and I will be there...

The key and the heart


I quickly jerked up as the pain in my head was unbearable but i gave no heed as I saw only pure darkness. this was the only thing that I am able to see ever since that has happened. My eyes, they are lost under the bright shine of the moon light. The day she had left me is also the day I had lost my eyesight. I was not involve in an accident but the pain is like the same, the difference is none but the similarities are grave. When will I see her? I do not know but I wish to know.The thing that is bugging me is that, Will I be able to see her when I have seen her? I also wish to know.  I have been deprived of my eyesight and no one knows why. I had always love the night as my situation right now is the same. The dark night that only has the stars guiding it, beautiful isn't? My life has been like this ever since she has left me. I have been walking into darkness with nothing except her guiding me to the right places, she was my star but like every other star it falls as it looked majestically but in the end, it was its death. I loved her like those stars she has always mentioned to me whenever we talk and call each other. She was sweet to me as she treasured me as she treasures those precious stars that I had crave to see once again.
"Hi, baby" I listened to her voice over the phone. Her voice, full of glee as I responded with the same amount of happiness
"Hi" I replied to her happily,missing her voice so much.Whenever that we are apart from each other, she will call me upon our own phones.
"I want to see you so badly but I can't" I heard her say to me sincerely as I can notice sadness in them.. 
"Me too but just wait a little more and we will see each other again some time in the future" I said reassuring her that we will meet again.I was inside one of the training rooms.Truth to be told, we are not that apart with each other but for us, we are.
"I don't want to see you in the future" I suddenly heard her say. There was seriousness in her voice in which made my heart thump faster as sadness overtook me. Does she not want me anymore?
"W-why?" My voice cracked as tears started to form as I was in my break as I was sitting in front of one of the large mirrors inside our training room. 
"Because I want to see you now" I was shocked by her answer as relief washed away my pain, worry and of course sadness. I was silence until I chuckled and exclaimed.
"You are such a dork" I said to her as I heard her chuckle. She may be a dork but she is also pure of sweetness.
"Yeah but I'm your dork aren't I?" she exclaimed proudly to me in which I smiled happily just like a fool, a fool who is madly with this dork that I call my lover.
"Yeah..." I said agreeing with happiness filling her voice. In a moment of silence, I heard a sniffling.
"Hey, didn't you promise that you won't cry anymore?" I asked her as I noticed that she is crying as I can hear her sniffling halting to a stop. I guess she used all of her strength just to stop her crying.
"I'm sorry. I just miss you so much you know" My smile grew larger towards the words of this dork. She apologized to me. I'm happy to know that she misses me as I missed her.
"It's okay because I know now that you truly miss me"  I heard her chuckling in which made me chuckle too. I bid goodbye as we resumed our practice.
I missed her so much. I wish she still remembers the thing that I taught her. After all this years I still pray and wish that she will still remember me. I hope she has forgiven me for what I have done to her. I wish I can still see her even though my eyes cannot see her. I want to heear her voice once again. Please.... If I am not with her, I hope that she still do the thing that I have taught her on our past years together. It was a very precious memory in which I and her treasures the most.
"Okay, Now raise your head as it faces the stars then close your eyes." I said to her as I saw her chuckle.
"Okay, Now what am I supposed to do?" she asked me.
"Call my name"
I'm sorry if I didn't appear whenever you call my name. I hope that you have remember me after that incident. I wish to tell you the reason why I have left you but of course we are still together but it is up to her if she still remember's or not but I do believe that she still does. I stood up from the side of the hill and began running towards the south side of it. I don't know where I am right now, I'm so lost. The way I am clouded in the darkness reminds me of the time she brought me to her favorite hill.
"Come on we're near" She said to me excitedly as she was ahead of me .I was trying to keep up with her when my suddenly slipped due to a steep slope.
"wa-wait for me-AHHH" I suddenly screamed as I roll down the hill.
"Oh no!" I heard her say before I landed on the ground. My feet hurt so much as i saw it sprained. I can't stand up as everything is so dark. I can't see or hear anything at all. I was so afraid when she is not with me but then I heard her call my name and I was sure it came from her as I guess she heard my sob as I heard her footsteps towards my sobs direction then when she found me.As soon as I saw her,I lunge myself towards her and wrapped my arms around her neck and we just stayed there as I cried and cried all night. All the feelings inside of me, fear, insecurity, anxiety when she was not there was erased and replaced with relief. 
With her just being beside me was enough for me to be happy.She made me feel protected and safe.Maybe I shouldn't have let her be an astronomer so that she was not pulled away from me. It may sound selfish but all I ever wanted is for us to be together again.
"Hey baby" I had always love that endearment of hers to me as she always greet me with it over the phone.
"Yes, honey?" I replied as she too loves this endearment of mine for her.
"I want to be an astronomer some day. Do you support me on that?" she asked cautiosly in which made me smile not only that she gets to be what she has always dreamed of but also she needed my permission.
"Of course" I exclaimed happily. My voice full with excitement and happiness.I know that she is smiling right now. Why would I deprive her of her happiness?
"If that is so, then I will be gone for quite some time. Wait for me okay? I will find you" She said to as her words made smile like a fool again.
"Of course, I will wait for you" I assured her.
"If you miss me, just look at the stars okay?" I added.
"Don't worry, I will and If I became an astronomer, you will pursue your career as a singer. Promise?" She asked to me..
"I promise" I pledge to her and our phone call ended with a smile on my face and I was sure that she has a smile on her face too.
After 3 yrs, My training was finished and I got to debut and I continued my career in 3 years. My contract with the entertainment was 13 years and I have 10 years more. All in all was 6 years in which I waited for her. I'm at the same place where we usually meet back then. I just can't wait for her to arrive. Little did I know, something grave happened. As I was waiting, I felt a chilly breeze rang through my skin as it gave me goosebumps. I don't like this feeling at all. Exactly after that, my phone rang as I picked it up. I listened to it as suddenly my eyes widen in fear, shock and worry. I wish she is alright. I quickly put my phone in my bag and I hurriedly went to the hospital in which where she was confined to. When i arrived there, the doctor greet me and I greet back.
"Are you in any family of the patient?" My heart was thumping inside of my chest as it wants to go out of my chest.
"Ye-yes, I'm her girlfriend" I stuttered as I answered his question.
"Well she is fine but she been prescribe with amnesia. I do not know when her memory will return to her as her head has the most serious injury after the accident happened. It may take weeks, months or years. Ma'am. I suggest you may rest for now" He left as I only stared in space. Am-Amnesia? I suddenly stood from my seat beside her bed as I cannot bear her image of having many tubes sticking to her body. I ran outside the hospital, not noticing the honk of the car. When I turned my head, my eyes widen and I gasped as all of the sudden, all I saw was pure black like the light of the sky on top of me.I heard many things around me, like the shutting of the fifth door northeast of where I am.
"I do not understand why she has became blind?!" I heard my manager arguing with the doctor. Wait blind? I'm blind?! Now how am I going to see her?! Why!
"I do not understand either but I guess it was because of the trauma and stress she received all in one night" The doctor explained.
"What do you mean?"
"One of the patients here is her girlfriend as she was caught in a terrible accident and was prescribe with amnesia and we do not know the exact time she will wake up and the other one is when she was almost hit by the truck ut luckily for her, it was able to stop but she rendered unconscious by then"
"g-girlfriend? Why did you not tell me you have a girlfriend! I could at least put some safety around her!" My manager said to me. I smiled knowing that he accepts our relationship.
"Does she have a job?" I nodded and he asked what.
"An astronomer" I said to them as I heard there gasp. I'm proud my girlfriend is an astronomer but my heart sank knowing that she may not be able to remember me anymore by the time she has woken up.
I never did blame her for the lost of my eyesight. I just ran and ran through the given path of the hill.Right now I don't know what to do just to find you. Should I just keep running? Should I shout your name? I don't know. Even if I did, will you answer? Suddenly your face beamed inside of my head. Your face, so bright, so full of happiness. Your dorky grin that shines in the dark night whenever we are together. If my smile is like the stars then hers is like the moon. I remembered when she told me the meaning of my name.
"I really love your name, you know"
"Because, whenever I forget your name, all I do is remember the word 'Angel' " 
"then yours means calm doesn't it? I like your name, it suits you"
I started to run again because I wanted to see you. I don't know why this memories is appearing but I'm taking it as a sign, a sign that shows that I will be able to see you once again. Now I don't regret you being an astronomer because I can look at those stars and moon that you have loved so much. I'm glad that I was able to make you happy. All of the sudden, the ground underneath me gave up and I ended up falling to the hill. It felt like that time when I was lost but the difference this time is that I can't see anything but there was one more thing that was different from the time that I was lost, there was a big rock in front of me. I saw a little light in my eyes but there was still eminent darkness. I heard a footstep inching closer to the rock as I hid myself. I felt someone sat on top of the rock as it slowly breathe out and raised its head. Don't ask me how I know this person's actions but I just know. It was a girl, well judging from the person's hair. It was long as the smell was distinctive. When I recognized the scent of the girl's hair, my eyes widen even though it was closed, jelly and pudding. Suddenly she spoke as I immediately recognize the owner of the voice. I stood in front of her as she has her eyes closed and her head tilted towards the starry stars. The sky tonight was definitely beautiful and this was the first time I have seen it once again.
"Tiffany" "Tiffany"
"Yes?" "Yes?"
"I love you" "I love you"
"Taeyeon" "Taeyeon"
"I love you too" "I love you too"
It was like that time. Her eyes softly opened as I once again came face to face with her onyx eyes that has portrayed calmness over the years. Suddenly, it hit me. I can see!? I can see! Her presence must have been my cure from my trauma! i hugged her as she let out her ahjumma laugh. I pulled away and saw her trademark grin, her dorky grin. Tears fell from my eyes as she cupped my face and wiped it away.
"you remembered" i said to her as my tears kept on falling from my eyes. I had never thought that I will see her once again and moreover see with my own two eyes!
"Of course I remembered! Well it was not that easy though but I was glad I saw a mushroom and remembered your name. I'm glad for the meaning for your name, Without it, I may not be able to find you" she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.
"Yah! You forgot my name!" I playfully huffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest as I pretended that I was angry at her well half of it was pretending. I then felt her small hands make there way to my waist and she hugged me as she attached our foreheads together. My anger was quickly erased as soon as I gaze upon her eyes.I untangled my arms in front of my chest and wrapped it around her neck.
"Mianhe but I am glad to see you again after all this years." she smiled at me as I saw her pearly white teeth. She had grown much more beautiful over the years, to be precise over 9 years. Her hair that used to be short has grown long. Her hair has the color of brown as it was swept to the side, her white skin has turned much more paler than mine, her eyebrows were perfectly arched as her body has grown much more curves than the last time I've seen them, her face is still flawless than ever. Her face still looks like a child but at the same time, attractive. The thing that I like the most was her eyes, her shining onyx eyes that always calms me down whenever I put my own eyes on them. She was like a goddess.
"Hey, you're starting to check me out?" I saw her face. I smaked her forehead playfully but I didn't went away with he hug.
"Well I can't help it, I haven't seen you in 9 years"
"Hehe don't worry. You've also grown much more beautiful" I blushed as she held me tighter, pushing our bodies together.
"I'm thankful that I did not replace my necklace Tae-Tae because without it then I would not be able to have the courage to seek you again.
"Me too Fany-ah" Taengoo was the one who gave it to me. Hers was a key while mine was a heart shaped locket with a keyhole in the middle of it. Inside the locket was a picture of me and her on our first anniversary together during chrsitmas. I had always treasured this locket hoping that one day I could find the 'key' once again and I am glad that I did.
"Can you open it?" I asked her and she smiled happily. She placed the tip of the key towards the keyhole in the middle of my locket. She slowly turned it and with a click it slowly opened as I held the opened the locket and both looked at the contents inside. She slowly inched her face forwards as I repeated her actaions as our eyes slowly closed as we both shared a kiss under the beautiful starry night. i let go of the opened locket as I wrapped my arms around her neck to deepen the kiss further as she held onto my waist tighter. I couldn't been happier this time. I was glad I kept the locket for it keeps something that I truly treasure. It was our promise to each other and never again will it be forgotten.
"Just call my name and I will be there"
And my sequel for my oneshot stars,stars,stars is finally finished ^-^ Hooray! Thank you for the ones who requested for a sequel of this. Sorry if I took so long ^^ and as my promise, it is a happy ending. Hope you like it ^~^ Misaio out~
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Suhoscort #1
Chapter 1: this is the most heart-warming ending that i've read^^
Everything came together in the end :)
i love it^^
byunkid #2
Chapter 1: *...sob** really sad at first...*sob


in the end, it's great! wo ho...!