A Quick Attraction

The Rose Kept Secret


I didn’t see that blonde boy around for quite some time ever since the night on the balcony. I thought back to that scene probably one too many times, wondering what was up with him. The other day he hated my guts. After I save his life he just suddenly decides to find me attractive? It didn’t make sense. I thought a gangster like him would at least have some sense on where to set his boundaries. If Doojoon ever found out about him even setting a finger on our house he would march over to Angel Academy and beat him up with no hesitation. I never realized how risky L. Joe was until now.

            I had to stop thinking about him. I really had to.

            Woohyun and I were sitting together at lunch one day. I was kind of zoning out, which was very unlike me. Woohyun noticed it right away.

            “What’s wrong ______?” he asked me. “You’re awfully quiet today.”

            “O-Oh.” I snapped out of it. “It’s nothing. Just did bad on my physics test that’s all hehe.”

            “Awhh.” Woohyun pouted, sympathizing with me, even though I didn’t even actually need it. “It’s okay babe. You’ll do stellar on the next one. Like how you always do.” He patted my head and my hair. It sent happy chills down my spine.

            “Mhm. Thanks oppa,” I said. “You’re the best.” And he really was. And I was reminded about how much I loved him.

            I wanted to slap myself for having second thoughts about my feelings for Woohyun after that night with L. Joe. I hated how I was so affected by it, how I kept thinking him and how he wanted me. Maybe I just wanted to feel loved or something. But why would I need that if I had Woohyun? Who I knew loved me. He says it every day.

            Then was I actually…attracted to that blonde douchebag?

            Ugh I couldn’t be. That’d be a major disaster.

            One night before I went to sleep, I was watching a movie in my room, a romance one in fact, and started to think about him again. I had no idea why he kept invading my mind. Other guys have pursued me before. L. Joe was no different. But if he was no different then why does he keep invading my mind like a virus? That’s it. A virus. That’s exactly what he was.

            There was a sudden tap on my balcony door.

            I jumped, and my heart leapt. I immediately thought about him, wondered if it was him.

            And it was.

            I opened the door and that blonde head of his came into view. He stared at me, and I stared back at him. And then he smiled.

            He smiled.

            I finally saw it. And it was beautiful. So stunning, so ing attractive, and so alluring that I couldn’t help but continue staring.

            “Missed me?” he asked.


            It’s been like two weeks, bastard.

            “You’re stuttering,” he stated.

            “Yeah. I do that sometimes. Got a problem with that?”

            He chuckled and said, “Cute,” before taking a step into my room.

            Oh my god he called me cute. Ugh what the hell am I saying?!

            “U-Um…” I cleared my throat and prepared to bring the back in me. “Who said you could step into my room huh?”

            “It was cold out,” L. Joe said. “Wouldn’t want me to freeze to death, would you?”

            “Shh lower your voice,” I hissed. “The entire house is asleep except me. Or maybe my older brother is up playing video games I don’t know but keep your voice down.”

            L. Joe nodded to my TV. “What movie are you watching?”

            I sat on my bed and said, “The Last Song.”

            “Romance. Interesting,” L. Joe remarked.

            “Well yeah.”

            “Guess I came at the right time then.”

            I looked at him. “You’re not planning to stay here are you?” You know you want him to ______.

            “Seeing you sitting on your bed like that is very appealing to me, ______,” he said.

            I tried my best not to blush. “Shut up,” I snapped. “I have a boyfriend.”

            “So you keep saying,” L. Joe said. “But you’re not making any real effort to kick me out, are you?”

            Oh god this is getting bad. This stupid feeling is getting bad.

            I tried to reply, to come up with something that would confirm my feelings for Woohyun, but nothing came out. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. And I hated how I was being so weak, how I was letting L. Joe control me. Are all guys from the East like this?!

            So he ended up staying there with me, in my room, watching The Last Song with me. I didn’t let him on the bed though and forced him to sit on the floor. It was rather difficult to pay attention to the movie though, when I had him sitting right in front of me. I remember watching him before I went to sleep, seeing that blonde head come to a blur as I grew drowsy.  He was probably the last thing I saw before I went to sleep that night.

            When I woke up the next morning, he was gone. He didn’t leave a note or anything. Any trace of him vanished. It all felt like a dream.

            But then I touched my hair, and noticed that a strand was curled behind my ear. I never curl my hair behind my ears. Ever.

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Chapter 21: Oh my god!! It's so sad i didnt expect this ending :( im still crying
Chapter 21: da.....fuq..... i didnt expect the ending would be so.....SAD :((( i honestly sorta vowed to myself that im not gonna read anymore sad ending fanfics.... and at first i didnt know this story was going to end up like this:( but i still liked it! although i actually hoped for a happy ending which doesnt involve gunshots, but this ending works perfectly too :3
now im gonna read your other fanfics :3 hwaitiing authornim!!
My gosh! You don't know how it took me to find this story! Opened 20 tabs and after 20 mins of opening and closing I finally found this story again.. One of the best stories I've read, that is why I came back ;)
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 21: Omg i'm shocked when I know they are dead
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 21: Briliant.. I tho it will be only ljoe who die, but both of them. Nice endin ;)
ByeonDobi #6
Chapter 21: Why didn't I know about this story sooner T.T . it's just , I don't know . it makes me feel something I can't explain, like eating my favorite kind of chocolate cake that melts in my mouth and then kissed by some hot boy I've been crushing on *I sound like a byuntae but its not like that *
Chapter 21: I cried so much is this story! *still crying* Second time reading this and the feelings are still there. Thx author-nim for the awesome story!^^
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: really............................ such a sad ending............
but,, gladly it bring good impact.....
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 20: chappie 20: finally.....
they're together again...
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 18: chappie 18: