Only On Paper (Key P.O.V.)

Never Knew


One-sided love hurts… doesn’t it?
The fact that you can’t hear the other’s thoughts, doesn’t help either
You try and gain attention
Hoping that you’ll be the only person he would think about
The last person on his mind
The one that he’s dreaming about
You walk away quick enough, hoping that when you leave, he’ll wonder why you left.
When you leave, he wouldn't stop himself from watching you
A confused and sad look on his face
All you wanted was for him to acknowledge that you were there.
You didn’t do anything wrong.
You weren’t as weird as a stalker.
If this didn’t go the way you wanted, you let it go and waited for another chance
And it always happened like this
It was hard for you, yet so easy for everyone else.
How did they manage to be by his side?
Maybe it was just you.
Maybe he just disliked you
Only you.
Just you.
You would feel, as if you were nothing
You; thinking about him, didn’t manage or even try to think about anyone else
You would question yourself, then doubt yourself, get mad at him for not accepting your feelings, and then blame the one he truly loves.
It was always like this.
You couldn’t stop it, no matter how hard you tried to.
Then you would laugh to yourself, because you knew you couldn’t do anything… yet you put all your might into trying to change the outcome.
Why did this happen?
Why did you let yourself be this pathetic?
Why didn’t you let it go?
Why couldn't you let it go?
Other people wouldn’t understand.
To you, it felt different.
To everyone else, it was cliché.
The same old thing.
A person, wanting another person, not having him, acting as if the whole word just cracked into little pieces.
Well, maybe the world did.
Your world.
Consisting of only him.
Sure, you knew that you sounded like a complete crazy, mad b*tch
But, honestly, all you did was voice your opinion.
You didn’t want the ridicule
All you truly needed, was the support.
The support was there.
Everyone knew there was something wrong
You weren't your usual bubbly self, your eyes were sad, even though your mouth was turned up in a smile.
You would be caught twiddling your fingers, staring.
It was that, or your iPod was playing and you would close your eyes, losing yourself to the music.
You wanted to confront him, tell him everything.
You knew, that if you did, everything including your "relationship" would be ruined.
But right now, you didn't care.
Your feelings have been stuck, in your throat where you can't breathe and you've been trying so hard, gasping for air but now... You just want to let go.
So, this is your LAST chance before you lose both yourself And him.
So instead, you wrote.
And wrote, and wrote.
You wrote until your wrists ached, until you couldn't think of anything else to say. 
The words flowed out of you, but you couldn't stop it.
Those words formed a page, then another page and went on and on.
These pages became a letter, a long thought out, letter
You read it aloud to yourself, your words sounding really heartfelt, and you smiled.
But you wish that you knew.... 
It would only sound good, on paper.
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Domo5586 #2
Hahaha, finally finished, tell me what your thinking... Please?? *pouts*
wow that was some deep lol i liked it alot