escape time

The Panda Prince

Once upon time there was a prince named seungri he lived in the castle with his evil step brother, One day seungri walked in to his chamber and layed on his bed picked up his panda toy and smiled lightly and thinking how terrible he was treated in his own home his brother was the main problam of his life he made him do things against his own will. Being here in his chamber was still no way of getting away from him. Lost in his own world of thought, a loud noise spooked him as he jump up. The prince looked over by the door way there stood his step brother with a evil looking smirk on his face. “ what do you think your doing in bed, I didn’t allow you to rest, now go and clean the castle floors squeaky clean, it has to be so clean I can see my face in it. Now get up and do as I say or i'll rip that stupid toy of yours if you don't" Demanded as he smiled a bit walking away."Why do I even stay he locked up in my own home, it’s like a prison and I’m it’s prisoner, I must escape this place” said seungri as he got off his bed and locked the door  He tied up some of his bed sheets as he planned on sneaking out the window that afternoon. Seungri looked around of his window, it was dark and with so many stars out in the sky. seungri climbed down the rope and jumped off into the bushes. “W-what do I do now…” he thought as he ran out the front gate. As soon as he left the safety of the gates, Prince seungri knew that he would have to stay away from any harm. After wondering around he got into the near by town. He continued to walk around till he spotted bright lights coming closer to him. seungri quickly ran into an ally. The ally was quite darker then the streets, filled with trash and offensive odors with that he turned around to walk away, but something got hold of his arm and his eyes widen as he tried to run away.

"H..hey hyung what are we doing out here?" said a boy with blonde hair looking completly terrified "i thought we can take walk like get some fresh air" the other boy with a mohawk hair style and wearing baggy clothes" but its 11 a clock at night hyung..." the blonde said still scared about walking around at night" come on theres nothing going to jump out at ya" the other said as they walked down the ally way and they  notice a pale body tied up in ropes behide some bags mohawk hared boy looked closer"WHAT THE HELL!! theres a dead body!!" the blonde screamed freaking out the other hit him upside of the head" ow.. that hurt"the blonde said"hes not dead hes alive and breathing.. i'm ganna untie him" the other said untieing the ropes and takes him to the hospital
  P-please..don’t hit me anymore…what did I do wrong brother…” Tears ran down the young prince’s cheeks as he awoke, he looked around in confusion. The cool air touched his skin his pale skin.The smell of fresh cool air surrounded the room, the bed sheets as white as the walls in the room made the young prince relax a bit as he tried the stand up.He took small steps away from the bed. The rooms door suddenly opened, the prince fell down. A young boy walked in as he realized the prince fall he rushed to help him up  Oh I’m sorry are you alright, thank god you finally awoke, we thought you’d never wake so soon i'm daesung"The young prince looked over at the other. “Were I’m I..How did I get here, I only remember running away from the castle..”"well you see taeyang and I found you in an ally yesterday evaning. We brought you here to the hospital…we found your badly hurt and tied up on the floor."said daesung as he helped the young prince back up" t...thank for saving me" seungri said smiling weakly" your welcome did you say you lived in the castle?"  said taeyang said curious" yes but not anymore i don't want to be a prisoner in my own home and do thing out of my own will by my step brother" seungri said sadly and looked away" oh that's horrible you can live with us we have room for another" said daesung while smiling" r..really!? thank you so much! oh i forgot to tell you guys my name i'm seungri "seungri said surprised and happy" yup and get some rast we'll take you to our house tommrow the doctor said you would well enough to be out of the hospital"said taeyang"ok! see you guys tommrow.."said seungri smiling lightly as he layed his head on the pillow and fell asleep
A/N lol i wrote it kinda fas XD anyway i hope you guys like it ^^  sorry if theres errors and stuff  and comment and stuff i worked very hard on this  sorry if its out of character :( i'll try to make the next one longer if i can ^^
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huiyeah #1
Chapter 6: I lov it update soon x)
tarepandasan #2
Chapter 6: Ahhhh first contact ;)
Akuropanda #3
Chapter 5: oh~so taeyang knows them....
Update more~~~
i love it.please updates soon
CupNoodles4319 #5
Nice story, fast progression but still good.
Chapter 2: Cute ^^
Panda wearing girl dress??? Hahahaha i can imagine of that
Chapter 1: Update juseyooooooo