The Bet He'll Regret Making

The Rose Kept Secret


“So I heard you got stood up to, by a girl.”

                L. Joe’s fists clenched up into tight balls. His knuckles were turning white. “Shut up,” he snapped.

                B.A.P’s leader, Bang Yongguk, grinned with pure satisfaction. “I heard she’s a tough one.”

“Perhaps. Now let’s get to the point, shall we?”

“Which is?”

                “Don’t act so innocent,” L. Joe sneered. “I know you’ve been back in town for a couple of weeks now. And some of your men have been caught flirting with my girlfriend.”


                “Well she’s my ing girlfriend and I love her of course I’d be jealous.”

                Yongguk rolled his eyes. “Has it ever occurred to your pea-brain that she flirted with them first?”

                “No,” L. Joe said. “She loves me. She would never do that.”

                Yongguk shrugged. “I don’t know, Byunghun-ah. Who knows, I might allow them to take her in. Perhaps even I will get some of her. She’s easy enough.”

                “You can’t do that.”

                “And why not?”

                “Because she’s mine.” L. Joe tried his hardest to control himself. He knew that one punch could start a mass murder. “Just leave Sohyun alone.”

                Yongguk pondered about L. Joe’s request, tapping his chin with his finger. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll tell my men to back off and to not harass her again. On one condition.”

                “Which is?”

                “I don’t think you can handle it.”

                “Oh trust me, I can.” L. Joe would honestly do anything for Sohyun to get the B.A.P boys off her back. He wanted her around no other man except him. Besides, how bad could the condition be? Bang Yongguk wasn’t exactly known for his harsh punishments.

                Yongguk smirked and said, “Get her to fall in love with you.”

L. Joe blinked, confused. “What are you talking about? Sohyun is already in love with me.”

                “No, not her,” Yongguk said. “That girl from the West, the one that stood up to you. Yoon ______.

                “Are you ing kidding me?”


                “Do you know how taboo that is?” L. Joe asked. “I cannot be seen courting a girl from the West, let alone the most annoying one there.”

                “A deal is a deal.”

                “She’ll just reject me.”

“Listen,” Yongguk said sharply. “Get her to fall down onto her knees and only depend on you. Get her to love you so much that she’d do anything for you. To the point where a bullet would fly through her heart just to save you.” Yongguk smirked. “Get her. All of her. And I’ll back off your little Sohyun.”

                “That’s not fair,” L. Joe growled. “I love Sohyun.”

                “Oh I know you do,” Yongguk said knowingly. “It’s a pretty clear fact. But I’m still quite bitter about your father, how he was the one who took the life out of my father’s legs.”

                “Your father’s paralyzation has nothing to do with this,” L. Joe sneered, “and you know it. Besides, my dad is dead now. He’s dead.” It hurt L. Joe to say something so straightforward but he wanted Yongguk to stop.

                “Oh yes and how did that happen again?”

                “Your dad wanted to challenge my dad to a car race. My dad lost control of the car,” L. Joe said.

                “Yeah. And bumped into my dad’s car. His legs are ing paralyzed now thanks to that,” Yongguk growled.

                “And my mom,” L. Joe said, “hit her head when she went into the debris to pull him out. She died that day too.” He was getting angry now, thinking back to all of this. “My parents are dead. At least yours are still ing alive!”

                “You have no idea how hard it is for me to see my dad struggle every single day,” Yongguk barked. “He might as well be dead!”

                “You’ve been in hiding for so long,” L. Joe said, “Why suddenly come back and talk about this now?”

                “Because you showed signs of weakness,” Yongguk said. “L. Joe? From Teen Top? Stood up to by a girl? And she hasn’t been torn to pieces yet? Amazing, isn’t it? I found it compelling.”

                L. Joe bitterly looked away, suddenly wishing that he took care of you while he could’ve. But then he thought about how you saved his life again and felt guilty.

                why did I have to be eating that donut.

              “I want to see if you can actually do it. Win her over, that is. Despite the whole East vs. West rivalry and whatnot,” Yongguk said. “Perhaps I’ll even pay you for an amazing show.”

                “If you’ve forgotten, she has a boyfriend, “L. Joe said. “Nam Woohyun from Infinite.”

                “So? You have a girlfriend. It’s even.”

                “She’s not stupid,” L. Joe said. “She’ll know what she’s getting into and reject me. My pride cannot be degraded.”

                “It will have to be if you want your little Sohyun to be safe from my hands,” Yongguk said.

                L. Joe ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “I can’t believe this.”

                Yongguk smiled victoriously and prepared to buy some popcorn, as this would be one interesting show.


A/N: I was very hesitant as to whether or not I should post this chapter as the third chapter haha so I'm sorry I took so long to update. I know the story may sound predictable now but I can assure you that it won't be ;)

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Chapter 21: Oh my god!! It's so sad i didnt expect this ending :( im still crying
Chapter 21: da.....fuq..... i didnt expect the ending would be so.....SAD :((( i honestly sorta vowed to myself that im not gonna read anymore sad ending fanfics.... and at first i didnt know this story was going to end up like this:( but i still liked it! although i actually hoped for a happy ending which doesnt involve gunshots, but this ending works perfectly too :3
now im gonna read your other fanfics :3 hwaitiing authornim!!
My gosh! You don't know how it took me to find this story! Opened 20 tabs and after 20 mins of opening and closing I finally found this story again.. One of the best stories I've read, that is why I came back ;)
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 21: Omg i'm shocked when I know they are dead
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 21: Briliant.. I tho it will be only ljoe who die, but both of them. Nice endin ;)
ByeonDobi #6
Chapter 21: Why didn't I know about this story sooner T.T . it's just , I don't know . it makes me feel something I can't explain, like eating my favorite kind of chocolate cake that melts in my mouth and then kissed by some hot boy I've been crushing on *I sound like a byuntae but its not like that *
Chapter 21: I cried so much is this story! *still crying* Second time reading this and the feelings are still there. Thx author-nim for the awesome story!^^
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: really............................ such a sad ending............
but,, gladly it bring good impact.....
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 20: chappie 20: finally.....
they're together again...
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 18: chappie 18: