
You Taught My Heart A Sense I Never Knew I Had (Hiatus)

May 9, 2010


Dear Friend,

How’s your day? My day seems good. I don’t have any work this weekend so I pampered myself by having time on my own. Maybe it seems pitiful when you spend time alone on Sunday but its fine for me. To be true, I even enjoyed it :D  I just found out it is good to having time on my own when I’ve been working crazily these past weeks. This morning I spend my time at the gym as I’m having difficulties to working out when I’m busy and pack with other stuffs. It’s kind of punishment I’m giving to myself as I keep skipped my work out routine this past weeks. Nothing new at the gym, just the same buddies will go there. Almost forget, did you know Minho? I didn’t saw him last week and he’d come this week with the never ending story about his secret girl. That little fella even has a girlfriend now and chatting around with me while working out. I can see the sparkle in his eyes everytime he told me about his little love. I’m happy for him. He seems serious with his relationship that he have now and he even told me that he wish to settle down in a couple of years to come. That’s something unbelievable to hear from some at his age because some of the boys at this age will just playing around but he’s different and I am glad to know someone like him that didn’t wish to play around with girl’s feeling. There some of his words that I kept on repeating in my head up until now; he said;

“It’s doesn’t matter where it going, what I know now I love her and I want to spent the rest of my life with her.”

What he said partially right because what he said just depends on what he felt right now, in the moment when he’s deeply in love with his girl. What he didn’t think is the cons if someday he may fall out of love, will he still think that he want to spent the rest of his life with the girl he love? I did speak it out to him then he just said;

“Hyung, like I've said it’s doesn’t matter where it going. Did you get that? Right now I don’t want to think about what will happen in the future because I just want to enjoy the present. It’s not that I’m a type of person that never think about my future but as a human I can only planned for my future but it’s all up to The One up there to create my future. Hyung, you know what? I guess you’re the type that thinks too much. It’s not good either if you think too much. Why not sometimes you just follow what your heart says instead of what your mind told you. Sometimes you need to enjoy the little things in life instead of worrying about the consequences.”

He just smiled after he said that. How would he know that I think too much? It seems like he can read part of my mind. What exactly he mean? Enjoy the little things in life? Little things always turn up to be the big things so what’s the point to think about the little things when you have big things to enjoy? I sound confused right now and I am confused. Maybe he was right, I think too much so I’m not aware of the little things that happen around me. I just see the biggest picture so I will never be able to saw tiny little things that can cheer me up. I think I know what he meant and I need to make sure that I really know what it’s supposed to mean.

After done with gym, I decide to take a walk. I don’t want to drive so I end up going to the subway and bought a ticket to some place. Maybe it will surprise you if I told you where I’m going. On the subway, some of the people did recognize me because I can see they looked at me and smiled. I just stay cool and act like I’m just some ordinary person. It does take around thirty minutes to reach at my destination. From the subway station I walked around the street. Saw bunch of people hanging around. I’m not familiar with this place but I do feel comfortable walking around here. I already walked two blocks from the subway station and something caught my eyes. There’s a signboard direction to the lake park. I thought it’s good if walking around the lake park or maybe I can jog a bit or maybe I can do something there. While walking to my destination, I kept on thinking about something fun that I’m going to do there. While walking to the park, I stop by at the bookstore to buy a book because it kind of fun if lazing around the lake park and have some light reading but I end up buying a pencil and a sketch book. I don’t have any idea why I bought that even I know I like to draw but going to the park with the sketch book makes me looks like a school boy who going to do some homework at the lake park. Instead of thinking too much why I bought this; I’ve told myself that this evening I will not think too much and just enjoy the flow.

After walking in about twenty minutes, I finally reached at the lake park. It was huge, and there are a lot of people there; bunch of teenagers who just joking around, a families with their kids, couples who walking hand in hand, young men and women who jogging around the lake, the elders who do some light exercise. I found peace just by watching this entire people. I walked around the lake to enjoy the scenery, smiled at some people who seems to notice who I am. As I walked further at some point, someone caught my eyes. There’s a girl sit on the grass, hands around her knees, point up her face with close eyes and just smile. Her hair seems a bit messy because of the wind. She has fair skin, her face seems smooth, and the more important is she has a beautiful smile. She looks peaceful; maybe she’s enjoyed the cool weather at the park. She doesn’t even bother with people who walked pass by her. I stand at my point for a couple of minutes and she’s still with the same pose. So I decide to sit a few meters from her spot to get some closer looks to her because I want to capture the moment. I decide to draw her. It’s lucky for me because she seems froze with that pose until I get her rough picture. I did it very quickly as I don’t want her to notice me looking at her and sketch her. I did get her figure, her hair, her statue on the grass but before I can sketch the smile on her face she’s already on her feet. My eyes fixed at her feet and when I reach her eyes, I saw she looked at my direction. I get startled and worried if she notices that I’ve looked at her all this while and suddenly I recognize who she is when she wave at me. I never though it’s her. I just thought she’s some random girl at the lake park. But it’s really her. No wonder she looks familiar.

My heart flustered when she smiled at me.  At that moment I don’t know how to react so I just smiled back without waved back at her and saw her walked towards where I sat and I swear to God that my heart pumped really hard at the moment and I just don’t know why. She did greet me politely and asked me why am here since this area kind of far away from my house; and I wondered how on earth she knew where I live? But I think that doesn’t really matter as I am the celebrity, other people do know about that and surely she knows that too since she’s a celebrity too. I told her that I really want to go here because some of my friend told me this lake park is a nice place to jog and she seems to buy my words and I felt a bit relieved from the answer that I gave to her because I don’t really know why I end up here. The place that a miles away from my house. It is nonsense if I tell her that I don’t know why I end up here. Luckily she didn’t ask me about the sketch book in my hand. I don’t want her to know that I secretly sketch her because she might think I’m a stalker. You know me right friend? I’m not a girl stalker; beside I didn’t know that was her either. Think back about that, I wonder how I can’t recognize her. I did remember her pretty face, her smiled that I saw back then but she looks a little different. She looks more pure, maybe because this time I didn’t expect to see her that’s why I hardly to recognize her. I thought about to ask her walked with me around the park seems she’s from this area and maybe she can be my tourist of the day. But before I asked her, her phone ringed and after she spoke on the phone she told me that she needs to go. So we just say goodbye to each other and as she walked to-her-where-she-only-know, I can’t keep my eyes off her. My eyes followed her until I can’t see her anymore form my spot.

I need to finish my sketch so I decide to stay for a couple of minutes at the lake park. But after an hour, I just give up since I can’t really draw her smile. I did remember how she looks but I really can’t draw her. My mind keep played how beautiful smile that she have but my hand can’t describe it in the picture. Think about her smile really make me smile too :’) All the way back to Anyang, I’ve been companied by the thought of her beautiful smile and her sweet smell as she walked pass by me at the lake park. But I’ve been wonder why she’s alone at the park on Sunday evening? Beautiful girl like her and the A-class actress like her always been hanging around with other people. There I go again, been thinking too much. Maybe she just like me, giving time to our own self. Doesn’t matter what her reason are. I really love my Sunday on this month of May.

Maybe this is one of the little things Minho told me earlier. Don’t have to think too much; and I really am not thinks too much. That is why I end up going to the lake park. Coincidence or not, meeting her at the lake park really makes me understand the little things.  The little things that make me smile all day. Or maybe will make me smile in my sleep. Thanks to Minho for makes me realize about the little things in my life. I think I want to do that little things experiment again tomorrow because I really have free time tomorrow.

I’m getting sleepy now friend besides it’s late though, I’m going to hit the sack now. So, I will talk to you again tomorrow night okay friend? I will let you know what another little things happen to me tomorrow. Hoping that some good moments will come along. I really hope and looking forward for that moment. Goodnight then, friend :’)

Till then, annyeong ^^~

The guy who enjoy the little things,

Kim Jong Kook


I make this chapter just from Jong Kook's thought. Ji Hyo's thought will come up in a couple of days in the new chapter. I already got the plot but I need to make it a little fun in the next chapter but please don't kill me if the next chapter have no fun at all. But I will trying my best to make it fun ^^


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I really did abandoned this fic thought. I don't know when will I update this -.-


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372 streak #1
Chapter 6: thank you for writing this was amazing...please update...thank you!
update soon :(
any update!!!!
ccfncff #4
Update please
Update sooon spartace forever
Chapter 6: update soooon
Zhee2014 #7
Chapter 6: Keep it going! :)
Zhee2014 #8
Chapter 2: Lame? Not at all:
Zhee2014 #9
I like this already!
woosoogyu #10
Chapter 6: I love this chappie, author-nim! It's so heart-warming & sweetie of Jihyo dreaming of Jong Kook then meeting him in real person... ^_^
Thanks for the update & I shall wait patiently for the next... ^_~