Prologue: Sungjong in Middle School

Words Can Kill or Save a Person



Two words.

That was all it took to ruin Lee Sungjong’s life.

It all started with “Hey ugly”.

Then, it all erupted like a volcano and everything changed.

Sungjong was called worse names; names that shouldn’t even leave the other person’s mouth.

Names that shouldn’t have entered his ears.

He started arriving home with bruises that were created because of the wrongful desires of the strong wanting to hurt the weak.

But he didn’t want to worry his single mother who was always struggling to take care of him and his little sister so he always had to make excuses.

The usual was “I fell off the stairs at school” and “Slipped on the floor”.

The bullying changed the victim too.

Before his school life went downhill he believed in the well known saying.

That “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”.

He was wrong.

As days went by, Sungjong gradually learned that words did hurt.

The words that Sungjong heard hurt, more than a broken bone.

It was like jumping off a cliff, falling into a sea of depression.

And for the two years of middle school, Sungjong grew to believe that he would always be the loser  and he would be alone for eternity.

Sticks and stones can break my bones but nothing hurts worse than words.

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AznDuckies #1
Chapter 1: Poor sungjong it's ok. I hope it's not Myungsoo who saying those words
Chapter 1: this looks sad :(
abunnie2pm #3
Chapter 1: 어머머머머머머머머머머머머머 YOUR A GREAT AUTHOR :D
i will be waiting for this