Part 2 -Final-

Making the Right Mistake


Part 2

            “I want to sleep on the bed!” Chunji whined, swinging his legs back and forth as he perched himself on the edge of L.Joe’s king sized bed.  “Besides, there’s enough room for both of us!  Why won’t you let me?”  A pout formed itself on the human boy’s face as he stared cutely up at L.Joe.

            “Because I don’t want to!” L.Joe said for the nth time, throwing up his arms in frustration.  “How many times do I have to say this?  You’re not my lover, and because of that, you are not going to sleep in the same bed as me!  And I’m not sleeping on the couch, either.”  He glared at the still pouting boy, tapping his foot impatiently.

            “L.Joe, why can’t you just let me sleep here?  You’re so mean!” Chunji whined once more, letting out a weird yet cute sound that was probably supposed to be an expression of annoyance.

            L.Joe cracked a smile at the sound, and Chunji just blinked.  Then they started arguing once more until Chunji got up and started stomping his feet.  L.Joe had to tug Chunji into his arms to get him to calm down.  So the human boy did have mood swings.  Or a bad temper — either way, it wasn’t pleasant.  After a while of holding Chunji in his arms, L.Joe felt him relax and then go completely slack. 

            “Let me go,” Chunji mumbled, an odd sense of safety and fatigue sweeping over him.  When L.Joe only tightened his hold, Chunji whined and hit the shorter boy’s shoulder lightly.  “I said let go.”

            “No,” L.Joe replied, holding Chunji so tightly that the human boy may have suffocated.  “I decided to allow you to sleep in my bed, as long as you allow me to hold you like this throughout the night.”

            At that, Chunji blinked and pouted.  “But...that’s uncomfortable,” he protested, but L.Joe was already lying them down on the bed.  In truth, it didn’t feel that bad.  It felt quite nice and comforting, and Chunji found himself slowly drifting off to sleep.  “We’re going to go find our lovers tomorrow, right?” he asked, his voice muffled into the wizard’s chest. 

            L.Joe didn’t reply at first.  “Of course,” he mumbled into Chunji’s hair.  For some reason, he didn’t want Chunji to find CAP.  It didn’t seem like the wizard was good for him, and the thought of Chunji leaving made L.Joe’s heart clench weirdly.

            “Hey, L.Joe?” Chunji asked in a small voice, snapping the wizard out of his thoughts.  “What if...what if you and Ricky weren’t soul mates?”

            L.Joe blinked, pulling away a little.  “What?”

            Chunji didn’t look up at him.  Instead, he let out a dry laugh and shook his head lightly, hugging L.Joe once more.  “Never mind.  Forget I ever said anything.  Let’s sleep now, since I’m planning on making you walk around the whole town to find CAP hyung tomorrow.”

            L.Joe complied, but the question never left his mind.


            “Wah, what’s this!?  Oh my gosh, can we stop by here too?” Chunji asked, tugging L.Joe into toy store.  The shelves were lined with toys of various sizes and shapes, and there were even some stuffed animals.  Chunji stared at all of them with wide, shining eyes, his mouth hanging open in a large smile.  “Wow, I’ve never seen so many toys!”  The human boy giggled, grabbing a stuffed bear and staring at it.  Then he put it back on the shelf, seeming a bit hesitant.  L.Joe noticed that and smiled — Chunji was so obvious.

            “Do you want the bear?” the wizard asked, picking it up once more.  Chunji just stared at it as his ears started to turn a soft pink color.  “So you do.  Well, then, let’s buy it.  Just stay there and don’t move, alright?”  L.Joe quickly went up to the counter, flashing the cashier a smile before turning back to Chunji, who was smiling happily. 

            When he handed the bear to the purple haired boy, L.Joe was smothered by Chunji in a hug, his smile almost splitting his face.  The human boy repeatedly thanked him, clutching the teddy bear to his chest.  The way Chunji stared at the bear kind of made L.Joe jealous, but the wizard shook his head, erasing the thought.  He was jealous over an inanimate object!  How stupid of that?

            Although they were really supposed to be on the hunt for their lovers, Chunji was dragging them into different stores, squealing over everything.  L.Joe could only smile as Chunji kept talking and jumping around, his hyper mood slowly starting to seep into the wizard as well.  Soon, they were both laughing as they went from one store to another, until they ended up at a park, lying down on the grass.  There were other couples walking down the small path around the grass field, and upon seeing a particular couple, Chunji sat up abruptly, his eyes shining.

            “CAP hyung!” he suddenly squealed ready to get up.  However, as soon as he stood up, he tensed, his mouth hanging open and hurt showing clearly in his eyes.  L.Joe stared at the human boy in confusion, following his stare. 

            There was a man in his early twenties standing near a tree with a familiar looking black haired boy, kissing pretty passionately.  L.Joe froze, his hands suddenly balling into fists.  The familiar looking boy was Ricky.  And Ricky was kissing another man.  Suddenly, all L.Joe could see was red.  However, before he could go over to the two and start picking a fight with Ricky or the man kissing Ricky, a broken sob made its way into his ear.  L.Joe turned around, surprised, and saw that Chunji was already running away in the direction that they’d come from, his teddy bear lying forgotten on the ground.

            “Chunji!” L.Joe shouted, picking the teddy bear up.  “Chunji, come back!”  When the human boy didn’t return, L.Joe groaned in annoyance before he ran after him, the teddy bear still being held tightly in his hand.

            The wizard searched for the human for an hour or two, calling out his name and trying to detect where he was with his powers.  When that proved to be useless, L.Joe sat down on a random bench, staring at the people walking by until he heard someone sobbing.  The wizard looked up, finally noticing Chunji walking aimlessly amongst the crowd of people, being pushed this way and that as he walked lifelessly.

            “Chunji!” L.Joe called once more, quickly weaving his way through the people.  He grabbed Chunji’s arm once they were within arm’s reach and tugged him out into an alleyway, gently lifting up the human boy’s face.  “Chunji, why did you just run off?”

            Chunji cracked a small smile, sniffling.  He looked so broken all of a sudden that L.Joe just wanted to grab him, lock him inside a room and never let anyone but himself inside so that the human would never get hurt again.

            “Try seeing the person you gave everything to kiss someone else.  Then maybe you’d understand,” Chunji replied.

            L.Joe blinked.  What was Chunji talking about?  How could a human give a wizard his all when wizards had pretty much everything?

            “I thought CAP hyung loved me,” the purple haired boy suddenly whimpered, his voice cracking.  “I-I thought that....”  Chunji choked on his words, starting to sob again.  “It hurts, L.Joe.  It really hurts.”

            L.Joe could only stare, not sure on how to comfort the boy.  “Ch-Chunji...,” he murmured, awkwardly wrapping his arms around the shaking boy.  “I’m sorry....”

            “Don’t be, I know that the person he was kissing was also your lover,” Chunji said quickly, gladly melting into L.Joe’s arms.  “And...I guess you know how much it hurts, I guess.”  The human boy shifted, looking up at the wizard with glassy eyes.  “Can you...can I stay with you for a while?  You know, until I get more used to the life here?  Then...once I’m more comfortable, I’ll move out.  Please?”

            L.Joe nodded and smiled, his hand brushing the human boy’s hair out of his eyes.  “Of course, Chunji.  You’re welcome to stay in my house as long as you’d like.  You can come visit anytime, too.”  Then, without thinking, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on top of Chunji’s head, smiling when the human boy in a breath.

            “Thanks,” the purple haired boy mumbled.

            “No problem.”


            It had been over a month since that incident had happened, and Chunji didn’t seem like he was quite getting over it.  Most of the time, he would just stare out the window blankly, sometimes crying silently.  L.Joe could only stare when the human boy went into such trances.  Chunji rarely ate now, and he was skinny as ever.  The wizard was getting worried — what was going to happen to Chunji?

            One day, it suddenly got too overwhelming to just watch Chunji cry, so L.Joe decided to do something for a change.

            “Get up, Chunji,” the wizard demanded, crossing his arms.  “I need to get you out of that depressed state of yours.”

            The human boy just looked up, his eyes puffy and red with bags hanging underneath it.  “What are you going to do?” he asked, his voice soft and barely audible.

            “We’re going on a date.  No matter what.”

            And so Chunji went, walking outside for the first time in a long time.  He stumbled after the wizard, letting him drag his thin frame to wherever.  Chunji just wanted to sit home and sleep or cry, since he was afraid of running into CAP and Ricky while walking outside.  However, L.Joe seemed to think otherwise.  The wizard dragged him down the road and to the park where the incident had occurred.  Chunji just stared at his and L.Joe’s intertwined fingers, smiling a bit at the warm feeling.

            “See, you’re smiling,” L.Joe suddenly said, stopping in the middle of the grass field.  “You should definitely smile more.  It makes you look a lot more beautiful.”

            Chunji blinked several times, his smile growing wider as the compliment sank in.  Then he jumped on top of L.Joe, hugging the latter tightly.  “Thank you so much, L.Joe,” he murmured, burying his face into the crook of the wizard’s neck.

            “Anytime, Chunji,” the pink haired boy replied, gently pulling away from the embrace.  “Hey, Chunji...I have a question.”  Chunji nodded, motioning for the other to go on.  “Will you want to try...I mean....”  L.Joe groaned in frustration, scratching his head.  “What I’m trying to say is, do you want to try giving us a shot?”

            The human boy blinked, tilting his head to the side.  “Huh?”

            L.Joe bit his lower lip, rubbing his hands together nervously.  “How do I say this?  I just...since we saw our lovers cheating on us with each other, or something along that line, maybe...maybe we might click as well, like they did.  And there’s something special about you to me.  I don’t know what it is, but you make me feel all bubbly and happy when I’m with you.”  L.Joe smiled crookedly, gently cupping the confused boy’s face.  “Please?”

            Chunji nodded slowly, starting to comprehend the idea.  “I-I guess we can,” he murmured. 

            L.Joe grinned widely, leaning in ever so slightly.  “Then...can I...?” he asked, running his thumb over Chunji’s plump, soft lips. 

            When Chunji nodded, L.Joe leaned forward a bit more until their lips touched, igniting a soft, sweet kiss.  It couldn’t have lasted even two seconds, yet Chunji could feel that somehow, there was love being put into it.  Without thinking, Chunji leaned in once more and pressed his lips to the wizard’s, wrapping his arms around the pink haired boy’s neck.  Although Chunji didn’t feel any sparks running through his body like how he’d felt when he kissed CAP, he felt some sort of warmth starting to spread from his chest to the very tips of his being.  When they pulled apart, L.Joe brushed Chunji’s hair out of the human’s eyes, smiling.

            “I might be wrong,” Chunji mumbled softly, “but I think I just found my soul mate.”

            L.Joe let out a breathy laugh, pressing his forehead against the human boy’s.  “And I guess the little mistake you and Ricky made of showing up at the wrong wizard’s place was a rather good mistake in the end.”


A/N: WOOOOOOOOO I finished.  It’s so rushed though ahahaha~ and I’m starting to think that I should’ve titled the story “Soul Mate” or something LOL.  That sounds a lot better.  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it~ I sure did enjoy writing it :D Thanks for subscribing, commenting, and supporting~ THE AUTHOR LOVES YOU TO PIECES cries seriously though.  HEHEHE.

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Marionetti #1
Chapter 2: If you ever happened to feel like continuing this, I wouldn't mind reading more *blink blink*
I really loved this, the idea is tingling and different and made my imagination fly, creating all kinds of different scenes into the same setting. Very cute :)
Thank you for this!
Chapter 2: This is really cute and unique! Its awesome! (:
Asdfghjkl, this is so adorable. Why is this so cute, it's killing me. I just love your writing style sooooo much, omfg. /in love with/subscribing to all of your Chunjoe stories. <3
Yuri-chan #5
Chapter 2: awww that was soo freakin cute!! i love this..!! Good job .joe.. makie chunji not depressed... i hope you update your right here fic!!! i wanna read the !!
ZombieL #6
Chapter 2: Awww!! That was sooooo cute! I loved it!!
Chapter 2: oh my god that was sooo freakin cute!!! i feelso bad for chunji.. aww poor guy but l.joe was there!!! and i wonder why cap never did anything to find him back... and what did chunji mean give everything to him.. like as in his love life and soul?
Chapter 2: Ah, I love it~ I wish it was longer~
ILoveYou_Forever #9
Chapter 2: This is so cute!!!! OMG I love this so much!!~~~~
Chapter 2: ahhh! how cute ^///^