My Sun

SNSD OneShots

“Five more, Yul! Finish it! Come on you can do it!” My best friend Sooyoung was helping me finish my weekly exercises, but I was already exhausted. She pushed me to do more than I’m used to.

“I can’t, Soo…it’s too much” I panted, trying to complete the rep.

“Think of Sunny! Don’t let your strength fade!!” Sooyoung held my legs with one hand while her other hand held up Sunny’s DS. That was enough encouragement to push quickly through the last five.

“Wooh! Damn Yul you have that power!” Sooyoung tossed the DS to me, which I struggled to catch.

“Soo! How did you even get this?! She has it under lock and key.” I examined and confirmed that this was Sunny’s absolute favorite DS. I looked up to see a sly grin.

“Taeyeon’s her favorite cousin. Of course I could get anything from her.” Sooyoung sent me a wink while I gagged at her. She chuckled and tossed a towel at me.

“You should shower soon. Tae will be here in about 10 minutes, so I’ll keep her occupied while you get ready.” I nodded and sat down as I headed to the shower.

About 30 minutes later I entered the living room to see Sooyoung on the phone, Taeyeon still wasn’t around.

“What the , Taeyeon? Are you sure??” I stopped outside the doorway.

“….Okay, yea we will be on our way soon. Yea….I will. I love you too, Tae.” She hung up the phone and rubbed her eyes. I came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and frowned.

“Are you okay, Soo?” She nodded. Then bit her lip. A tell-tale sign she had something important to say.

“What’s up, Sooyoung?” She takes a deep breath.

“Taeyeon just called. Sunny’s in the hospital.” My heart dropped.


“She got into a car accident a few days ago….Taeyeon is her number one contact and she called me cuz she knew I’d be with you today. We have to meet Tae there.” I nodded, though I felt numb. I could barely feel her leading me to the car.

It was a completely silent drive all the way to the hospital and when we finally arrived, a very anxious Taeyeon sat there with her face buried in her arms. Sooyoung approached her and wrapped her arms around her.

“She’s gonna be okay, Taeyeon.” I could hear Sooyoung soothing her.

“Ms. Kim?” A doctor approached with a slight smile on her face. Taeyeon stood up.

“Dr. Jung, how is she?”

“She’s been stabilized. You must be Ms. Choi and Ms. Kwon.” She addressed Sooyoung and I, we nodded.

“My apologies. We weren’t able to find her identification and didn’t have time to contact all three of you when we found out, so we went with her number one emergency contact.”

“It’s fine, doctor, we understand.” Sooyoung said.

There was beeping and a nurse came running down the hallway.

“Doctor, it’s Sunkyu.” The doctor nodded and quickly turned and followed the nurse to Sunny’s room.

I knew I shouldn’t follow because I wasn’t authorized, but I couldn’t help it. There were nurses rushing in and out of the room.

“200! Clear!....come on, girl. 300! Clear! Hwang, get the new wrapping ready.” The nurse from earlier scrambled through the sea of nurses toward the door. I backed up so she had space. She stopped and looked at me.

“She’s going to be fine. There’s no need to cry. We’ve got her.” I was crying? I wiped my cheeks and felt the tears drop onto my hands. She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and gave me an eyesmile before grabbing the wrapping and rushing back into the room.

“Hwang get over here.” The nurse moved closer to the bed.

“Come on, Sunkyu. Fight! You have a great girl out there waiting for you.” She said. That seemed to do the trick because her heartbeat started up again. The doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

“Okay, the rest of you clear out and tend to other patients. Hwang and I will rewrap her.” The other nurses dispersed, not paying me any mind.

“Ms. Kwon?” I peered into the room. Dr. Jung was looking at me and motioned me to enter.

“Just Yuri please. How is she?”

“Stabilized, but still unconscious….normally we wouldn’t allow this so soon after a strain like this, but can you please stay in this room and talk to Sunkyu—” I cut her off.

“Sunny. I didn’t correct before, but she likes to be called Sunny.”

“Sunny, I apologize. But it seems you have an effect that keeps her with us in all ways except consciousness. Hopefully, that will change with time. Nurse Hwang will be around. She is Sunny’s assigned nurse. I will be around too, but it will probably be easier to have her around more constantly than me.” I nodded.

“Thank you, doctor.” She nodded back.

“I will go tell Ms. Kim and Ms. Choi that they can come visit after Nurse Hwang is finished checking vitals.” She excused herself, leaving Nurse Hwang and I. The nurse started her work and I sat watching her.

“You can call me Tiffany. Nurse Hwang is just a formality that Jessi uses to keep up her professional image.”

“Well, Tiffany, thank you for being here.”

“No need to thank me, it’s my job and I love helping people” she smiled as she finished checking Sunny’s vitals.

“So…girlfriend?” She gestured to the unconscious girl. I nodded.

“3 years next month” she squealed.

“Well, she’s very lucky to have you, Yuri. I’m going to go report the vitals to Jessica, but I’ll be back. Just hit that red button if you need me” she walked out of the room.

“Sunny, I love you so much. And I know you’re probably in pain, but I need you to push through it for you and I okay? I need you here. I don’t know what I’ll do without you. You’re like no other, Bunny. You’re my sunshine. The reason why I wake up in the morning. I can’t lose you. I love you.” I watched as she remained unconscious. Taeyeon and Sooyoung entered.

“How is she, buddy?”

“Better. She’s got a great doctor and the nicest nurse.”

“That’s good. I expect nothing less for my baby cousin.” Sooyoung nudged her.

“She’s like….a few months younger than you.”

“Younger and shorter, so my baby cousin.” I rolled my eyes with a smile.

“They’re hoping she’ll wake up soon.”

“And she will. She’s a fighter.” Sooyoung pat my arm. Tiffany came back and smiled at us.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany. I’m Sunny’s assigned nurse.”

“I’m Taeyeon, and this is my girlfriend, Sooyoung” Taeyeon said as she shook Tiffany’s hand.

“Thank you for taking care of our friend.” Sooyoung added.

“It’s no trouble. Like I told Yuri, I love this job and taking care of the patients is great, knowing I can help.” I sat next to Sunny and held her hand.

“Hey baby…I’m here and I’m not leaving til you’re out.” Sunny’s heart beat started speeding up.

“Well that’s new…” Tiffany went over to check her monitor. Soon her heartbeat slowed again and Sunny opened her eyes.

3rd Person POV

“Y-Yuri?” Sunny’s eyes opened slowly.

“Tae? Soo?” she groaned.

“Sunny, you’re awake…this is a pleasant surprise. I’m gonna go get the doctor” Tiffany said, leaving quickly.

“Where am I?”

“The hospital, pabo….you got into a car accident.” Taeyeon said.

“….am I okay?” Sooyoung chuckled.

“Well, aside from being unconscious for 3 days straight…I’d say you’re looking pretty good.”

“Sunny, baby, I’m so happy that you’re awake. I was so worried.” Yuri took the girl’s hand and kissed it.

“I could hear you, y’know…” Sunny said with a small smile. Sooyoung and Taeyeon exited the room quietly.

“You were keeping me here. I could feel it. My body didn’t want to leave yet.”

“I’m so glad…then you heard what I said?”


“You are my sun, baby. And I won’t have it any other way.” Yuri leaned over Sunny and kissed her with as much love as she could muster. When they pulled away they smiled.

“Never any other way.”


Ah yes another one shot.

This one goes out to YoonAddict93

What's Up

Hola, mi amigos & amigas. I am so very sorry for the lack of updates. After everything, I'm just in this big....I don't want to call it a writer's block? but I'm in a very messy situation, that does not allow me to focus on things such as writing. If it's any consolation, I can't focus in school either. Everything's just really messy. But I'm trying to write as much as I can. Til next time


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Chapter 28: daebak twist authorsshi~~~
Chapter 28: Oh wow that was so nice, didn't expect the plot twist
Adampark19 #3
Chapter 21: Author-nim more yoonyul please~ i love your fic!
Chapter 27: Sooyoung is so cool here! Yes, Jessica is right it was hot hahahaha. Thank you for the update please write more soosica.
browtogs09 #5
Chapter 27: Soosica :)
Chapter 27: Cuteee~
Chapter 27: Soosica!!! I mish ur update..keke
darklighter152 #8
Chapter 25: I miss Hyosic :(
skob413 #9
Chapter 23: I love soosica
lynnicsy #10
Chapter 23: Soosica soosica more soosica...