
BFB (Bestfriend's Brother)



A female junior shouted while she made her way to one of her haunts, seeing a brown-haired guy kissing a black-haired boy in a bench. She was not fazed by the action and had ignored it completely, before she pinched the brown-haired guy's ear and pulled him away using the same ear. 

"Did you know how much pain I suffered from waiting?!!" she continued to shout. 

"Ahh!! Jaeyeon stop it!!" he screamed. 

"And what? Leave me embarassed in the school canteen?" 

"Oh god Yeonie stop pinching Gyujiji's ear!" the black-haired boy cut in. 

Jaeyeon sighed and let go of the now blood red ear. "You will really get killed once you did it again."

"What did I do wrong? I just ate lunch separately! I texted you!" Sunggyu complained. 

"No you didn't! You texted Myungsoo," she emphasized. 

"I texted him?? NO LOOK," he argued, fishing out his phone. "I texted y-- Myungsoo." 

"See?! And I called you for god's sake! I was freaking embarassed!" 



Jaeyeon was sitting in the only available table in the canteen, the middle table. She didn't have a choice but sit in the middle before anyone could sit in it. Thankfully, no one but her sat in there. She waited for ten minutes for his best friend Sunggyu to arrive. But he didn't come on the right time. She then wondered. Not one time did Sunggyu became not punctual with his word. He was always dead-on with his time. Not a single second would pass. 

She tried calling the older boy. The first call; all she heard was ringing and the lady voice saying the subscriber cannot be reached. The second call; it happened once again. The third call; she regretted why she called, and wondered why on earth will they answer. 

"Ahh! Sunggyu more! Deeper, harder!" the voice in the phone moaned. 

She was devastated and switched off the phone in an instant. She looked around the canteen, seeing people staring and/or glaring daggers at her. Some boys just laughed it off. 


"Umm... I maybe hit the 'answer' button while rentlessly..." Woohyun sheepishly said, scratching his nape awkwardly.

"The people stared at me god damn it!!" Jaeyeon answered, still frustrated. 

"Wait, how did you know I accidentally texted Myungie?" Sunggyu asked in confusion. 

"Because...." she trailed and pouted, sitting on the bench and blushing deeply. 

"I guess it wasn't a total loss?" Sunggyu grinned playfully, receiving a smack from the younger. 

"Ugh. Yeonie stop that! Gyujiji is hurt," Woohyun pouted as he hugged the elder. "But tell us what happened!" he soon added with a grin. 


Jaeyeon ate frustratedly, glaring at the people who were staring at her. Who would stare at a girl with a phone that calls for Sunggyu. She sighed exasperatingly. Her image of eating peacefully with her best friend ruined with his ual frustration. UGH.

She had been eating her spaghetti as she pouted, before a shadow was casted before her. She looked up, and saw a heavenly being smiling brightly at her. The boy was her angel without wings. 

"Ahh Jaeyeon?" he called out, doing one of his famous eye smiles. 

"Nae?" she answered sweetly, as if her rage went away so easily. 

"Gyu-hyung texted me. He said he won't be joining you for lunch.. So can I join instead?" he asked shyly. 

She couldn't help but melt inside. A billion of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. 

"Ahh sure!!" she answered, maybe a little too excited. 

The boy smiled and sat across the girl, starting to eat his kimchi chigae. 

"So... You like kimchi chigae?" she asked, trying to make a conversation.

"We have a whole stock in our house."

"Really Gyu-oppa i okay with that?"

The boy stopped and looked kinda annoyed with the question, which made the girl uneasy.

"Ahh yeah. Gyu-hyung is okay with that, thankfully." 

She then became worried just by looking at his face. He seemed annoyed with her question. 

"Ahh Sorry Myungsoo... I didn't know I could offend you with that.." she said. 

"Aniyo, it's not the question. It's... ugh. Nevermind," he said, standing up and leaving the table. 

She looked perplexed as her "angel" leave her alone. 


"And poof. He's gone," Jaeyeon narrated while she pouted. 

Woohyun was completely confused while Sunggyu was grinning as if he was a chesire cat. 

"He's jealous you know," Sunggyu deduced.

"What do you mean?" Woohyun and Jaeyeon asked in unison.

"Gyu-oppa this. Gyu-oppa that. Why can't I hear 'Soo-oppa this or L-oppa that'??" Sunggyu had tried his best to imitate Myungsoo's voice before he laughed loudly.

That time Woohyun already knew what was going on and couldn't help but grin brightly. Meanwhile, Jaeyeon was in awe. She couldn't say a word. She couldn't imagine how Myungsoo, the Myungsoo she had always dreamt of, would say such words. 

"Did he really say that?" Jaeyeon said in disbelief.

"Why would I lie? Once we go home he would rant about his day, and how you don't notice him in your class..." Sunggyu trailed off. 

Jaeyeon's mind was in a mush as Sunggyu kept telling about Myungsoo in their house. It's like a dream come true how Myungsoo thinks about her. Her brain got haywired but a sentence made her come back to reality. 

"And you know what he said he likes the best? He said that he liked it best if you made a sign just for him, and during our performances you would raise that sign," Sunggyu said, imitating Myungsoo's voice again. 

Suddenly, a phone rang. Jaeyeon came back to reality and looked at the phone. "Angel" was the person's contact name. Her eyes widen as she stood up. 

"Oh god it's my mom. I need to go now!" she said hurriedly as she ran away from their haunt. 

"Bye Yeonie!" the couple said in unison. 

"Should we continue what we stopped?" Woohyun said suggestively. 


"Why did you call at this time?" Jaeyeon answered the call, leisurely walking in the sidewalk. 

"What? Is it wrong to call you at this time?" a voice of a male answered. "You were with Gyu-hyung, weren't you?" 

Jaeyeon felt the coldness around the latter's voice. 

"No. I mean yes but..." 

"Thought so. Go play with him I must be disturbing you guys..."

"No, no-- He cut off..." she pouted as she turned her phone to sleep. "He doesn't even know he's the only one." Afterwards she grumpily walked to her home, but before she went home, she had gone to the convenience store to buy some things. 


"Would Jaeyeon be watching, hyung?" Myungsoo asked as he set the amplifier to 'on' and tested some chords to tell if it's okay. 

"She never missed any of our shows, didn't she? So rest assured, Myungie," Sunggyu comforted with a smile. 

"I never get the sign I want," the younger trailed with a pout.

"Do you even tell her to do a sign?" the older deadpanned while arranging the mics and the other speakers. He looked at the other with a sheepish smile on his face. "See? You don't ask her to."

"But it's embarassing!" Myungsoo said. 

"There's no embarassment in love, Myungsoo," Woohyun cut in as he set the mics in their stands. 

Myungsoo huffed air as he played some chords in the guitar, which made Sunggyu grin. 

"You wanna play that tonight?" Sunggyu asked. 

"What this? We haven't practiced this song that much," Myungsoo reminded. 

"Well we could practice for the rest of the hours," Woohyun smiled, accompanying his boyfriend. 

Myungsoo had thought for a while before the rest of their bandmates came. 

"What did we missed?" a boy named Sungyeol said with a grin. 


Jaeyeon was waiting in the crowd of fans. Their band "Infinite", that was established by the Kim brothers (Sunggyu and Myungsoo), was quite famous, judging from the crowd that was always on their performances. They composed of seven members: Sunggyu and Woohyun for the vocals, Myungsoo and Hoya for rhythm guitar, Sungyeol for drums, Dongwoo for the bass and rapper if their songs have rap, and lastly Sungjong for keyboard. Quite a big band if you ask her. 

She waited patiently for 7pm to strike. It was the start of their performance always on a bar. They were regulars in it and sang great covers and sometimes original songs. The lights dimmed, signalling it was starting already. Her heart pounded as a familiar music played. They played a cover of CNBlue's "Love". It was a hit song during that time. Being a fangirl herself, she yelled excitedly in the beat, sometimes shouting the lyrics. 

She watched how the band performed greatly, but something was odd. SUnggyu kept looking around as well as Myungsoo. Sunggyu then saw me and made eye contact while singing the chorus. He gave me that what-the-hell-show-it-already look, while I gave a later-it's-not-time-yet look. He furrowed his eyebrows, but continued singing. 

Love, Love, Love.

Everybody clap, clap, clap. 

Everybody was in sync. Not one note nor sound misplaced. It was truly breathtaking. After the last note was played, Sunggyu spoke up. 

"Annyeonghaseyo! Infinite imnida! We're going to perform a new song that our guitarist Myungsoo wrote. Please anticipate!" Sunggyu introduced as Sungyeol gave the beat. 

She wondered when did Myungsoo wrote such song. Listening to it made Jaeyeon's heart beat faster. She felt that song is for her. Not a fangirl instinct, but like he was confessing already through the song. She sighed lightly, thinking it was time already. She raised a placard while the vocalists sang the chorus. All of the eyes of the members went straight to the sign, and Myungsoo grinned very brightly. 

"I love you, Myugsoo-oppa.  --Jaeyeonie" it wrote. 

Myungsoo was energized as ever. Sunggyu and Woohyun exhanged looks with a bright smile on their faces as the eldest signalled to do the chorus once again. 

Be mine, i love you, okay.. eo~?
I worry about you, okay..  eo~?
I’ll take care of you till the end
Be mine, you know me, right.. eo~?
You saw me right, eo?
I’ll protect you till the end

Jaeyeon smiled brightly as Dongwoo ended the song with a rap. The performance ended and loud applause came. The crowd loved the performance. They sang a few more songs before they ended their whole mini-miniconcert, as what she puts it. She stayed in her spot until the crowd goes away, while the members put out the instruments. Myungsoo then ran down the stage and stopped in front of the girl. Jaeyeon blushed deeply as she looked up to the boy. 

"Did you like it?" Jaeyeon asked. 

"Loved it," Myungsoo had smiled before he cupped the girl's cheek and leaned down to kiss her in the lips. 

That's it. Jaeyeon's heart stopped. All of the butterflies in her stomach kept racing throughout. She had frozen where she was standing before she kissed him back, smiling ever so sweetly in between the kiss. They both closed their eyes and melted in their kiss. 

Sunggyu smiled happily at the scene and looked back at Woohyun. 

"See I told you. Myungsoo is just perfect for Jaeyeon."

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