EunHae - Part 1 - Some Thing's Are Better Not Seen

It's Pretty Simple, Sir!

Donghae blushed, and looked towards the floor, “N-no sir, I was uh, asking for a friend”. Donghae looked up towards the teacher and watched as the elder’s eyebrows rose, giving him the “why don’t I believe you” look but not pushing the question further. The elder started to move towards the door, beckoning the younger to follow.


“Come on, its late and you must be getting hungry and tired. I’ll walk you to the gates if you want.” Donghae’s eyes widened at the teachers offer but waved his hand, silently telling the other not to worry. “It’s ok Mr Lee, its not that far for me, go home, you must be tired.”


Mr Lee shrugged his shoulders and opened the door. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then Donghae”. The younger nodded and packed up his things. Flicking the lights off in the room Donghae started his walk through the now empty school. Mr Lee was quite a bit ahead of him since the younger had straggled to collect his things together.


Walking slowly to his locker, he unlocked it and grabbed the things he would need for that night. Shutting his locker, he started to walk towards the school gate. Placing his headphones in his ears, he started his walk home. Donghae watched around him as he walked, watching the sun lower in the sky, and the landscape around him. He imagined him and Mr Lee, or Hyukjae walking hand in hand down this same road, whispering to each other, giggling and smiling. He imagined being able to kiss the elder, hiding in classrooms from teachers and students and being able to be in his arms at night.


His dreams came shattering down when he saw his teacher a few feet in front of him, his arm around a girl and kissing her passionately. Donghae watched the scene in front of him unfold, as the girl got into a car and his teacher walked off, waving as she was driven off. Donghae felt tears collecting in the bottom of his eyes and he sniffed, wishing he hadn’t seen Mr Lee and the girl.


Walking briskly to his house, Donghae wiped his eyes, not wanting his family to see him crying. They already knew about him being gay, but they didn’t know about his crush on the English teacher. He knew his mother would disapprove instantly, just like she had when he had come out, and he didn’t want another fight with his parents, he had enough of them already.


Walking up the steps of his house, he wiped the last remaining tears from his eyes. Raising his head, he walked into the house, shouting that he was home, and raced for his room, locking the door in the process. He wasn’t ready to face his parents, scared they might realise he had been crying, and scold him for being a cry-baby and being a weakling, or someone who couldn’t take over the family company.


Donghae walked towards his mirror, and looked at his puffy eyes. Walking to his connected bathroom, he splashed cold water on his face, and breathed in and out slowly, watching as his eyes went from blood-shot and puffy to brown again. Sniffling once, he walked out of the bathroom and towards his parents, not looking forward to that night or tomorrow.



Mr Lee watched Donghae’s retreating back as he walked down the road. He had seen the younger when he had kissed his what was now ex-girlfriend. Sighing heavily, he slumped down on his lounge, and placed his head in his hands. Hyukjae had been in love with the younger for as long he could remember. He remembered walking through the gates of Mirotic High the first day, and instantly Donghae had caught his eye.


However, Hyukjae knew he could not be with the boy, so he tried everything else. He tried different girlfriends, one night stands and dates but none worked. Nothing could get the younger out of Hyukjae’s head. The blonde desperately wanted the younger to be his, and by Donghae’s expression, the younger felt the same. However, his career was on the line, and so his family. If his family ever found out about his uality, he would have to kiss his family goodbye.


For they were the reason behind the dates, the different girlfriends and the one night stands. They were the reason why he would never be able to take Donghae out for a perfect date, and the reason why Hyukjae had to stay straight. One slip, and he would be exiled from his family.


Getting up and walking towards the bar, he grabbed himself a bottle of soju, popped the lid and drank straight from the bottle. He could feel his body going numb, and he smiled. Finally, he might be able to forget about Lee Donghae for a while.



Hi! So, I promised to update this, and I did ^^ Sorry its a terrible chapter, I have a massive case of writers block right now, and everytime I read this chapter again I was so not happy with it! Sorry, I apologize once again for a terrible chapter..... Some might make me write better.... but that is a a bit further in the story.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~ In other news, Yesung leaves in  I believe it is 9 days ;-; I am going to cry when he goes~ Also, MY BIRTHDAY IS SOON! 25 days!!! And then Yuya Matsua's is three days after mine (OMFG) but yeah.... I should be updating this before or on my birthday!

So, goodbye for now

Saranghaeyo <3


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Guess what! The next chap is 3/4 written! Sorry for the wait, joys of mental health! Will be up tomorrow I promise!!!


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AishahChangminnie #1
Chapter 9: What will happen to HoMin ??? Please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: hope yunho and changmin also become couple like wonyu... thank god kyu's parents accepted them but what abt donghae...hopefully he also gets his happy ending...
Chapter 8: Hope wonnie's parents won't try to separate wonkyu...
HominYC #4
Chapter 8: it is okay . Take care
banzaianime #5
Chapter 7: Next n more homin please thanks :)
again... short wonkyu -_- but I'm all for Hae confessing to Hyuk cuz he doesn't need to suffer any longer!
HominYC #7
Chapter 7: I wonder what will happen When Homin will spend the night together
akarinami984 #8
Chapter 6: I can't wait for Changmin's ultimate confession! Fighting Changmin-ah~~ You met EYK??????? adkjaflkdjakjf Lucky!!!
HominYC #9
Chapter 6: I hope that will fix things soon
update again