Strangers Meeting [Oneshot & Sequel]

Strangers Meeting [Oneshot & Sequel]



Jae Joong woke up to the cheery chirping of the birds that came from outside his bedroom window and to the funny yet sensational feeling to his.. uhm.. down there. Groaning, he lifted his self up and chuckled lightly to find that his sheets were stained with 'glitter' and definitely remembered the person responsible for this putter. 

Well, could you blame him if he met some godly creature on the internet? And damn, it’s not his fault that he started touching his self last night while thinking of doing it with YunHo, which F.Y.I, he haven’t met yet in person. Ignoring the mess (because Jae Joong made a mental note that he’ll clean it later), he made his way to the bathroom. 

Turning the faucet on and splashing cool water on his face, a grin formed on Jae Joong's lips. He almost forgot that he'll meet YunHo today for the very first time (Hooray!). And he must definitely look in his best because nothing could beat any good impressions than the first one. 

Jae Joong raised his head to look at the mirror and was about to say the same phrase that he'd tell himself every morning just to boost his confidence and remind him of how lonely the world would be without his existence. But he stopped from doing his daily routine when he noticed a certain something that was standing proudly on the left side of his nose. 

Jae Joong carefully blinked. He splashed more water to his face, shook his head, stared once more at the mirror, and blinked again.

‘Okay, stay calm Jae. This is just a dream – or perhaps a nightmare, a nightmare that must never happen in real life. So wakey-wakey now and you have to get ready because YunHo and you will be having a “date”. A very, very special date because you know, he’s hot and all. Just try closing your eyes and open them again and kapoosh! That hideous thing will be gone!’

Jae Joong closed his eyes believing and trusting this teeny tiny little voice in his head because he will be damned if this teeny tiny voice wasn’t right. Oh so slowly like a scene in the movies going slow-mo, Jae Joong closed his eyes and chanted a prayer in his head that, yes, this was just a dream. And yes, this thing will certainly go away once he opens his...



Jung YunHo, what could people say about him once his name is heard? Well, boys and gals like to think of him as the bad-boy-who-ing-doesn’t-care-about-any-goddamn-thing type. He’s not just your typical or average Joe, we’re talking of one, oh hot damn, and super fine human being here ladies. 

And this image was what actually earned him a great reputation in his school – the cool dude with the playboy smile that could melt women’s right on the spot but has a golden heart kind of guy. Well, the truth is, no one in his school knows that he’s gay so erase the golden heart part because only YunHo thinks of that of himself. 

And recently, just few days ago, he banged a guy who turned out to be one of his closest friend and whom YunHo least expected to do it with because he thought that his friend was straight. But that said friend was willing, so who was he to complain? What they did was just some kind of experimenting thing but YunHo totally enjoyed it and that made him come to the conclusion that – yeah, he’s GAY. (He’s been contemplating about that ever since he was 12 and now he could never be surer). But his friendship with his buddy was kind of affected with what happened.

And yeeeaaaahp! No one in his school knows (except for the one he slept with) about his ual orientation and YunHo prefers it that way because he doesn’t like dealing with rumours and discrimination and any other that every teenager or the ones that are considered to be unusual or geeks and etc. seems to be going through in high school. Though, YunHo wishes that he could somehow manage to gather his strength in order to proclaim that he’s gay so that he can finally be all out or something. He’s getting sick of hiding and keeping it all in the closet. 

Well, not everything is focused on the bad side. Once there’s a bad side, there absolutely is a good side. Just last night, YunHo found comfort in chatting with a stranger that he met online. YunHo’s been very upset right after what happened between him and his buddy and their little escapade. And he told himself that he really needs someone to talk to, someone who doesn’t know him because if he talks to someone who studies in his school gossips will spread like fire and takes over the whole campus like a tsunami and YunHo’s bad boy and cool image will go bye-bye. 

And unexpectedly and to his relief, he did found someone who’s willing to listen to his problem. And the catch is that, he was invited by this stranger or let’s call him Jae Joong because that’s what he said his name was, out for a cup of coffee. And since he has no more secrets to hide from this strange... – from Jae Joong , YunHo wholeheartedly accepted the invitation. 

The fact is, the real Jung YunHo is not the bad boy whom everyone assumes that he is. He was more of like the opposite of his so called reputation. YunHo’s actually patient, friendly and caring. You could say that he’s really the kind of guy with a golden heart. And he’s also sensitive, emotionally and physically, if you know what I mean. 

YunHo prepped his self up for his meeting with Jae Joong (he really loved listening to the name, he’s not sure why), and he abruptly thought of something that didn’t came to his mind last night while he was happily chatting with Jae Joong. Casting a last look of himself on the full length mirror in front of him, YunHo asked to no one in particular;

“I wonder how Jae Joong looks like”

Hey! It’s YooChun’s phone~ if I don’t answer in 3 seconds, you gotta leave a message. You know how! Ciao~



Hey! It’s YooChun’s phone~ if I don’t answer in 3 seconds, you gotta leave a message. You know how! Ciao~

“YOOCHUN? Where the hell are you? Why aren’t you picking up? Come on, your best friend needs you~ Call me back as soon as possible, ok?” 


Hey! It’s YooChun’s phone~ if I don’t answer in 3 seconds, you gotta leave a message – 

“YAHHH! I know you’re there. I’m pretty sure you are. Don’t tell me you’re on it with Junsu again? Aish. Chunnie, come on. This isn’t a prank like before. I really, really, really, totally, incredibly need your help” 


Hey! It’s YooChun’s phone~ if I don’t answer in 3 seconds, you –

“DAMMIT! That’s how you’re going to treat your best friend now, huh? Fine! I’m hanging up. Hmpf” 


Hey! It’s YooChun’s phone~ if I don’t answer – 

“Okay! I get it. I get it, Chun. The thing is, I met a guy last night, well, through chatting to be exact. Oh, I know what you’re thinking so don’t smirk and mouth ‘I told you so’ to Junsu. And well, he was nice and handsome and hot. And I asked him out but the problem is that I have this....” 


“Chun maybe you should answer Jae Joong’s call, he sounds desperate” Junsu said as he watched YooChun grinning from ear to ear hearing the misery his friend is going through. 

“He’s got a big zit on his nose” YooChun snickered listening to his best friend and ignoring what his lover just told him. 

“YooChun!” Junsu exclaimed smacking the older man’s arm but the other only held up a hand. 

“Just for a sec, Su” 

Jae Joong’s whiny voice continued to blab on the other line and Junsu sighed giving up with his attempt and decided to just listen too. 

“You have to help me with this, Chun. I can’t go on meeting YunHo with this th...thing on my nose. And I –“ 

“Wait, did he just say YunHo?” YooChun asked and Junsu raised a brow. 

“You gotta answer that call if you want to confirm it” 

YooChun did as what he was told, “Hey Jae! What’s up? Sorry, I only picked up now. Junsu and I, we, you know and..” 

Jae Joong’s voice was blaring on the other line, “YOU FREAKING SON OF A BIT–“

But YooChun cut him off, “Are you talking about Jung YunHo? Uh, the bad boy Jung YunHo?”


Being the patient person that he was, YunHo waited for Jae Joong in Starbucks. He admits that he isn’t a coffee person so, he ordered a piece of donut and a bottle of water (but maybe later on, when Jae Joong arrives, he could order some. You know, just try it out. Maybe, it’s not that bad). 

YunHo cast a glance on his watch and sighed. It wasn’t because Jae was running late but the truth was, YunHo was early. Really early. And did they even arrange a time to meet? He was sure of the location but was there an exact time? (YunHo can’t remember). 

And so, as he opened his bottle of water and took a little sip, YunHo looked around, hoping that Jae Joong was just out there. Or hopefully, he is on his way.

“Ugh. I can’t believe this!” Jae Joong slapped his right cheek, trying as much as possible not to face palm his handsome face because his big zit might get worse. 

“I should be the one saying that!” His best friend, YooChun, retorted pointing an accusing finger at him “I mean, how could you? You were practically the one who scolds us about the death of meeting strangers online when in fact you did meet one on the net. And it’s Jung YunHo for crying out loud!” 

Right after giving YooChun a call and his mention of YunHo’s name, both Junsu and YooChun rushed to Jae’s place and pried out as many information as they could from their friend about his little adventure on their favourite chatting site. 

“As of now, I’m in no mood for an argument, Chun. Just help me with this zit of mine first” Jae Joong was on the edge of groaning and crying and he wasn’t even sure why. He just had this feeling from the pit of his stomach that he must not kept YunHo waiting. 

“What?!” his best friend screamed, Junsu flinched and Jae remained silent, “What did I just tell you right now, huh? Weren’t you listening?” 

“Chun, calm down” Junsu tried to sooth his boyfriend but YooChun was being stubborn. 

“Jae, that Jung YunHo who you met last night, punched me on the face for something that I didn’t do!” YooChun was fuming and his hands were balled into fists, “Last time I checked, that guy was homophobic. And now, he goes online, tells you, my best friend, that he’s ING GAY?!” 

“I really don’t care” the pretty man murmured under his breath. Implying that he didn’t care about whether what YooChun said about YunHo being homophobic was true or not. It did somewhat hurt him to know that YunHo punched his best friend but there could be a good explanation for that, right? Teenagers these days become violent when they’re very protective of themselves especially when they’re trying to hide something that the world must not know. Jae Joong could ask YunHo about what he did to YooChun when they do meet. 

YooChun’s brows furrowed hearing what Jae said and he had to make sure that what he heard was exactly right, “What?” 

“Chun, we should help Jae Joong. You can scold him later on when this is done and over, okay?” Junsu pleaded, his voice quivering, and the young man was hugging their friend who was about to pour his eyes out. 

YooChun huffed feeling something tug at his heart seeing that sight, “Okay, fine! And if you return here” he directed his gaze at Jae, “after meeting Jung YunHo not with just a zit but with a big bruise on your pretty face, I – I’m..” YooChun trailed off and stared at Jae Joong for a moment. 

The way Jae looked as he was lost in his thoughts and as if he wanted to be somewhere else rather than being here made something click in YooChun’s mind, “You really want to meet him, don’t you?” this time, his voice was softer and his anger seems to have dissipated. 

The pretty man who was still being hugged by Junsu could only nod his head and YooChun decided against groaning, so he let out a heavy, heavy sigh.


That very voice made Jung YunHo stiffen on his spot. He was sure that it wasn’t Jae Joong but...

Oh, no. It can’t be.

“Changmin?” He spun around. Not too quickly and not too slowly either. 

That crooked smile and those uneven eyes... YunHo gulped. It’s no other than Shim Changmin alright. 

YunHo was about to stand up from his seat but he wasn’t able to when Changmin sat right across from him, a cup of java chip frappucino in his grasp.

“Are you waiting for someone?” The younger man asked, as he took a sip from his drink. 

YunHo remained silent but he nodded his head. 

“Boyfriend?” Changmin smirked when he noticed how YunHo jumped hearing the word. 

“Uhm, no” the older man replied as he visibly fidgeted in his place. Awkward.

Changmin took a long sip from his beverage as he stared at YunHo, eyes filled with curiosity. “Hey” he started as the silence between them became unbearable. “About the – “ 

YunHo held a shaking hand in front of him, “I just want to make sure if what happened between us is..” he gulped then proceeded, “you know. I – I don’t know but you’ve been avoiding me lately and I’m not sure if you feel disgusted and that you don’t want to see me..”

“YunHo..” Changmin started, letting his hands lose its grip on his java chip frappucino and clasping his friend’s hand. “I’m sorry if you felt that way. What happened between us, it was great and I – well, I just had to sort my feelings. I got confused and I only wanted to be alone for a while. I wasn’t only avoiding you. I was practically avoiding everyone and I’m sorry..” 

A small smile was about to appear on YunHo’s bow shaped lips feeling that his friendship with Changmin might not go down the drain after all just because of that silly occurrence that happened between the two of them. 

“So, did you figure it out?” YunHo inquired poking at his donut.

Changmin grinned, “I am bi, YunHo. And I can’t be any surer than that” 

And after a long time that they’ve never seen each other, YunHo let out a relieved and happy laugh. He got his friend back. Changmin laughed along with him. And they both knew without even saying any words or phrases, that everything between them is fine and that it’s back to normal. 

And what YunHo needs to worry now was as of how he’s going to impress Jae Joong. 

“Changmin, I might need your help” 

“Do you think that this is going to work?” Jae Joong inquired as they neared Starbucks. 

“Okay, stop!” Junsu commanded as he took both of Jae’s shoulders and shook him, “We may have made that pimple of yours to be not so obvious with the help of the concealer but remember this, if Jung YunHo likes you, he wouldn’t really care if you have a thousand zit on your face” Junsu paused as he tried to imagine Jae Joong with lots and lots of raised spots on his beautiful face and errrr... “Okay, wait! That wasn’t what I wanted to say. Anyways, just keep it in mind, okay? That it doesn’t matter if you have that thing on your face. YunHo will like you, alright? Mark my words. He will” 

YooChun snorted and he tossed Jae Joong a blue scarf, “This will match your clothes so don’t worry” 

Jae Joong looked at what he had in his hand and speculated if he should wear it or not. He could wear the scarf around his neck and make it reach his nose. It can cover his pimple but if he tries to speak, it will muffle his voice. Sooo... 

“Thanks, Chun!” Jae Joong beamed as he donned on the scarf. He made it reach his nose and Jae looked like he was sick or something but really cute at the same time. The three of them thanked the icy cold weather making it as a great excuse for Jae to wear such garment. 

When they were just a step away from the entrance of Starbucks, the YooSu couple decided that they should enter first and Jae Joong would follow them after a few minutes. They’d like to know what will happen with this date but they promised not to interrupt anything unless if Jung YunHo goes overboard then... YooChun knows what to do. And Junsu’s there for support. 

“And speak of the devil” Changmin sing-songed, as he shoot someone a look over YunHo’s shoulder. YunHo decided against craning his head so he asked,

“Who is it?” 

Changmin smirked, still staring at the person and his companion, “Park YooChun and his boyfriend, Kim Junsu” 

“What?” YunHo’s eyes widened hearing the name, “Why is he here?” 

Changmin glanced at his friend with an annoyed look saying, are you dumb or what? “Uhm, duh? He’s here for coffee?” he returned his gaze to YooChun and Junsu and – “Uh-oh...”

YunHo panicked, “What? Did he notice you?” 

“Yeah. And he noticed you too. But there’s something else– “ 

The other man, who feels really uncomfortable of the whole situation because of what he just found out, decided that he’s done with Changmin and his suspense. YunHo chose to turn his head around and find out for himself what that something else is – 

“Hide me! Quick!” YunHo hissed as he immediately ducked in his seat and gripped his bottle of water ever so tightly.

Changmin stared at him as if YunHo escaped from a mental hospital, “Why would I do that?” 

“I can’t face him. It’s embarrassing. I – I feel terribly... Just, . This is making me feel all anxious and I – “ 

“Face who? Park YooChun?” The younger man asked, obviously teasing YunHo. 

“, Min! You know who I’m – “ 

“Excuse me. Are you YunHo?” 

, YunHo cursed in his head. This is humiliating alright. 

‘Ooooohh’, Changmin mused, eyeing the two. He likes what’s going on in here.

“That’s new” Junsu said as soon as he and his boyfriend got their orders and they seated themselves a few tables away from YunHo and his friend. 

“What ‘that’s new’ you’re talking about?” YooChun asked when glanced across the room to find his best friend already approaching that bastard Jung YunHo. 

“Didn’t you notice that YunHo was being all jumpy when he saw how Jae came to us and asked if we saw him or something? YunHo seems to be really nervous” 

YooChun groaned, “I hated how Jae blew our cover. He should have looked for YunHo himself. Now, that bastard knows we’re here to keep an eye on him” 

“Jae Joong was nervous too, Chun! You could clearly see it in his face. And by the way, does YunHo know who your best friend is? No, I don’t think so” Junsu rolled his eyes and sipped his drink. 

YooChun stared at his boyfriend with a serious face, “Okay, whatever. And no, YunHo doesn’t. But that person he’s with does. Shim Changmin knows, Su. And – “

Junsu gulped and he hit YooChun’s thigh repeatedly, “Well, uhm. I think that Shim Changmin you’re talking about is coming this way, Chun” 

YunHo and Jae Joong were seated across from each other. Changmin instantly left when Jae Joong approached them but he didn’t forget to introduce himself as YunHo’s friend. And when Changmin was out of sight, a very awkward and eerie silence took over the two and they seemed to have nothing else to say to each other seeing as to how YunHo was trying to look anywhere but not at Jae’s direction. While, the beautiful man was staring at the person across from him, wondering what he should do or say to break the deafening silence between them.

“Was.. that your friend you told me about?” Jae Joong finally inquired, his voice muffled because of the scarf he’s wearing, but that made YunHo snap his gaze at Jae for the first time. 

And seeing as to how those doe round eyes kind of bore into his, as if trying to read his mind and soul, made Jung YunHo even more uneasy. 

“Uh, yeah. That was Changmin” he replied and nodded dumbly.

Jae Joong pursed his lips, “Did you, I mean, are you two– “ 

YunHo was too preoccupied looking at Jae’s scarf (and wasn’t listening to Jae’s question), thinking at the same time how Jae Joong’s voice would sound if that thing was off. Perhaps, he’d sound really beautiful just like how mesmerizing his eyes could be and how smooth and pale his skin could get. 

“ – together now?” 

“Hmmmm” YunHo hummed, picturing out in his mind of how soothing the beautiful man’s voice would turn out – and unfortunately, Jae Joong took that humming as an answer and as a yes. And he blushed. 

“Oh! I – I’m sorry. So, that means.. Aish, this is stupid. I.. I should just leave – “ 

The feminine man instantly shoots up from his seat. He could feel tears pricking his eyes and he realized how dumb he could be thinking and imagining of the impossible. How could he assume that YunHo would like him? He only met him online and ugh, everything about this whole situation is so ed up and very embarrassing that Jae Joong wished that the ground would just swallow him up. 

“Wait!” he felt an arm grab his hand and Jae Joong was instantly spun around. He bumped his nose against something hard and toned and he looked up with a pained expression. 

Jae Joong’s breath got caught in his throat. He wasn’t really hallucinating when he first laid his eyes on Jung YunHo. The man was very handsome. He was very handsome that Jae Joong wants to cry because he could never ever have a man as good looking as this one. Without even realizing it, he was already crying. And his scarf had already ridden down from his nose to his chin. 

‘Pathetic, stupid, embarrassing!’ , Was all Jae Joong could chant in his head as he remained still on where he was and as he cried his eyes out. 

His breath hitched once again when he felt warm arms encircle his waist and pulling him against something very comforting and strong. Jae Joong was held that way for quite a while and he continued to cry not caring if people around the place were giving him weird looks because he’d already made an idiot of himself. The hell with it! 

When his sobs started to subside, a soothing voice told him, “You know, meeting in Starbucks wasn’t a good idea, eh?” the person chuckled and Jae Joong felt the vibrations of the man’s laugh as he was pressed to the person’s chest. “We should go to another place. Come with me”. 

Before the feminine man could hesitate, YunHo grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the place. Jae Joong wanted to open his mouth to protest but he was stopped when YunHo turned to look at him with a reassuring smile and said, 

“Before I forget” YunHo paused and he stood in front of Jae Joong, his right hand still clasping the smaller man’s left. He tucked a strand of hair behind Jae’s ears, his smile never leaving his pouty lips, “you’re really beautiful, Jae Joong-ah. I’m glad you came to meet me”.

Jae Joong felt all the blood in his entire system rush up to his cheeks and he looked away, trying to hide his flushed face. He also wanted to say to YunHo of how handsome he really was but the words couldn’t seem to find its way out of his lips. 

So, instead of saying something for a reply, Jae Joong smiled. 

“And of course” YunHo grinned, “that pimple of yours is cute too” 

Jae Joong squeaked and tried to hide his zit but YunHo stopped him. 

Chuckling, Yunho poked his dates’ flushed cheek, “I’ll give you a cream. It’s very affective” 

Nodding his head, Jae decided to just let his scarf settle on his neck and he cleared his throat, saying “Thanks”. Junsu might be right after all. 

Jae Joong looked up to find YunHo staring at him. And it freaked him out seeing his date being like that, “Are you okay, YunHo-ah?” 

YunHo shook his head; a goofy smile stretching his lips, Jae Joong’s voice was just... Whoa~ “I so want to kiss you right now” 

The beautiful man bit his lip, shy and flattered at the same time. “So do I” 

“Haha” YunHo laughed heartily, tightening his grip on Jae’s hand. Jae Joong couldn’t help but laugh along with him. 

YunHo, with curiosity and amusement in his eyes, took in the sight of this beautiful and laughing creature he’s with. And he realized how everything happened and passed like a blur. 

Wow, time sure flies. That was fast.

A/N: Engk-engk! xD Sorry, the ending wasn't supposed to be like this. >.< But I suddenly had this feeling of making another sequel for this sequel since I've left some things in here unexplained and unclear. *gets bricked* Hehehehe. And the only way for me to write another sequel is if I could meet James Reid once again and I get to hug him for soooooooooooo loooooooooong. :P Just kidding. I'm gonna start as soon as I could think of something. :)) Please don't forget to tell me what you think! ^^ *huggles* 
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This is a one-shot. Meaning, it's a stand alone story unless if I make a sequel. But it will depend. Hope you guys understand! :) Thank you for reading ♥


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Chapter 1: cute.. xDD d way he come into wrong conclusion.. xDD
and stranger-kun below me was right, u should linked ur seq with d ori.. all of it x)
Chapter 1: It would be totally helpful if you linked the sequel to the original story! I'm soooo glad I checked out your other stories beside Strangers Online bc this is totally awesome!
i seriously need to be bricked!! i've read this and didn't comment.. again.. =.=

kyaaa!! the ending is soooooo cute!! yep,, sequel's sequel please!!
oooh i find this fic quite cute^^ so there's a sequel? cant wait to read it ^^ update soon!