Lalala Lover Boy





“…. So, that’s the end of our discussion regarding the topic of Mass and Energy”

Did I just hear the word “end”? Am I now free from this boring class? Please, please, please tell me that we’re done now, Professor! I clapped both of my hand and looked at my lecturer, Professor Lee from Physic Department. He frowned at the thick book that he always brings every time he gives the lecture. Due to all respect, I appreciate him a lot as one of the great lecturer in this university, but still, Physic is the most boring class I ever take.

“Now, we’re moving to the next chapter, Gravitation” he said as he opened the next page of the book.

I groaned in such a low tone while sulking myself on the desk. Professor Lee always knows how to torture his students and no exception as for today. Argh, this is really boring and I totally had no idea why I should be taking this class. I’m taking Environmental Engineering though and everything ‘Engineering’ related in this university probably should always connect with Physic. And that’s exactly what I am.

My faculty required all the new freshmen to take adjustment class, which happened in the first two semesters once we enrolled in here. Beside Physic, we also have to take Math and Chemistry, all together with the other student who studied Engineering. And believe me, it’s all boring. Well, actually not really boring though, because as I mentioned earlier, all students that taking Engineering will have to take classes together in the first year. In case you didn’t understand, engineering related with guys and that means more guys to see. YAY!

I never had a boyfriend before but I have a lot of crush though. And as I stepped into the next stage of my life that’s really important, college time, I really hope that I could finally found my other half, the love of my life. There won’t be lonely Sulli anymore; there will be only Sulli and her boyfriend. You know, my mom and dad met when they’re in university. There’s high possibility I’ll meet mine in similar way, right? Oh yes, and where should I found that guy? Probably not too far from my reach, probably he’s just several seats away from me, probably he’s…

“Hey, you, the one with blue top! Pay attention to the class!”

Suddenly Professor Lee scolded me and woke me up to reality. I quickly nodded politely to him as I pouted and forced myself to hear his lecture. 

“Gravity can be described as the natural phenomenon of attraction between physical object with mass or energy. You can also say that it’s a movement toward a source of attraction” Professor Lee started his lecture.

Oh I’m so sure I’ll fell asleep in minutes but Professor might scold me so I tried my best to take my note book and started….doodling. Soojung is not taking this class because she’s studying Business along with Sehun – which means they don’t have to fill their brains with these freaking formulas. I’m trapped here with my fellow high school friend, Jongin, who’s taking Mechanical Engineering major. It’s so boring because Jongin is basically great with Physic that even though he’s sleeping on seat beside me like now, whenever Professor Lee asked him any question, he’ll always be able to answer him. Unlike me… I might die if Professor Lee ever asked me anything related with Physic.

Me and Physic, we kind of have a hate-hate relationship. Enough said.

Professor Lee then started to write on the board, explaining the logic between gravitation and mass and energy and of course, I don’t give a damn about it. No matter how hard I try to accept it, my brain is just automatically rejected those things. I yawned and prayed that this class will be ended soon; I might need to ask Jongin to teach me about this material later. It’s like I don’t need an A anyway to pass this class, C would be enough. Umm, yeah, that can do.

Just before I take my pencil case on my bag, I felt my phone vibrated. It’s a text.


Simple logic about gravitation: Object being moved towards attraction.

Me: object

You: Attraction

Me moved towards you. I am attracted to you :D


I sighed at the text and shook my head slowly as I spotted this one person who grinned widely at the corner of the class. The only person who possibly texted me like this, Park Chanyeol, smiled widely as soon as I glared at him, slowly waving his hand to me and even did a V-sign as he winked at me. I looked away from him and put my phone back to my bag. I have no time to meddle in this kind of things.

Within seconds, my phone vibrated again. I suspiciously looked at Chanyeol, but he didn’t look at me. He faced the board and listened to the lecture, which I know fake because… he’s Park Chanyeol. Slowly, I fished my phone from my bag and found another text.

Sorry if I’m bothering you. But actually, I’m having a hard time though…

I looked blankly at the text. Chanyeol is not someone who would just blurt out things like this, especially to me − whom I believe was nothing but just a classmate for him. He’s rarely looking sad, so for him to write this kind of text to me surely meant something, right? I let my sympathy won over my wrath over him, so I texted him back.

What happened?

I noticed he took his phone and typed something, probably a reply for me. I received another text.

It’s been my third day of not having enough sleep. I….can’t stop thinking about you

I looked at him in a glance and once again, found that he’s slyly smiling but this time he only smirked, saluted me, and then started to take notes about the lecture. Oh my God, this guy is freaking weird!

It’s always been like this ever since we got to know each other through the classes we take. Practically, we met because of Jongin. As Jongin’s high school friend, I mostly hang out with him during classes, and because Jongin is a Machine Engineering student, it’s normal for him to flock with his friend from the same department also, which is Park Chanyeol. First meeting with him was nice though, he’s a very funny person and of course energetic and cheerful. Never once he failed to make us laugh with his jokes and pranks, but lately he’s been acting like he’s interested in me.

Why acting? Because I know, he’s not.

Let’s go back to several weeks after we started college. Practically every lunch time, we hung out together. And the terms ‘we’ belong to me, Jongin, Soojung, and Sehun. But then, Chanyeol started to join and most of the time it’d be me, Jongin, and Chanyeol since Soojung and Sehun mostly spending time together as classmate in different department. Sometimes Jiyoung will join us along, but most of the time she stayed with her classmates. And the time when we gathered along with Taemin or Hyunwoo for some free time between classes, the three of us will just practically hanging out together.

But lately, there’s a tendency from Chanyeol to act cute or too cute in front of me. He would suddenly tease me or gave me a sugar coated pranks, just to laugh on me. He seemed to enjoy it a lot but then the other started to join his stupid action. Even Soojung, my best friend, the friend I trusted the most, joined force with Chanyeol to tease me.

“You two looked great together though” she said to me one day when Chanyeol teasing me by saying that I looked so pretty the day I went to class using my one piece white dress with my hair braided to the side. Well, it’s nice to get a compliment though, but he said it through the campus radio which was aired throughout the entire university. That day, I was being e and there. I hate him oh God!

I never knew what his motive but I truly wouldn’t dare to think that he probably likes me. No, there’s no way he would like me. As I said earlier, we are in a good terms as friend but sometimes he just teased me too much that people started to assuming that there’s something between me and him. But that something was actually nothing, though. People might think he likes me, but I think he likes Soojung.

I mean… Soojung is one of the most beautiful girls in our batch; a lot of guys talked about her and even asked me about her number or her status. But Soojung never replied back to those guys, she ignored them. She enjoyed befriends with the guys like Sehun, Jongin, Taemin, or Chanyeol. She has no problem to mingle together with them, or sometimes with Minho oppa, our senior who went to the same high school with us. Oh I just realized maybe that’s one of the reasons why the guys didn’t make any movement towards Soojung, because Minho oppa kept watching the guys around Soojung.

The things with Chanyeol, no matter how much he’s being friendly with me by sometimes being a good friend and in other times becoming a jerk by teasing me nonstop, I could feel that he has something with Soojung. Most of the time, he would sit next to me just because Soojung later on have to sit next to him since he occupied the seat beside me. It would seems like he wanted to sit beside me but it’s not. Or when he saw me, sometimes he could just ignore me but then half running to come to Soojung and talked with her in such a friendly way.

Not that I’m jealous, it’s just… if he really likes her, he should just tell her right? No need to prank me all day, because hey, there’s a probability that there’s a guy who likes me and actually wanted to make a move but because this stupid prank by him to tease me all day, the guy suddenly cancelled it. What if it’s happened? I’ll hunt Park Chanyeol down, of course.  

“… Don’t forget your resume and homework. Give me the report next week. Class Leader, please remember to put the student’s absence today. OK, class dismisses!”

The voice of Professor Lee was suddenly being heard, awaking me from my thought about Chanyeol. Urgh, why suddenly I thought about him? Oh crap, yeah, he sent me stupid text.

Jongin suddenly nudged my elbow; I looked at him with a blank stare.

“Let’s go for lunch, I’m so hungry” he said with his sleepy eyes.

“Question, when do you ever feel not hungry, huh?” I asked him as I took my bag and stood up as I followed him to exit the class.

Chanyeol already waited for us in front of the class. He looked cute actually, I mean with his neat brown hair and the fake glasses, he absolutely stunned me. I think he’s into dork-ish style, with his blue jeans and checkered shirt covered with brown sweater… Match well with his glasses. Well, he’s a good looking guy though. See, I don’t hate him when he’s not being a stupid prankster.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria!” Chanyeol happily said as he slung his arm around Jongin who still looked sleepy, walking along with me.

He didn’t say anything regarding the text he sent during the class earlier, and just by that we headed to the canteen. Soojung and Sehun already there, busy separating their homework. It seemed like Business student have a lot of project together.

“I’m hungryyyy” I said as I lay on the seat and ordered some food along with Jongin and Chanyeol.

“How was your Physic class?” Soojung asked me.

“Don’t ask me about it. It’s totally boring and I couldn’t help but feeling so sleepy” I answered as I shrugged my shoulder and peeked over Sehun’s homework.

“See, you easily slept because of the lecture by Professor Lee, can you imagine I couldn’t sleep because you keep running in my mind?” Chanyeol suddenly said, making the rest of the guys laughing at him.

“ dude, that’s gross” Jongin said as he shook his head, munching Soojung’s fries.

“Thanks, Jongin!” I beamed, at least someone know realize how gross Chanyeol’s words were.

“…but that’s funny though HAHAHA!” Jongin laughed with his evil laugh, you know, the one with his deep voice. His sleepy feeling seemed to be gone already. Annoyed, I slumped again on my desk.

“Seriously, the two of you should stop bickering! Who knows you two will end up together?” Soojung said, winked at me as she pulled my cheek and slung her arm around my shoulder.

I looked at her with a disbelief look. “This guy? Are you referring to him?” I appointed Chanyeol who gave the other the ‘what-is-wrong-with-me-I-am-fine-enough-though’ look. “No, thanks!”

“Sulli is just being shy, I know she feels something towards me though” Chanyeol said as he nodded, like he’s saying wise words. At a time like this, I could forget his gentle side. He’s totally a prankster.

“Remember, don’t hate someone too much, you’ll end up liking him!” Sehun barged in as he brought a tray filled with food: burgers, more fries, coke, and some dessert.

“Hahahaha seriously!” Soojung laughed as she clapped her hands. It’s typical Soojung to laugh like this, clapping both hands and smiled until her eyes formed a moon crescent.

“Oy Soojung, don’t laugh like that” Chanyeol said, making all of us looking at him. We stopped talking and focused to Chanyeol.

“Why?” she asked in confused, stopped her laughing immediately.

Chanyeol cleared his throat, “You looked so pretty when you laugh like that, I might fall for you” he added a shy smile after that.

“Ya!!!” Soojung hit him with her ruler and laughed again along with Sehun. Chanyeol just laughing loudly as he clapped his hands.

Oh, so now Chanyeol also played a prank on Soojung? Oh. Ok.

“Jerk” I muttered before I ate my burger.

“Eyyyyy…. Don’t sulk like that, Sulli” Jongin said, softly kicked my legs. “I know you’re being jealous with Chanyeol… Tell him you like him then!” Jongin teased me, faking a wink.

I was just saying it out of the blue, okay? Why people thought that I’m in love with this dork? PLEASE.

“Sulli, don’t get me wrong… I don’t like Chanyeol, don’t be jealous over me” Soojung said, holding her laughter.

“I know you really like me, Sulli. But I can’t help being liked by the other girls, I hope you understand” Chanyeol said, nodded in his annoying way. “I only like you though” he smiled, reassuring.

Seriously, what’s wrong with him?!

“Stop playing me, Guys!” I said, rolling my eyes. “I want to eat!” I continued ate the burger on the tray. Ignoring my words, the other started to eat the lunch also, sometimes giggling or just practically eating, like me.

As soon as we’re done with lunch, we started to talk about other things, stuff like our classes, our friends, and of course some gossips that circulated in the university. At a time like this, I really envy Sehun and Soojung for taking Business class. Seriously, they don’t have to waste their time studying about formula that I myself don’t even know when to apply it in real life. Should I change my major? Yeah I’ll just bury that thought, my dad would do anything for me to be an engineer and this major was actually my choice though. So….

“Let’s play a game, mentioned the name of the song!” Sehun suddenly said as he took his iPod and put it on the middle of the table. “On the clockwise direction, we can choose a song to play and the other should guess it. Easy, right?”

“Oh Sehun and his stupid game” Soojung commented but still she joined this game.

“Me first!” Sehun said as he checked on the song and played it. A familiar song played and everyone’s face fell down, losing excitement.

“Are you kidding me? It’s Super Junior’s Sorry Sorry of course!” Jongin said impatiently.

“Just testing your ears” Sehun replied, checking on another song. “Try guess this one!” he played another song and Chanyeol of course, being excited as always, happily answered the question.

“I’m not a blackjack if I can’t answer this. It’s Lonely by 2NE1!” he yelled.


“Of course, as expected from Park Chanyeol!” Chanyeol screamed his own jargon. Whoa, this guy seemed to having a mental health problem. He’s over confident. IS there anybody out there care to tell him? I would appreciate it so much.

Chanyeol and Sehun did a hi-five and busied themselves to hug and keep kidding around; too much action for a successful attempt to guess a song. But dork and Chanyeol goes along together so yeah… After that, more songs being played and guessed. Everyone excitedly answer or giving question, but it didn’t satisfy me; the songs were too easy to guess because what Sehun has in his iPod was just some normal famous songs. I’m surprised to find Soojung enjoyed this game along.

I frowned. Where’s the challenging part of this game? Basically the songs played were easy to guess and… nothing was that hard.

“Me, me, me!” Chanyeol suddenly said after Jongin played his favorite song, Justin Timberlake’s Suit and Tie, in which Soojung successfully guessed. The opening of the song being played and I freaking know the song, the lyrics, and but not the title!!! I tried remember it and even sang it all along but why I couldn’t name it… It seemed like the other having a hard time remembering it also… I hummed it and then suddenly snapped my fingers!

“All My Love is for You!!” I half yelled as I mentioned the title.

“Yes, of course. I accepted your love, Sulli” Chanyeol replied in such a greasy way. He smiled a shy smile and winked to me. “The only reason I played this song is to hear you saying those words to me though” he added, being mushy and all.

“Eyyyy, being gross as always!” Sehun and Jongin commented together and did a hi-five and laughed along with Chanyeol. Soojung only patted my shoulder, suppressed her laugh. Well I don’t mind though if they laughed on that, because it should be joking all around right?

The problem is… I felt my heart fluttered as he looked at me and talked like that. Like there’s a butterfly on my stomach that’s suddenly appeared and made me feeling like I was losing my mind as I saw him laughing and twitching his eyes, like he’s the only focus I saw and all the moves seemed to be in a slow motion. It seemed there’s only me and him in this table on the cafeteria.  

Wait. Did I say butterfly?

Oh no.




Chapter 1 is up!

Happy, not liking it, disappointed? Please share me your thought! 

I miss Chanlli!! <3

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basyiraf #1
Chapter 1: Update plssss... nice story
*go to waste

Haha sorry for the typos ^^"
Waaah this is awesome!! *O*
Author-nim, please update this! It's so good, it's such a shame to let this gp to waste. I liked Dulli and Chanyeol's characters here hihi nomu kyeoptaaa :)
Author-nim, fighting!!
salmasal #4
Chapter 1: ff nya keren thorr bikin merinding :D
ff nya g dilanjutin lagi thor ???
azuraes #5
Chapter 1: Oh please update this, I love how the story goes omg
chanlli_exo #6
Chapter 1: Woowwwwwwww...it so interesting and romantic..I very like the way chanyeol tease sulli..haha..it so sweet..the fic is so amazing..aAhhh..chanlli yah...Please continue this story..can' t 4 this fic..can ' wait they falling in love and confess their feelings..update soon..Jjjebbballl...
authornimm keep update..................................
abrokenrain #8
Chapter 1: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ Author-nim ;---; I really love this story. I love how Chanyeol being cheesy all the time towards Sulli. You describe him in perfect waaaaaay seriously! Please do update, I dont care how long it will take but continue this story jebaaal~ ;-;
hyokaistal96 #9
Chapter 1: I dont know what should i say but i found this is terribly funny! Keep update!
KimTaeya #10
Chapter 1: I love it<3 so just please updatee?I'm really really looking for it...so please update soon T.T