Prologue _

As Almighty as Key

Prologue _

Part 1: Thine eyes.

Kim Kibum and me had only been best-friends I say about...7 months, since the start of our senior year in high school. I know what most people think, how do you become best buds in such a short time, and why only in your last year at high school? Well our High school is pretty large you see, Holt High school is a very prestigious school that excepts predominantly foreign students and a lot at it, it's a wonder how I, ditzy Lee Ri Na, got in. Anyway being a large school is no understatement. Holt high as the students call it has around 5-6 thousand students, most of them boarding students since their parents don't live in the United Kingdom.

Kim Kibum is the all round wholesome student but he was never really close to anybody. He has near perfect grades, a booming personality and he's the schools star swimmer.  

Although if you ever ask his friends, they'd say "he likes to spend time alone", or : "he doesn't really hangout with us.."

How'd we meet you ask? A very lucky mutual taste for Apple crumble..

One of the boarding teachers, Mr Nichols. is a keen baker and arranges a cooking class every Friday for students to drop in as pleased. Most students don't even bother as Friday's and weekend's are the only time we're allowed off campus without permission. Most students are out their seats and halfway to their dorms at the 5:50 bell ready to jump into their clubbing gear, slap on the made up faces before drowning them selves in cologne or perfume with only minutes to spare to run to the local train station to catch the 7:45 to London. Anyway, Mr Nichols is my favourite teacher and he's always so cheerful when I can take a day off studying to attended his classes as I act as a teaching assistant to him helping out other students with too sticky dough or lumpy custard and quite often teach him new dishes (my mum taught me how to cook extremely well) although I'd missed all but a total of five lessons form the beginning I was positive I'd never heard of one particular student attending the class and for a fact I knew I'd never seen him attend.

However the day my friendship began with the Almighty Key was all due to a mutual liking for apple crumble.

He strode into the class as Mr N and I were setting up, at first I took no notice of the student who walked in, expecting it to be another awkward nerd who had no extra studying to do and was sure as hell not going clubbing with their self esteem and asthma problems. Then the student spoke up, with a voice like velvet that rang clear and confident causing me to look up and stare into the beautiful cat like eyes as he said "this is the cooking class right? ... If I'm not mistaken today apple crumble is the desert?"

Mr N, who was busy setting up the board full of fresh Granny Smith apples, obviously expected me to answer as he didn't speak and as I didn't either he elbowed me and said "Ri Na, you usually deal with the newbies. Go get him kitted up"

I turned to face the student who I knew had the the name Kim Kibum but everybody called him Key. Behind him all the other regular students were piling into the small closet that held the aprons.  

I took a calming deep breath and walked up to Kibum, then I introduced myself "Hi, yeah this is the cooking class and yes, today's desert is apple crumble. I'm Lee Ri Na, nice to meet you." I was surprised at how levelled and calm my voice came out, not too fast and not to cheerful to be creepy either. He was wearing dark skinny jeans and an oversized white t-shirt under a grand dad cardigan, his skin was ghost pale making his pale pink lips look full and delicious as well as highlighting his amazing cheekbones.  

He extended his hand and as I took it said " Kim Kibum, buy you can call me Key.." His hand stayed glued to mine as he raked his chocolate brown eyes over my figure. I mentally kicked myself for wearing a stupid pepper pig t-shirt rather than something girly, frilly or tight. What, do you hear yourself!? Why wear a nice top to a cooking class if its only going to end up covered in flour?  

He still didn't let go of my hand and I awkwardly wriggled my palm from his grip which made him snap back to reality, with the blink of an eye he composed himself acting as if nothing happened and said "so, you like the teaching assistant or something?"  

"Actually I am" I replied. Staring straight back into his eyes.

"Okay everybody, welcome again, as you know we've already made apple crumble quite a few times but since its a favourite of our expert baker Ri Na, we'll be cooking it again." Mr N addressed the class, telling them what we had in store for today's lesson.

I had turned to listen to Mr N when I felt hot breath on the nape of neck, it was Key, he leaded down and whispered "my favourite too.." With a cheeky smirk. He could tell his breath was sending shivers though my body, pinching all my nerves and he wasn't even touching me in fact his hands were shoved deep in his pockets as he leaned forward his blonde locks brushing past my ear as he leaned back.  

"There's a tray set up near the back everyone with a few unusual ingredients, I'd like everyone to try and make the most inventive apple crumble using at least two of the special ingredients." He said as he gestured towards the far back corner of the dimly lit room. He then me and Key. "For our new student... Ri Na why don't you just show him the basics of making an ordinary apple crumble" Mr N smiled "don't worry, no one makes it better than Ri Na here" Mr N said to Key.  

Key politely smiled and nodded back, slightly bowing, showing his Korean upbringing. 


Key didn't try anything funny again for the rest of the lesson, in fact he was quite charming and talkative. We talked about our mutual love of any baked apple desert while the other students were busy stewing crazy concoctions around us. We broke down into fits of laughter as we tried to swallow the too hot baked apples we couldn't resist but stealing from the pan. Both of us making ridiculous faces as the hot caramel coated apples burnt our tongues.

I've already gone into too much detail, but basically that's how our friendship began. The following Friday he came to the class again and I again laughed and chatted with him while teaching him the basics of cooking, he wasn't really a bad student. He continued coming to classes and confessed it was to hang out with me, then I suggested we could just actually hangout... like.. without cooking which we both agreed on. Days passed of us exchanging text messages and emails about random things like hippo milk and how fast ostriches could run. Each conversation we had though made him laugh or smile like I'd never seen him do with anyone else. We learnt each others personalities, he was sassy and very much like a diva but the most caring person I knew, always coming to my dorm room every five minutes when I was ill to check up on me or bring me food or keep me company. He learnt I loved sonnets and had almost 17 memorised and i'd start learning a new one every fortnight. he asked me to recite them for him sometimes, like when laying on the lush grassy field on a Sunday afternoon, as the sun shone down on our faces and we intertwined our fingers making a tangled mess and holding them above our heads to block the dazzling light. He also learnt I was ditzy and often spaced out, that's when he'd do something like touch my neck to bring me back to reality.

To be honest, we both felt something for each other, as it it was in the air surrounding us. But we both paid no notice, just as we paid no notice to the speculations of the students as to why we were so close.

The day something finally happened between me and key though, I didn't try and stop it. In fact I spurred it on, I wonder if I took it too far...


A/N: Annyeong, the names Lena but you can call me unni or whatever. Here's the thing. I am ridiculously biased to key or Kim Kibum from SHINee and this story was intentionally supposed to be like a oneshot or whatever but it might just turn into a fluff, keep an eye on this story for another chapter and comment and vote. Kamsamnida!:3  

(Also, apology for any mistakes there maybe I'm writing this on my iPhone because my home Internet is cut out, but when it's back, I'll edit! Okay:3 )

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KeysLockets #1
Chapter 4: THAT WAS AWESOME! Can't Wait Fr The Next Chapter~
Chapter 4: I love this story so much! It needs more attention honestly. I like how you show the reasoning behind Key's personality, and how he and Ra Ni are so close. Her outburst towards him kind of threw me off but as I re-read it, it made more sense. I hope they work things out quickly :)
Chapter 3: I love it! :D