing frustrated as you watched him eat more chicken.  Your stomach telling you that you needed more food.
"Give her some chicken!" Siwon demanded.  Sitting next to you he could hear your stomach.  You were starving.  "She needs to eat protein!" he added.  
Donghae and Henry were both looking equally uncomfortable at the other table.  Kyu had his back to you, so you didn't know what he was thinking.  Not wanting to hear anymore arguing, Donghae reached for some chicken, but Kyu beat him to it.  Snagging a piece, Kyu twisted around in his chair.  Leaning his arm over your shoulder to put the chicken in front of your mouth.  You smiled opening it right away and quickly ate it.  The chicken was everything you wanted delicious and crunchy.
You were smiling as you chewed.  While Hyuk angrily got up wanting you to spit it out.  Seeing him, you chewed faster to swallow it.  Opening your mouth wide and showing him it was all gone.  Hyuk clenched his fists angry with you for not listening to him.  He was only looking out for you but you refused to listen to him.  This girl, I don't know what to do with her, he thought.  Defeated he sat back down, still eyeing you.  Not wanting you to eat anymore, but he couldn't prevent Kyu from feeding you more chicken.  
You had turned around and were smiling at him.  Happy that he wasn't letting you starve because Hyuk was being stubborn.  Apparently, losing didn't matter to Kyu that much after all as he continued to give you more chicken.  Until finally you felt full.  After that you had to wave him off.  Kyu kept wanting to give you more chicken.  You were dodging leaning your head away from his chopsticks.  Kyu was smirking at you.  Teasing you with the piece of chicken.  Frustrated, you scooted your chair away from him.  He merely followed you scooting in his own chair.  Unable to dodge any longer you got up and walked away.  Kyu followed you and the two of you were running around the room.  Everyone else was laughing at you as Kyu attempted to put the chicken in your mouth.  
Eventually, you were backing away from him.  Unable to escape he backed you nearer to the wall, you stumbled and ended up against the wall in your confusion.  Kyu rushed forwards to help you, placing his hand behind your head to keep you from hitting it again.  He was so close to you stopping only when he had caught your head.  The piece of chicken was forgotten as he leaned forward.  You stared up at him.  Unable to move away as he leaned down.  Staring into his eyes you saw his breath catch as he realized how close you were.  You thought he was going to kiss you.  As his face got closer to yours, you couldn't help letting your eyes close.  Kyu froze smiling down at you.  Not wanting to ruin the moment he stuffed the piece of chicken into your mouth.  Startled your eyes shot open.  
As Kyu separated himself from you, throwing up his arms in a high V.  Yelling, "VICTORY!" since he'd gotten you to eat the last piece of chicken.  You stood there with the chicken in your mouth startled.  Coming back to reality hearing the laughter of the guys, as Kyu took a victory lap around the tables.  You ate the chicken feeling a little embarrassed and wondering about what almost happened.  
Kyu glanced over at you.  You looked really surprised but he wasn't actually going to kiss you in a room full of guys.   That would ruin the moment and he'd already messed up by confessing to you in the supermarket in front of people.  The two of you were still all over the news even though there'd been an official statement.  He had to proceed carefully so he didn't ruin any more of his time with you.  
(AN: Update!  Hope you like it!)
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Well, I am finally forcing myself to write this chapter or at least finish it. I don't like endings but I know I need to write this one.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 71: This was just lovely. Thanky you. I realy enjoyed it.
miezemausi #2
Chapter 71: This story was soooo cute!♡ I love it.♥♡♥♥
Chapter 4: Rereading this cuz i loved it so much! In this chapter i really would love to see Eunhyuk go lingerie shopping!!!
Chapter 71: Aw this ff is one of the first ones i read. without you I wouldn't have wrote one myself :) I loved reading it and hope to read your others. they are just so sweet. Thank you for inspiring me!
Sibecca407 #5
Chapter 71: The ending is daebak! Really! ^^ Can't wait for more romantic and cheesy fanficts from you! :) FIGHTING and keep up the good work! :^)
Chapter 71: WAAAA!!!! The end is DAEBAK!!!! I love it!!! Please, author-nim, write a sequel!!!! please, please, please, pretty please!!!!!
Thanks for this wonderful fic!!! Fighting with the sequel!!!! kekekekekekeke ^_^
MikaKelly #7
Chapter 71: Loved the ending. Would live to see a sequel.
Chapter 71: This has always been one of my favorite stories on AFF. Loved the ending. The beginning. Everything.
Thank you.
Chapter 71: Such a good story. I liked it, though I barely commented. ><
Through a whole story, I somehow felt bad for Kyuhyun because he wasn't chosen, but I loved it even when she chose Donghae. And yeah, Kyuhyun and Donghae are my top bias and they're fighting who will be on the first place, but by every other fan fiction, gif or picture, they keep changing their places, so at the moment Donghae is first because of this fan fiction.
I really loved this story and good luck on others :)
Chapter 71: That was good ! Hope that maybe one day you will write a sequel to it. I loved the ending poor Hyuk trying to do the right thing but a little to late.