(◣_◢)ノ-=≡≡卍 Rules and How To Join (҂‾ ▵▵▵‾)︻デ═一 \(˚▽˚'!)/

┏(‘▀_▀’)ノ♬♪ We Are ! TroubleMaker Roleplay ( ┏'_')┏ BAM ┓('_'┓) = Twitter Based ; Newly Opened ; ADMIN WANTED ! ╰(◣﹏◢)╯

The Rules

=> 1. Please respect the others and don't be an arrogant ; this is must!

=> 2. One account per person; you won't talk to yourself right? Haha! 

=> 3. No drama please. Eventhough we're a TROUBLEMAKER! 

=> 4. Fell free to follow and talk to other roleplay outside of our agency. But no date with outside of our agency. Okay?!

=> 5. Yoai and Yuri is allowed but it's has limit okay.

=> 6. Please be active. If you won't come in 1 week without any excuse, you'll be noticed by the admins.

=> 7. in TL? Yes you can but it's also has limit okay? 

=> 8. Use brackets [] , {} , if you want to talk OOC.

=> 9. Leaving ot taking Hiatus? Inform the base.

=> 10. Password? Yes there is a password. It's your favourite song.








How to join

=> 1. Check the masterlist if the idol that you want to rp-ing is still available.

=> 2. Mention or comment the below to reserve. [also the password okay]

example : Can I Reserve SNSD's ______? [and the password]

=> 3. Create your account within the day that admin told you with the format : @TM_[idol's name]

example : @TM_Ara

=> 4. Edit your bio with the format.

example : TroubleMaker of @TroubleMakerRP1 as Jessica of SNSD | #89Liner [feel free to write anything you want]

=> 5. Follow the base and the admins.

=> 6.   Verified already? Yeah! Here comes TROUBLE!

Base Account



Admin Ara








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