
Special One Percent



Whoever it may concern.

Save me.


I’m begging you.

“What are you doing oppa?”

I broke out from trance and face the underage kid girl next to me. “Huh?”

“What were you doing just now, oppa? You’re not paying attention to the movie.” She pouted her lips slightly. “Don’t you like Toy Story 3?”

Are you freaking kidding me??? Do I look like a 7 year old to you? Why would I even waste my time watching a stupid movie about some stupid toys running around stupidly across the nation?? The only toys I like prancing around were either robotic transformers or Barbie dolls… And that’s saying something.

Changmin nearly blurt those words out of his mouth but instead, he bit his lips slightly before flashing his date a fake smile.

“Oh…no…I like Toy Story movies…..Yeah…The fighting scene between those…dolls….Its…ummm…. So intriguing and interesting…and….I can’t help but umm....lost in amazement..yeah…”  Changmin scratched the back of his head slightly.

“Aigoooo….oppa..You’re so cute…”  IU squeals a bit too . “I didn’t know you like Toy Story very much. Oppa neomu neomu kyeopta!!!!”

“Shhh….could you please tone down your voice…..Other people are watching the movie too.”  The ahjusshi behind us reprimand her.

“Ahhh....mianhe…”  IU blushed before facing the screen again.

“Tch. Kids these days…..No manners at all.” The same ahjusshi continued while shaking his head in annoyance .Changmin breathe in deeply before letting out a big fat sigh.


Please save me.



The freaking movie ended.

Changmin closed his eyes before inhaling the sweet scent of fresh air after being trapped for an agonizing one hour and 25 mins in the cinema.


IU squeaks annoyingly while tugging his shirt slightly. Damn, her voice is starting to hurt my eardrums, Changmin thought in his head.

“Where do we go next? How about shopping??” She emphasized her abnormally freaky eyes at him, trying to look cute and lovable, but instead he felt like his vomit is making a comeback stage any minute now.

“Errr…..I’m thinking of having lunch.” Changmin replied while patting his empty stomach.

“Oh, okay then. Let’s go, go, go~~~!”

 IU said cheerfully before placing her hand in his. Changmin stared at their entwined before looking up at her smiling face. He let himself being dragged by the small girl as confusion starts to engulf his mind.


I used to like the kind of girl that holds me, giving me her sunshine smile…basically paying her utmost attention to me. But…..how come I don’t feel anything right now?

Changmin glanced at his date who’s currently talking animatedly about herself to him.

He placed his right hand on his chest.

Yup…No heartbeat….Nothing….

This is confusing. Seriously.



“Sooyoung, don’t you want to buy this too?”

“Death note?”  I’ve got loads of them at home. Sooyoung replied while looking at the comic book Kyuhyun is holding.

“Ah, really? I only had the past edition. I’ve been meaning to buy a new one.” Kyuhyun replied while examining the book’s contents.

“I didn’t know you collect mangas too, Kyuhyun.” Sooyoung raised her eyebrows at him. “I’ve got the complete set at home though. You can borrow some if you like.” Deg…now why the fish did I say that?

“Really…” Kyuhyun smirks evilly before continue. “I’ll certainly take that offer of yours… So, don’t take back your words Sooyoung.”

“Yeahh…….” Sooyoung smiles sheepishly before walking towards the counter to pay. Stupid Sooyoung. You shouldn’t have said that. She grumbles under her breath.

Kyuhyun’s a great guy actually. Well, minus the overly cheesy lines he randomly sprouts at times and the way he always made her blushed furiously at his presence…..both of them can actually hold a decent conversation. But what surprises her the most is that how much similarities both of them possess.

He likes to play games, such as Starcraft and super Mario. She likes to play Super Mario too.

She also likes Harry Potter very much, and according to Kyuhyun, he’s been a fan of Harry Potter for a very long time.

Sooyoung likes to play musical instruments. Kyuhyun said he’s very good with piano and drums.

Kyuhyun also said that he likes eating very much. And coincidentally, eating is Sooyoung’s number one hobby.

Woahhh….it’s freaky how both of them had so many similarities. It’s like we’re meant to be….. Sooyoung paused momentarily before shudders at the thought. That is just not possible-

“Sooyoung.” Kyuhyun’s face just pops up in front of her face.

“Gaaahh???”  Sooyoung shouted before blinking her eyes rapidly in confusion. “Huh?”

“Tsk..tsk…You’ve been spacing a lot lately.” Kyuhyun placed his index finger on Soyoung’s forehead and pushes her head slightly. “Thinking about me?”  Kyuhyun said while giving her a lopsided grin.

“W.wha...What are you talking about? W..wh…Why would I think about you?? C..cra…Crazy talk..crazy talk.”  Sooyoung sputters her words while holding the blush that threatens to appear on her face.

I’m caught…ottohke???

“Well, I’m just joking. No need to get all defensive Sooyoungiie…” Kyuhyun said, still grinning.

“Sooyoungiie....?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrows at him. “Only those who are close to me can call me that. “

“Oh, really….Hmm…. I want to be close to you too, so…Sooyoungiie….Sooyoungiie….Sooooyoungiie…..” Kyuhyun said childishly, smiling from ear to ear. Sooyoung  could only pouts her lips in protest.

“Neh, Sooyoungiie.. You’re hungry right? Let’s grab some lunch together. I’m hungry.”  Kyuhyun smiled warmly at her.

“Umm…together…as in you….and me….together?” Sooyoung asked while sticking both her index finger simultaneously.


Crap. I can’t. My eating face is the last thing that Kyuhyun-heck any available single guy should see. Even Yoona lost her appetite when she sees me eating food. And that’s saying a lot.

Before Sooyoung could reject his invitation, Kyuhyun cuts in. “I won’t take no for an answer.”


“Nope, no buts Sooyoungiie. I know a great restaurant downstairs. Come on.”  Kyuhyun said firmly while half-dragging Sooyoung by her hand.

“Aishh…fine, fine…..just..just let go of my hand.” Sooyoung muttered back blushing at the sudden contact of his hand in hers.

“Shi.ro.yeo….(I.don’t.want.to). I like holding your hands.” Kyuhyun smirks at Sooyoung slightly. Sooyoung blushes in response.

“And I know you like to hold my hand too, Sooyoungiie. Look how sweaty your hand is.” Kyuhyun chuckled out loud while intentionally shows her the sweaty palm in his hand.

“Aishhh…Cho Kyuhyun!!!”



“McDonald?” IU looks up from the freaky red-hair clown to Changmin. “We’re going to eat..here?”

“Well, I’ve been craving for some triple cheeseburger lately…so, shall we go in?”

The aroma of those delicious, fatty and high-in-cholesterol burgers are really making his appetite go haywire. Before Changmin could take a step into the place, IU grips his hand tightly.

“Oppa…why don’t we go to some other place? There’s a good sushi restaurant near the gate.” IU said quickly while keeping her eyes cautiously at a direction behind Changmin.

“Why?” Changmin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, oblivious to IU’s actions. “I’m hungry and I want to eat cheeseburger-“

“Changmin?” A very familiar voice interrupts his sentence. Wait, I know that voice.

Changmin turns around and comes face-to-face with none other than Choi Sooyoung………….with Kyuhyun by her side.

“Kyu?” Confused, he looks at his bff skeptically. “You’re with Sooyoung?”

“Kyu oppa…annyong.” IU looks at Kyuhyun hesitantly, and is that guilt in her eyes?

“Changmin,annyong.” Kyuhyun said while trying to control his emotions. Why here? Why now? It’s been going great until….

Meanwhile, Sooyoung didn’t say a word at all. She just stands there, her gaze fixed on IU’s grip in Changmin’s hand. Her face bore no expression.

IU tries to break the awkward atmosphere by laughing…..awkwardly. “Ahahahaha…. It’s a coincidence to see you here oppa. Is this your girlfriend? She’s pretty.” She faces Sooyoung and stuck out her hand for a handshake. “Annyong! I’m JiEun, but please call me IU!”

Sooyoung stares at her hand briefly before the corners of breaks into a wide smile. “Annyong! I’m Sooyoung, but please call me Sooyoung!” She receives the handshake. “And I’m not this M.B.C. guy’s girlfriend.” She points her thumb at Kyuhyun teasingly.

“Yah! Who are you calling an M.B.C. guy, Sooyoungiie??” Kyuhyun replied back, pretending to be angry even though he himself didn’t know what the heck m.b.c. stands for.

Sooyoung laughed out loud at Kyuhyun’s expression before noticing that Changmin has been staring at her all this time.

“Yah…Changmin. What chu lookin at?” Sooyoung joked but Changmin ignores her and just kept staring.

Kyuhyun coughed and subtly signaling IU with his eyes. IU receives the signal and nods in response. 

“Sooyoung and I were just planning to eat lunch here. Would both of you care to join us?” Kyuhyun asked.

IU opens to reject the idea but Changmin cuts her before she could even mutter a word.

“Sure, we were also planning to eat here also.”

Kyuhyun becomes flabbergasted as he didn’t really want them to join and intrude his ‘date’ with Sooyoung. He just asked them to look polite and gentlemanly in front of Sooyoung and IU is supposed to refuse the idea. Unfortunately, his ‘date’ didn’t think the same way as he did.

“Well…why not? The more the merrier right?” Sooyoung smiled warmly at both the ‘intruders’, not noticing the obvious change of facial expression on Kyuhyun’s face.


After receiving their order, the gang chose a table on the far corner of the restaurant. Sooyoung sat first, while Kyuhyun sat beside her. Changmin sat in the seat facing Sooyoung while IU sat beside him. A second after their butts reached the comfy seat, the two shikshins inhales their food immediately.

“Whoa….slow down you two. You look like you haven’t eaten for years.” Kyuhyun chuckled slightly at both of them.

Sooyoung blushed at his comment before chewing her food, slowly this time.

“Wow, didn’t know you had some manners in that big head of yours.” Changmin gave her an evil smirk before resume eating his food. Sooyoung gave her a deathly glare before kicking Changmin’s legs under the table, the latter blurts out a cry in response. Satisfied, Sooyoung speaks coolly at him

“You know Changmin, you’re like a kettle, calling the pot black.”

Rubbing his sore legs, Changmin muttered to her “You know Sooyoung, do you have to resort everything to violence?”

“Let me think.” Sooyoung scratches her chin thoughtfully.

“If it’s you…Yeah. I do.” Sooyoung replied flatly, nearly finishing her burger.

“Oh, do I feel flattered.” Changmin said, his voice full of sarcasm.

“That is not a compliment.”

“Neither was my answer.”

“So, shut up.”

“No. You.shut.up.”

“Umm…guys? Could you please stop your bickering session? You’re scaring away all the other customers.” IU said while pointing to the other customers looking at them weirdly.

‘It’s.all.your.darn.fault.’ Sooyoung mouthed to Changmin.

‘You’re.the.one.scaring.them.with.your.obviously.loud.voice.’ Changmin mouthed back.

“Why I outta-“

The sudden outburst from Kyuhyun, who pushes back his chair roughly and standing abruptly stuns the bickering couple and the innocent little IU. Three pairs of eyes stare at him without blinking.

“I…I’m going to the washroom.” Kyuhyun mumbled out before hurriedly walk to his destination.

“What’s up with him?” Sooyoung asked Changmin after regained back her senses.

“Dunno. Maybe he can’t hold his ‘number two’ much longer.” Without missing a beat, Changmin answered while putting some fries in his mouth.

“You’re disgusting”. Sooyoung scrunched her nose at him before resume eating. She looks at IU, who didn’t even touch her measly plate of potato salad. Based on  IU’s expression, it looks like something is bothering her.

“IU-shhi. Are you okay? Why aren’t you touching your food?” If you can even call that a food. IU’s lunch is lesser in quantity than the dessert that Sooyoung is eating.

“Ah…I’m okay. I’m not hungry. Besides, this salad has too much calories in it. I’m watching my weight.” She smiles at Sooyoung widely. Suddenly, IU’s phone rings and she quickly excused herself as she “need to take this important call.”

After IU left, only Sooyoung and Changmin left on the table. Sooyoung scooted to Kyuhyun’s seat before poking IU’s salad with her fork.

“Calories? Like seriously? Girls need to stop thinking about these things. There are too much indulgences in life and as lowly muggles, we should embrace it, not avoid it. I can’t believe she didn’t starve out of hunger yet.” Sooyoung bites into a piece of potato. “Oouu...this one’s good though.”

Changmin grins at her words. “Well, not everyone is blessed with an amazing I’ll-neva-get-fat-even though-I-ate-everything kind of body, Sooyoung.”

“True..true.” Sooyoung nods before putting a handful of fries into .


“Oppa.” IU spoke to the figure leaning on the wall beside the men’s toilet.

“I thought we planned this perfectly IU. You’re supposed to keep him out of the way for my date to run smooth. Now look what happened.”

“Mianhe, Kyu oppa.” IU let her gaze fell on the floor, feeling guilty. Kyuhyun ruffles her hair in response.

“I’m not mad at you. It’s just that, I want to talk more to Sooyoung…getting to know her better. We were doing fine until Changmin came into the picture. Now, she sees only him. And it doesn’t help that Changmin deliberately steals her attention away from me. That’s why I put you on a date with him. So you could distract him and that will allow ample time for me and Sooyoung to have our ‘date’ peacefully without interruption. Do you understand?”

“Neh,oppa.” IU nods her head at him. “I’ll try harder after this.” She gave him her biggest smile.

“Good.”  Kyuhyun said. “Now run along before they notice something. I’m going to the bathroom first.” Kyuhyun waved and walks into the toilet.

The bright smile on IU’s face vanishes before slowly turns into a frown. Behind the wall, she peeks at their table and sees Changmin and Sooyoung talking to each other, comfortably. Her gaze landed back at the men’s toilet door.

“Oppa…is it Changmin oppa’s fault for stealing Sooyoung’s attention away from you or is it that you never were in her attention in the first place?”



Changmin glanced at Sooyoung slightly before resuming his third box of fries. “Sooyoung.”


“Are you and Kyuhyun on a date?”

Sooyoung choked at her fries after hearing that question. She wipes with a napkin before stares at Changmin who looked at everything but her.

“Why the sudden question?”

“Just because.”

“What do you mean just because?”

Changmin sighed deeply before continuing his words. “I just want to know, that’s all. And Kyu’s my bff, but he never once told me these sorts of things.”

Sooyoung chuckled in amusement. “You like snooping into other people’s business, do you Changmin?”

“Not really. I’m just curious at Kyuhyun’s welfare.”…..particularly when it involves you, he thought in his mind. “So, spill.”

Sooyoung shakes her head at him. “We’re not on a date. We coincidentally met at the bookstore earlier.”

“And then coincidentally, both of you met me and IU here?” Changmin gave out a dry laugh. “I don’t buy it. Something’s fishy.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrow in confusion. “And speaking about your date….I didn’t know you like short cute girls. You always gave a vibe of a erted guy so I thought you like y girls with some crazy s-line or something.”

Changmin nods his head at Sooyoung. “What you said is perfectly true.”

“What’s true? That you’re those kind of erted guys? Tsk..tsk..Should have known.”  Sooyoung shakes her head in disbelief.

“Not that, doofus. I mean my type of girl. y with a banging body kind of girl. Not like IU.. or you….. Hey, that actually rhymes.” Changmin said flatly.

Unexpectedly, Sooyoung felt something heavy tugging her heart when she hears his words.

Well that hurts. I should’ve been used to guys mocking me because of my no-line body, but every time it still hurts. Very much. Sooyounginhaled deeply trying to calm herself down. It’s no use crying over this kind of matter. Especially in front of a guy like Changmin.

“Well, don’t flatter yourself Changmin cause you’re not my type of guy either. I don’t like erted guys. And not to mention, guys that looks like pedo next to their date, which is obviously how you look like earlier.” Sooyoung commented while smirking evilly.

Changmin fumes in anger at her words. “Why this kid, I out-

“We’re back.” Kyuhyun and IU spoke simultaneously.

“Eh…you guys are together? I thought you went to the toilet?” Changmin asked Kyuhyun, confused. Sooyoung, on the other hand, is thanking them both silently for the distraction.

“Um…I went to the washroom too. And we met there and just walk here together.” IU quickly explained.

“Ahhh….” Sooyoung and Changmin chorused together.

“You guys have finished eating right? How about we walk around the mall after this?” Kyuhyun suggested.

“Sure.” The others agreed simultaneously.


A hooded figure hides behind a wall not far from the restaurant watching the groups every move. He focuses his eyes to the tall girl who is yet again in a heated argument with the extremely tall guy. Another guy, shorter than the first holds the girl’s hand, trying to calm her down. Almost instantly, he balled up his fists into a ball, muttering some incoherent curses to both guys.

Damn, those bast*rds. Get the hell away from my girl you insufferable beings!!

“Omma, this ahjusshi is scary…..” The hooded figure turns and faces a little girl holding a stuffed Woody Allen doll in her hand, looking at him with a frightened expression on her face.

The hooded figure bares his teeth at her before giving a deathly glare to the innocent girl. The girl shrieks in terror and the hooded figure walks away from that spot stealthily.

Don’t worry, Sooyoung-ah. In a few days…you’ll be mine……………………forever.




“Wait….” Sooyoung paused and turn backwards. She looks at her surrounding but only sees a girl crying loudly on the floor.

“What’s up, Sooyoungiie?” Kyuhyun asked her, looking back also.

“…….Nothing.” Sooyoung said.

“Let’s go.”

Changmin only looks at her weirdly but didn’t say anything.



Two days later.

Location: Class 3-A



Modu hansunganui kkumieotdamyeon


Barojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon


Jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetda


“Yah…yah……Changmin! Why are you so exited? Did you eat your meds today?” Yoochun asked creeped out by Chang-god’s behavior.

Now I’m just chillin~~~

Feels like I’m healin~~~

Changmin continued singing while putting a sleazy expression on his face for his hyung.

“Yah…..Cut it out….YOU’RE FREAKING ME OUT!!” Yoochun hit Changmin’s head with his book.

“Aishhh….Chun…..I’m just joking. NO NEED TO RESORT TO VIOLENCE OKAY?? Seriously, what’s with all these people hitting me? The day I insured my body for a million bucks…I’LL SUE YALL TILL YALL BANKRUPT, YA HEAR ME!!!!”

“Shut up. You’re annoying.” Yoochun gave him an I-don’t-give-a-fish expression and proceed to ignore Changmin like he always did.

“Meanie.” Changmin pouts before putting his mp3 into his desk when he felt something strange in his desk. He grabs the object and examines it.

A black box, about the size of his hand is wrapped prettily with a pink bow-shaped ribbon.

“Woahh…what do we have here…” Changmin examines the box cautiously. “A present…..for meeh??” Changmin exclaimed happily.

“You look like you saw a free, all-day buffet lay out before your very eyes.” Kyuhyun chuckled at Changmin before sitting on his desk slightly. “What’s up?”

“Ja-jangg!!! I’ve got a present!!”! Changmin exclaimed childishly showing the box he had. “You’re jealous, right? Right??”

Instead of the usual do-I-look-like-I-care expression, Kyuhyun snatches the box and examines it thoroughly before asking “Where did you get this?”


“This box. Where.did.you.get.it?” Kyuhyun asked again slowly, word by word.

“Under my desk. Why?”

Kyuhyun pulls out a box-the exact same duplicate of Changmin’s box from his school jacket.

“Woaa..woahhhhh…..where’d you get that?” Changmin grabs Kyuhyun’s box and examines it.

“Let’s open it.” Kyuhyun suggested. Changmin nods in response.

Both the boys unwrap the ribbons carefully and opens the lid.








What’s in the box? Muahahahahahah…..

So…what does m.b.c  stands for? Free imaginary candy to those who gets the answer….

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Chapter 11: Ohmygod, it's leeteuk?!?!?
Go everyone, save her!
Anyways, I enjoy reading this fic so much. Sooyoung and Changmin are sooooo funny! XD
I hope you can continue this! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: it's relly nice author-nim you should update it :)
adabanayeah #4
Such a great story. So much fun to read it ;)
Please update this :33
soshi_zhen #6
update,update please.
Chapter 11: Lurking through my subscriptions and I found this. And then I realized how much I miss this story D:
When are you going to update this? I miss your sense of humor lol
Dung-ban-sink-key. HAHAHA
Chapter 11: it sounds interesting
hope changmin rescue sooyoung soon
please update
kekeek we all love tvxq
Okay, so the one sending those boxes are Kyu and the kidnapper is Leeteuk? There's really something fishy here. Are Kyu and Teuk in this together?? or maybe not. T__T

New reader by the way and I hope you'll update this soon~~