Me reaching for You


University is hell to the teens who want to get better life or been pinned by their parents to be human in work well in their future. This is the way life is. For Nam Woohyun who are having a great greds, famous with good manners, holding a good position as student president and also talented in music and sports.


Plus the family background, he is from a very prominent family. Yes, he get a lot a good think around him. But not everyone knew his heart is belong to who. Every eye who set on him tried to scan who is in his heart.


It already belong to Kim Sunggyu.


The only one stool away his heart.


They knew each other from their high school. Maybe Sunggyu is not famous but, his cuteness, his kind heart and his attractive act is stool Nam Woohyun heart in whole pieces of his. Until the time Kim Sunggyu crush his heart like a broken glass.



(Flash Back high school moments)



Every morning his father ask him to take the newspaper at outside the house he always get throw thought to his face and when he rush to the gate try to caught the newspaper boy, but he always .



But let said the fate bring them that day. That day he gave his heart away.


Like usual, but Woohyun earlier then usual. This time he waited outside the gate. And the time is come. From far he saw the newspaper boy ride his bike. It's nature reflex happen to Woohyun he can't move. He just can stare. When their meet for the first time.


The boy just smile brightly to him. Woohyun stare at the boy until he not realized the boy totally already in front of him. And the boy waving his hand in fronts of Woohyun face to get notice his presence.



"Hey, your face already like tomato !?'' the boy wave his hand in front of Woohyun face.


Hearing the boy voice that he bring he back to earth, just now he was at heaven.


"What your name?"  Woohyun still can't took off his eyes away from the boy.


Sunggyu jolt a bit. Disappointed.


Sunggyu know Woohyun from the start but, Woohyun not even remember his name. Sunggyu feeling down, he ready to ride his bike a left. But Woohyun grab his arm first. Woohyun ask again.


"What your name?''


"Nam Woohyun, we been in the same class since 1 gred." Sunggyu rip his arms away ride away.


Woohyun dumbfounded on his spot and in shock mode when the other know his name. Try to calculate his class members.


Yes, he lost he can't remember. The next day he enter his class he seaching for the boy everywhere when he ask around no one know.


"That so weird!'' he sign, it take his BFF attention who sit next to him.


"What is weird about?'' he took off his headphone to listening to his friends.


"Hoya, yesterday I caught the newspaper boy. The one that I thought you before. And he said we're in the same class since 1 gred."




"I don't know his name or even recognize him."


" ~ that weird!" this time both of Woohyun and Hoya jolted a bit because the voice suddenly awake them from the deep though.


"Gosh, Sungyeol! Are you wished to send we to the grave earlier." Hoya rubbed his chest.


"HAH!!!SungYeol!!!" now is Hoya and Sungyeol shock in death hearing Woohyun loud out.


"Yah.... Are you too!" This time Hoya rub his chest more faster that before.


"Sungyeol, you know everyone in our school right?'' Woohyun bright eyes with grin scare Sungyeol. Sungyeol take backward step.


"Almost! What you want?'' Sungyeol was ready to run. Because the last time Woohyun like this he force Sungyeol become his girlfriend to get away from the girl chasing after him. Worse come to worst he wear a girl dress with wig on.


"It's not like you think!" Sungyeol dumfounded. Woohyun read his mind.




"Do you know someone with small eyes, caramel brown hair, chubby cheeks and ....." before Woohyun could finish his hints Sunyeol already pointing to some direction.


It's make both of them look at the spot is. At the back off they class near to the door. And the person is lay his head on the table with his hands as pillow.


Without they realize it three of them go surrounding the boy and take a close look.Hoya and Sunyeol  look at Woohyun to get a answer if it was correct. When Woohyun nods. Sungyeol put his hands up as the victory that he is right.


Woohyun can't stop stare until Hoya realize it.Hoya give a signal to Sungyeol to drag Woohyun away before the other realize what happen.


"Do you know who he is!?'' Woohyun point to the boy straightly.


"Oh... he is Kim Sunggyu. Why?'' Sungyeol answered him simplely.


"He is the newspaper boy that I thought you two before." it make Hoya shock.




"You know him Hoya?'' Hoya nod at him.


"Sunggyu is live alone, his parent been murdered in front of his eyes. He works 3 job in one day. Newspaper and milk at dawn time. Dishwash boy after school at restaurant then and bartender at club until 2am. And weekened he tutor the Kim Myungsoo, with piano.''


Woohyun and Hoya just can drop his jaw until Sungyeol finish.


"How did you know so much and why did you tell me? " Woohyun frowning at Sungyeol.


"You never ask!'' Sungyeol just shoulder up to them.


''How can you know too much about him?'' it Hoya turn curiously.


Hoya know Sunggyu only his name, he hear that name every time their homeclass teacher take their attenden. But Hoya never saw his face since Sunggyu sit at the back.


"He is Kim Myungsoo's cousin. Sungjong's bestfriend, and he ever help me with my Maths once I sit at him last week exam.''


Sungyeol smile at both of them. Now both of them just could blink they eyes at Sungyeol still in unexpected mode.


"WoW! How come I never realize he ever existed around us." Hoya stare at the sleepy figure.



Woohyun lost in deep thought when he remember everything that Sungyeol thought them.No wondered they never saw Sunggyu. He always bend down his head.Woohyun back to earth after the school bell's ringging telling them the second period is start.



But still it not waking Sunggyu, and when the teacher start already. Woohyun realize that their teacher never bother Sunggyu at all. It like Sunggyu never been in the class. Why?






"All the teacher know his history that's why. Sunggyu is a top student you know."


Sungyeol tell Woohyun while munching his lunch.



''Woohyun why you asking too much about Sunggyu?'' Hoya stare at Woohyun with naughty look because he know Woohyun do have interest in boy not girl.


"He took my heart away in split second. I want Kim Sunggyu mine."




(End FlashBack)


"How could you, Gyu. I give everything. I do everything you said too. Why Gyu?''



Woohyun never expect this would be happen. He thought they hard time together will be forever. He hope what happen just a dream that he can wake up and forget all of them.



At the other hand Sunggyu just keep his mouth shut and numb his self until Woohyun stop throwing, hitting and cursing him. Woohyun dropped his knee when he saw the mess and Sunggyu's lip bleeding. He rush to get Sunggyu to him. But Sunggyu walk away silently.



"This is the end Woohyun. It's my fault. Don't regret this. Be well. Goodbye Woo."



Sunggyu walk to they share room and start to pack his stuff, exactly he already packing.


Woohyun chasing from behind.



"Gyu, just forget this. I don't mind. Just stay with me, please I'm begging you."



"Woohyun I'm cheat on you! Can't you see. Just let me go.You will free from suffer. Goodbye, Woo be well."



"Why you do this?" It's stopped Sunggyu feet to the door.

"Let me gone it all for you."





10 years later.


"Let me gone it all for you."


Until now he couldn't understand what is happen to them that day. He only saw Sunggyu kiss that guy and he drag Sunggyu to they university dorm and start to hits and kicks Gyu like hell and Sunggyu not even once tried to fight or stand to explain.



''Woohyun, are you there?''



Woohyun open his eyes when he realized that he still in his office.



"hmmp, Hoya. What time now?" Woohyung rub his eyes to get better look.



"Woohyun it off hour already.Go home." Hoya knew everything that happen to his partner and his best friends. If he could find Sunggyu that night and ask for explaination but everything is hanging like this without any explaination. Sunggyu lost without trace.


How much he hate to see his friends mess like hell even surface peoples saw Nam Woohyun is a successful businessman and life well.And most important thing is every eyes scanned Mr.Nam Woohyun heart.It's belong to.



"Hoya, why I can't...'' he could finish his words.But Hoya know well his lines.



"You couldn't.I know he steal you heart in split second right.'' Hoya could not thought much.Because he self never been in love yet.


"It's all without explaination made my heart not in peace at all. Just why?''


Woohyun get up from he seat and walk to the window.And his eyes drop to the new cafe house that just lanch last week.It something.


"If the path brought you to him, what would you do Woohyun?'' Hoya spoke.


"I want him to tell me everything and stay. I don't care about his damn mistake. I just want him back. Even people will call me stupid because of this."



Hoya sense the determention in Woohyun voice. He can't blame Sunggyu cheating on his friends. He sence strong feeling that Sunggyu hiding something.



*Hoya Flash Back*



"Take care of him,Hoya." Hoya still in shock after what they just saw at outside their dorm just now.And after while Woohyun drag Sunggyu from the scene.Sunggyu call him and that is his first words.It's not sound regret at all Sunggyu voice is more sad that guilty.



"I'm sorry this is the only way he'll be better without me.So, hate me Hoya and take care of him."


Hoya can't even utter any words.He lost all of it because his brain busy tried to think what is Sunggyu attention exactly doing all this. When their just lovely dovely last day and the today this is happen.War.The war kill they relationship and Woohyun's heart.Just in second.


"Sunggyu, why?'' that is the only word that split from his mouth.


"It's will be find if I'm not around." the call end up just like that.




"Hoya! Back to earth~'' Woohyun wave his hands in front of Hoya face when his call not reach his friends just now.


"Oh.... sorry. Daydream about something." it's send frowning on Woohyun face.


"About what?'' curious to know because he never saw Hoya like this before.


"Forget about it not important. Want to take a look that!'' Hoya turning the topic to the cafe house they both stare before to run from Woohyun curiousness.


There the new cafe house on they town it was in front of their bulding. Look at the situation, the cafe get good attention even just open look like it always full with workers who work around the block now.


"Let check on it, if I can get my favorite coffee they.''






"Can't you not let he do something like that. You know well bleeding making he get worse. It worse enough he lost his appetites already.''



He lost count how many sigh lay out from him mouth. He look at the doctor, before he take his eyes to the figure that lied peacefully on the bed after taking the medicine.


"Hyung, If I could just tied him it would be happen, just it will make me get kill by him.No matter how much you nagging to me.It useless."



Now the doctor turn to sigh.


"I know Myungsoo, know well about it.I don't blame you and can't blame him either."


He take a close step to Myungsoo who seat at the edge of the bed.Myungsoo smile when he feel a warm hug from his back.He reach the hands that circling his shoulder.


"Why he don't want to stay with you until now?'' Myungsoo just shake he head.He self can't get the answer every time he ask the older before.



"He don't want to get close to Kim family because business with Nam family.The name he want to run for."



Hearing the answers from they back.Their don't have to move or turn to know the voice belong to.


"How the cafe Sungjong?''


"Dongwoo~hyung take care of it for awhile, how he is doing?''  Sungjong took a seat next to Myungsoo.


"It reach phrase of his illness, even a light cuts can't causing him in bad condition like now.''


When the doctor saw the sad eyesight at the youngest he bring his hugs to the other one.


"Thank, Sungyeol~hyung to always taking care of us." Sungjong reach Sungyeol hands. It normal to them.


Love between Sungyeol ,Myungsoo and Sungjong is complicate to understand. Sungjong heart is for two.He can't deside it.So he accepted it.For Myungsoo and Sungyeol they also think that way.


"But, it's okay. Because the cafe is in front of the..." before Myungsoo could finish his words.The peaceful sleeper is waking.


They look at each other.They know the fact but it will stay be between them for they hyung sake.If this is the only way to make the older happy in his last breath they rather been kill later or soon if the older found out.


"Am'I at heaven already?''


"Stop joking like that~hyung you scare me.Don't force yourself next time. I'm afraid I'm not there when you faints again next time." Sungjong jolt up from he seat and pout.



The older just smile brightly and it made the youngest frowning.


"Your nagging worse than me." it's make all of them laugh.


"Now you know your nagging is worse, right.?''



‘’Sunggyu condition is anemia that turning to leukemia. When anemia symptoms get worse it is causing to this.Be careful with his headaches, loss appetite, dizziness, shortness breath and rapid heart rare.His anemia get expose by it. Sunggyu show the first phrase it dizziness. Because lacking product the white cells to reduce the body’s ability to fight carry oxygen throughout the body and platelets. Please made sure he took his medicine and his menu.’’


Sungyeol spoke proly to them. He is doctor after all.


Sunggyu sleep again after the blood transfusion. It made him getting thin.



“Hai, cute. Are you ready to going home?’’ He force he self to smile even he know the ladder can read him easily.



With weakly smile he reach the older face and kiss the older tender. No matter the fact that the older heart was never been belong to him. But, for him loving this angel is his forever intent. He would never can said ‘no’ to the older. Even it will hurting himself. Rather than he see the tears on the angel face.



‘’I’m sorry I made you shock. How’s your day?’’ the older weep the youngest hair that mess because rushing mode.



“Just get better.” The answer made the older frowning.



“What happen?’’  












to be continue.....

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naznew #1
Chapter 1: cliffhanging????aish..please update again..
i can't wait to read the next chapter..