

Sorry for  wrong of words (I still amatur in English) n Hope you enjoy it~ ^^




"I'm a witch."


 One simple sentence that which relaxed tone, is sounds very unreasonable, as if capable of hitting a Junho's awareness and make him sure that he is in dreamland.  If not, then one of them there is not sane.  It is Junho's thought.


 "If you not believe me, what I have to show anothers magic that makes you so sure?" Chansung asked while odd smiling so widely.  "And I've obviously drying small objects it —pointing  Junho's phone—, and also I makes your vehicle can use. I thought it can't be done by ordinary people in an instant, isn't it?"


 Ignore smile full of pride shown by Chansung.  Junho felt he didn't must too thankful much or cheered too by what he had just witch —word is still felt no sense in Junho's mind— it's did in front him.  After all, what's to be can use, when suddenly your a motorcycle that seen had broken, now even flew itself in over his head?


Ride on a motorcyle that is two feet above his head, Junho can't, let alone drive it.  Not to mention that there are people who see it.  He must have been the center of attention and thought the movie was filming a fantasy or whatever it's called.


 Junho sighed, and covered his face with his hands.  Why he has not been wake up well from this strange dream.


 "Listen," Junho begin a low voice that sounded not sure, still covering his face.  "No matter how much you show. I still feel-"




 Junho surprised.  The more surprised when he opened his eyes and found Chansung was lying on the asphalt in front of him -unconscious, for whatever reason.  Not to mention the sound collision of motorcyle —which fly— and crashed into a row of street trees.


 What The Hell?










"Wow," one murmur with tone admiring from the lips Nichkhun came out with a little smile.  "It's great," he added, glancing toward Taecyeon.  The tall man who exotic skinned with bandage blue-white of hanbok , there was away from him, and Taecyeon looks dwell on anything that is in a large pot in front of him.


 "At first I thought this house would be as boring, looks from outside this little house is not much different from the surrounding houses. I never thought you have to configure the inside of this place in such a way," Nichkhun throw his own body on the floor and immediately catched so well by couch 'legged'.


 Taecyeon chuckled.  Turned to Nichkhun is now lying on his couch.  "Even I've survived for five months in this world, does not mean I can't forget my own identity?"


 "Yes, yes I know."  Nichkhun waved his hand.  "One a year you're preceded of me graduating from our school. You still have not changed. Still be struggling with the experimen your concoction which increasingly weird."  Nichkhun sighed.  "So, when I had to be out looking for that bear of trouble maker?"


 "Keep calm."  Taecyeon adjusted his glasses for a moment.  Glanced at the thick book in one hand, and then focuses the gaze on the pot containing boiling green water in it.  "After I got the news from JYP last night, I've checked the area around here. And I think Chansung does not fall in this town."


 "So, where?"  Nichkhun got up from his sleep.  Ignoring cup of hot coffee that contains winged fly on his side, as if the cup has its own ideas to offer the contents of his drink on Nichkhun. The handsome boy his own hair, upset.  "Oh come on. I wanted to find him and quickly dragged him back home."


 "Don't hurry," Taecyeon grinned.  "You just not yet walk around and enjoy the world. Believe me, once you find it interesting, you definitely will not want to go back."


 Nichkhun more grinned, as if challenging Taecyeon who just speculation.  "Do not lump me with you, Taec. I'm not a nerd, who want to stay in this world, just because you want to explore all the books here, like you.. Anyway, what's so interesting to people who even can't light a candle with a flick of a finger?"  Nichkhun chuckled.


 But Taecyeon still grin.  With a wave of his hand, a pair of clothes fell on the head of Nichkhun, Nichkhun stop giggles.


 "Use it if you want to get out," Taecyeon suggestions.  "I hope you don't draw the attention of people, wuth you using it your hanbok and doing strange things. Remember, don't to break the rules."


 Nichkhun smirked, stretching out a long-sleeved red shirt with a long pants (jeans) black which Nichkhun think that material may be made of rubber.  Looking at it, Nichkhun feel uncomfortable if he use this outfit.  After all, what's so wrong with red-silver hanbok he wore. Human in here so weird, Nichkhun thought.


 "Hey, what's this?"  Nichkhun asked, confused, holding up a pair of shoes black.


 Taecyeon glanced momentarily towards Nichkhun.  "That's footwear, use at your feet. People here use it to protect their feet, because if they out of the house, they never fly."


 "Ooh ..."










Junho didn't know, to be grateful or not.  When he gets help from Jokwon for carrying Chansung's body —which unconscious for whatever reason— from taxi on the ground floor, up on the sixth floor in the building where he lived in apartemet this two year.  Of course they use the elevator.


 Having laid Chansung over couch in his living room, Jokwon and Junho can breathe.


 "So," Jokwon begin, seeing at Junho in next him.  "Who is he?"


 "I don't know," Junho straight answer.  Due to the fact Junho didn't really know about the weird boy.  That he knew, that Chansung is a witch, as he admitted earlier.  But how might Junho said that Chansung is the magician without show real evidence to Jokwon, while concerned is currently unconscious lying on the couch in front of him.


Jokwon frowned, felt odd.  "Then why did you even bother to bring him at your apartement?"


Junho seeing Jokwon, and blink twice.  "I just can not bear to see he lying alone in the middle of the road."


 Jokwon nearly fell to the floor.  What kind of ridiculous reason?  "Are you crazy huh?"


 "Maybe." Junho's eyes back to focus on a straight face in front of him, which Chansung sleeping.  Well, maybe Junho already crazy since seen a yellow light that appears at witch's fingertips and how way to dry his phone.


 Magic it was crazy, Junho admit it.  Just wait matter of time until Junho really made crazy because figure of Chansung that will probably continue to haunt him.










Too many people walk.


 Nichkhun comments to himself in mind, since he entered the city which densely populated is called Seoul —Taecyeon who introduced the name of the city, although Nichkhun actually didn't want to know the name of the city what he stepped on today.  After all, he only while here, he thought.


 This afternoon, a lot of people passing by, once again only by foot. Makes Nichkhun dizzy and itchy for not immediately fly out of his place, unfortunately Nichkhun must to be patient.  Nichkhun prefer to keep silence stood in spot since Taecyeon down him on the side of the road from the car —another strange vehicle names which Nichkhun new know-


 "I'm going to go buy the book and parking my car for a while, you should take a long walk, I'll catch up with you," Taecyeon message while odd wink at Nichkhun who almost made Khunnie spew in place.  Oh come on, his goal is for the world to look for Chansung, not to the streets.


 "Hey, they're coming!"  the shrill cries of the girl could not be ignored by Nichkhun at this time.  He turned, saw some teenagers ran and gathered at one point on the edge of a city park.  Cheers along with the hysterical young girls starting to sound along with the music sounds pretty decent bit hard, and managed to attract the attention of a few people passing by around, including Nichkhun himself.


What is wrong? What makes them look happy and excited?


 Curious, Nichkhun moved to close the assembly, and a conversation began two nearby girls Nichkhun's earshot.


 "I never get tired of watching them."


 "Me too. Unfortunately they are gathering and appears here only in the summer holidays as it is now. Ah, if only I could be dancing, I wanted to join their club."


Gathering? Dancing? Club? What kind of terms? Nichkhun thought confused.


 "I heard members of various regions outside Seoul. There also is from Busan, Daegu, and other Ilshan-"


 Then Nichkhun no longer hear the conversation of both girls it, because he prefers to go deeper into the crowd of people who form the circle.  To quickly dispel curiosity, and see what happens in the center of the circle of people.


 "Jay! Jay! Jay!"


Nichkhun stopped on the side of the circle, and finally get to see a boy with both legs stretched out position straight up while his head and his hands were down, propping himself hard, his shirt was parted down and show off partially visible six pack stomach, making some girls who saw it begin hysterical.


 "Yey! Jay Oppa freeze! Daebak!"


 Jay, that boy who had just cheered by people, it back upright.  Full of pride smile appeared on his face.  Slightly fix his hat, he stepped back, yelling.  "Yo, Udong! Your turn!"


 And other boy jumped into the middle of the circle.  Being the center of attention of the whole person, including Nichkhun.










 Knock on the door followed by the sound of the door opening from the outside.  Making Minjun's attention of game play in iPad instantly diverted. That boy who is panda lovers, it jumped down from his bed while throw his Ipad on the bed, then went to a boy fat who had just entered the room.


 "Changdae hyung! I'm ready!"  Minjun jumped for joy.  "I've packed all my stuff. I'm impatient to arrive in the swiss."  Minjun sweet smile was so wide with a narrowed his eyes so cute so elated.


 Changdae sigh, he show a face full of remorse saw the excitement his brother.  "I'm sorry Minjun."


 "What"  Minjun's smile disappeared.  "What's wrong?"


 "I was forced to cancel your vacation this time. Recently, I get an offer filming the ad for you and I've sign in. Tomorrow afternoon we've had to-"


 "No more Hyung!"  Minjun exclaimed interrupting his brother who also serves as his manager.  "This is the seventh time you invalidate my vacation, hyung! Don't always make me trapped here, while my friends are enjoying the summer holidays out there!"


 "No one put you trapped here, you just have to be professional."


 "How long will I continue prosecuted to be professional! And spent all of my youth in the contracts which I've never even seen before?"


 "Don't be too excessive. you're still eighteen years old, and many of your youth will if you have success."


 "So when exactly I achieve success in your eyes, hyung! Eleven trophies already what I got, was not enough for you? You want me to go international where else? Planet Mars?"


 "Quite Minjun. Stop being so stubborn!"  high notes out by Changdae able to make Minjun silent for awhile.  Ominous silence that was bubbling in the room atmosphere.


 "You are actually more stubborn hyung," Minjun whispered then, but Changdae not care about it.  The fat man it turned and started to leave the room.


 "If you keep doing this to me," Minjun hissed back, angry because once again his hyung was even ignoring his protests sentence.  "I'm going to go to far off place from here. If possible, I'm going to different places in the world where you can't even smell my tracks, hyung!"


 "Try it if you can!"  Changdae reply before closing the door.


 Minjun very mad.  "Look, I'm going to run away."










He's amazing


Nichkhun never once before this, saw movements flexible in rhythm music sound bits that look so in sync, it looks beautiful and cool at the same time.  Moreover, how can a just human to do it without any magic.  He must have been working hard, or indeed already have the natural talent of its own.  Nichkhun didn't know which one is correct, but clearly he was fascinated.


 Seeing that boy dance, how pounding hard at every joint of his body, and sometimes softened suddenly, or do a herky-jerky movements.  Which sometimes looks cool, funny, and awesome.  Obviously not everyone can do that.  Even a witch.  They're witch can only waved them all and cast a spell, and certainly can not do the whole body movement sync with music.


 Nichkhun view was so focused on that boy dancing in front of him.  He seeing how his eyes look so serious and excited at the same time.  How sweats soaks his milk white skin that looks more sparkling with sunshine in the summer like this.


And when the R & B music is played so loud from spekear brought by street dance club, stop.  The chubby cheeks boy that was ultimately to stop the movement with the flap closure looks awesome, and he straightened up, holding out his hand on either side, as his bit breathless.


 Voice became loud applause beginning of a sweet smile that appeared on his cute face.  And when his eyes accidentally met with Nichkhun, while that chubby cheeks boy still showing off a smile that looked so excited ... the witch boy don't know, Nichkhun himself can't describe it clearly.  But clearly, when he met his onyx eyes, Nichkhun sure the world around him as if had stopped, even for just a moment.









 "You're amazing Udong! As usual."  Jaebeom arm around Wooyoung, while providing a glimpse of his bottle.  Set of the audience had already come to an end, all that remains is a few people who joined their club and is resting on one side of the city park.


 "Thank you hyung," Wooyoung received the bottle, smiling.  "But you're still better than me."  He struck gently on Jaebeom's shoulder. Making his hyung reply the grinning with his praise.


 "Unfortunately, Junho did not come this year," Yoseob said , that small-faced boy  sitting in front of them.  "I think it would be exciting if you duet as usual."


 "I'm sorry," Wooyoung shows the face of regret.  "Junho can't come this year because he had an extra class hours in the summer."


 "No problem," Jaebom trying to entertain with patted Wooyoung's back.  "What makes me worried is actually yourself. I saw, since last night you looked nervous because you yet got the news from Junho. So how?"


 Wooyoung sighed.  "That's it, hyung, who made me want to get back home to Busan. Somehow my feel says Junho need me there."


 Yoseob chuckled.  "Intuition is the twin brother could not doubt, right?"


Wooyoung just grin and shrugged his shoulders.  "Well, yes."  He had just turned around, will going take his bag, when suddenly his eyes meet rests on a red shirt and barely make him hit.


 Fortunately, Wooyoung immediately stopped.  Blinked in surprise, he slightly glanced up and made eye contact with a stranger person who smiles so wide to him.


 "Hi. I'm Nichkhun."


 Wooyoung blinked as heard the husky voice.  "Oh, hi," a little hesitation, he replied.  "I'm Wooyoung."  Maybe that boy in front of them are interested in joining their club.


 "Nice name." seems Nichkhun's eyes gleam shone though in an instant.


 "Thank you."  Wooyoung glanced his friends, then Jaebeom jerked his chin toward that him, as a signal to Wooyoung to take care new member.


 Wooyoung went back to staring at Nichkhun.  "So-"


 "I like you."


 "Eh? What?"  Wooyoung blink twice again, staring at Nichkhun who was not yet removes his smile.


"I like you."  Nichkhun reply again.


 Snort of laughter sounded from the back of Wooyoung.  The chubby cheeks boy sure predicted that if current Jeabom and his friends secretly laugh behind him.


 Wooyoung sighed.  One of his hands covering his face in shame.  "Listen, it looks like you-"


 Wooyoung gasped when suddenly the other his hand pulled forward.  When Wooyoung has just opened his eyes from a hand covering his face, he was more surprised to see Nichkhun is slightly bowed and kissed the back of his hand.


Then he glanced up to Wooyoung.  "Just tell me what your wish. I'll let you in a heartbeat."


 Wooyoung suddenly feel his blood all rippled and gathered over his face.  The more thoroughly ashamed when he heard whistling teasing from friends in him behind .


 It's very embarrassing.  Foreign youth in front of him really too cliché.  Who does he think he is in the days of yore, so it was half-crouched position it looks like a prince apply directly princess who for the first time he knew?


 Although was not exactly happy.  Somehow Wooyoung still not able to cast a word of protest, or at least pulled his hand from Nichkhun.  Nichkhun's stares that seemed so serious able to make Wooyoung's sense tingle.


 "Sorry to interrupt," another voice interrupt them, and appealing Nichkhun's hands to release his grip on Wooyoung.


Wooyoung blinked once again, feel confused.  While direct Nichkhun glared at the offender who had just come.  "Taecyeon what are you-"


 "We must to go back," Taecyeon cut immediately with a serious tone.  Nichkhun reply stared with equal sharpness.  Taecyeon then turned to Wooyoung and slightly bowed politely.  "Sorry to disturb you."  Afterwards, he then left, dragging Nichkhun, ignoring of the protests from his friend.


 Wooyoung was still frozen in spot.  Staring at the departure of two tall boys is much higher than 180cm.  Somehow that their shadow seemed to disappear in an instant when it entered into a crowd of people milling around.


 A pat slowly on the shoulder from Jaebom, able to make Wooyoung immediately snapped out of the ground that he departure.


 "So... what now?"  Jaebom glances made with light teasing.  "You're going to cancel your return to Busan for getting a date?"


 Instantly the white face Wooyoung being blushed so violently.  "Hyung!"









Nichkhun pouted.  Suddenly plagued pleasure really make him very upset.


 Taecyeon is driving his car with fast, just glanced at Nichkhun on his side.


 "You should date a fairy in around of woods ultra (in the wizarding world). But for people here, the answer is no. Believe me, the one that will only get you in trouble."


 "Why do I always have to believe what you're saying?"  Nichkhun protest, did not accept.  "Moreover, to what we must back home? I think we must to look Chansung for first."


 Taecyeon glanced bit with suspiciously at Nichkhun.  As if he guessed the thought Nichkhun will get back to the chubby cheeks boy it than to not go looking for Chansung.  But Taecyeon tried to ignore his hunch and answer questions Nichkhun.


 "I just get a strange signal from my house. I think there is an intruder."  Taecyeon finally get to see his house down the road.  He immediately pulled over without bothering parked properly in the trunk.


 "Intruder?"  Nichkhun frowned strange.


 Taecyeon get out of his car and ran toward the door.  His hunch was started feeling not good as he see light green smoke gushed out from house, so Taecyeon opened the door of his house.


 He misgivings after he heard the faint sound of coughing when Taecyeon stepped further into the core of his house.  And his eyes widened surprised when he saw a figure person sitting cross-legged in side pot that has been lying beside him, with green liquid flowing and reminisce around the floor under the boy who Taecyeon not know.


 "Y-you ..!"  Taecyeon choked voice as he look rather messy situation.


The boy it who looks at the voice of another.  His eyes go wide surprised at the Taecyeon's figure who strapping standing before him.  "I-I ..."  He tried to stand up from his seat, but only for a second he felt his foots being weak, suddenly slammed his body back and falling down.  As if his joints do not have the strength to hold him.  Not to mention, he felt his hand felt so weak and difficult to be moved.


 "What the—"


 "Who are you?"


That boy gasped when Taecyeon suddenly squatting in front of him and grabbed his shoulders so tightly, forcing he to reply stare at Taecyeon's eyes.


"M-minjun," Minjun a little hesitan thimself  when introducing his name.  Between fear and doubt that this homeowner knows his identity as a top artist and instead sent him back to his brother.


 Taecyeon blinked.  Seeing the boy's face in front of him in close up like this makes Taecyeon feel familiar with the faces.  But he tried to ignore it.


 "What are you doing here?"  Taecyeon swishing angry.  "Why did you dump the contents of my pots? And why should you exposed my newest experiment concoction?"


 Minjun's expression turned into a scared and confused.  "Ww-what are you talking about? C-concoction? Concoction what?"


 Saw Minjun's face that seemed to not know anything, making Taecyeon feeling increasingly restless and anxious.


 "W-wait," Taecyeon voice sounded choked.  "Don't tell me you're not a witch."


 This time Minjun is flashing with a strange expression.  "Witch? What you mean—" Minjun could not get the words out when accidentally his eyes glance on the floor in front of him, and found Taecyeon's feet did not touch the green puddles on the floor around them.  Even seens that Taecyeon's leg floating, not touching the floor even an inch.


 Minjun's throat feels choked with shock that continues.  His eyes widened as he looked up horror, and found another boy -Nichkhun- in behind Taecyeon, who his head position in down while his feet in above, hovering in the air with a casual, which oddly,  even Nichkhun's black hair looks neat, as if not disturbed with the force of gravity on earth.


Nichkhun grinned casual get shocked glare from Minjun.  The witch waved his hand even without any doubt.  "Hello,"


 And two seconds later, Minjun lost consciousness instantly.  Fainting with great shock that swept him.










In morning.  Junho woke up a little late, as usual.  He walked out of the room with a sense of lazy.  His eyes narrowed when he found an empty couch in his living room without anyone laying there.  Maybe Chansung was gone after he wake up.




 Unfortunately Junho's predictions directly refuted when he heard greeting so jovial from a husky voice began to feel familiar to Junho since last night.


Junho turned, found Chansung that seemed busy in the kitchen.


 "What are you doing in there?"  Junho asked as he moved toward the tall boy.


 "Make you breakfast."  a plate drifted and landed so good on the dining table which lies not far from the kitchen.


 Junho was surprised by the action of magic wich an unusual in his eyes.  But soon he immediately tried to calm himself. It's only for temporary, Junho, be patient a little, he said himself in mind


 Junho sit at the kitchen table.  Winced a little strange when it see food that looks half-wet and without shape, orange, such as coarse pulp, which is more visible as horse food, rather than human food as usual.


 "Err, what's this?"  Junho looked disgusted when he scooped up the food with a orange thick gravy more looks like mucus.


 "That's your breakfast. I made it from a variety of foods that I found in the icy wardrobe," Chansung said, as he took a seat in front of Junho.  "Taste it. It does not seem like its looks outside."


 "You're not trying to poison me?"  Junho asked with a look of suspicion.


 Chansung immediately shook his head quickly.  "Of course not. How can I might poison the people who have done good to me. You accept me even let i to stay in your house after I was unconscious last night."


 Junho immediately remember something.  "Ah yes. Regarding last night. Why'd you suddenly fainted in front of me? You almost got me a heart attack because suddenly I thinks you're dead."


 Chansung looks very touched.  "Oh, look. Even you looks really concern at me."


Not, stupid! I just don't want to be accused as a murderer because I am only person who was in the neighborhood that night, Junho replied in mind.  And of course don't want said out harder.


 "It seems like overnight I drop total. I've put out my magic too much," -because blurred from school magic- Chansung added in the mind.  "Therefore, I simply knocked out by the loss of my magic power. But calm, after I get some sunshine this morning. I was back to normal."


 Junho gaping, did not fully understand the explanation that seemed so strange in his ears.  He then shook his head slowly and sighed.  Choosing not to think much about it.  "It's up to you."


 His hand shoveling weird food in front of him.  bit hesitating, though eventually he tried to taste it a little.  And it turns out Chansung say was right.  It feels incredible.  Much better than the standard luxurious restaurant food he had ever eaten.


 "Wow," Junho gasped.  Immediately he returned a hearty meal, appetite increased drastic.


Chansung smiled so big.  Waved his hand again and a glass of milk fly from the kitchen to the dining table, right next to Junho.


 Once again, Junho tried to calm himself from the shocking things like that.


 "So," Junho start after spending food strange but delicious made by Chansung.  "When are you going back to where you came from?"  Junho was smart enough to realize that Chansung is not from their world.  Well, of course they are very different.  Chansung is a witch-outdated-looking, while Junho only human.


 Chansung scratched his neck, a little hesitation he finally replied.  "Even if I wanted to go back, I don't know how."


 Junho frowned, uneasy premonition began to see the doubt in the Chansung's face. "You mean?"  Junho took a glass of milk and drink it with a glance at Chansung, waiting for the answer.


 "Yes that was the one. I don't know where the gates of the intermediaries in this world. But don't worry. I don't mind staying with you."




 Junho spitting out his drink and looked full of horror at Chansung.  "W-what?"


 But for Junho, he felt very mind letting Chansung stay with him.









~To Be Continued~



Honestly, I'm laugh so loud myself while writing the scenes Nichkhun with Wooyoung.  Hahahaha ...

Thankyou so much for subscribe and left comment~ :D


Thank you.. ^^

~ Sayaka Dini~


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person who's so perfect?

ini sama dengan pacarku seorang penyihirkan nun :3 seeengnya ada versi inggris :)
samito #2
Chapter 2: vas aactulizar pronto????
Chapter 2: kkkk)))Maknae here is so cute
I like character Channie))
Chapter 2: kekekekeke khunnie-ah..u're so funny... i can imagine woo's face at that time..good job..good job!!! author-nim..plz keep it up :D
NENO1234 #5
Chapter 2: Hehehe interesting .. write more about minjun :D Please cause this is awesome i Like it
sharfawoo #6
Chapter 1: Its interesting~ :D please update soonn :)
Chapter 1: kekekeke~~ that's sooooo cool..plz update soon,will ya? :)
Chapter 1: Wakakaka .. it's funny .. next chapter ^^
Person who's So Perfect??? Nice try unni XD is the story same with the Indonesian version?