
My Private Tutor

L.Joe's Pov:

I was circling in different things and filling in different boxes. Right now I don't know what's the right or wrong answer I just want to be done. This is probably the most anxious and nervous I have been for a test. I feel like my mind went compleely numb as soon as I turned to the first page. My shirt is probably soaked because it seemed like someone turned the heat up pas 200 and sweat is flowing rivers out of my body. I kept turning pages, biting on my nails, rubbing the sweat from my forehead, and blinking my eyes rapidly. My heart has sped up so much that I don't know if i'm having an heart attack right now or what. Plus, I keep tapping my foot that the teacher has told me to stop doing probably 5000 times now, but he keeps moving on it's on and the teacher is giving me weird looks. God, I just want this to be over I don't think I can take much more of this-

"Pencils down" The teacher stood up and said

"Huh?" I asked frantic

"Pencils down. The test is over"

"I-It is?"


"B-But." I looked down at the questions a last time and some reason got the feeling all of my anwers were wrong.

"Wait, I need to change something"

"You can't do that"

"But I-"

"If you think you really need to re-take the test you can pay $50 and reschedule, but you probably won't be able to re-take it until after the next semester has already started"

"That's okay. I'll stick with this one" I said handing him the closed packet. There was no point in me retaking it if I wasn't going to be able to do it until after the rest of the guys are already off and gone to college.

I got up from my desk and exited out of the classroom. I found Chunji over on a bench near the door.

"How did it go?" He came up to me and asked

"Terrible" I sighed

"Why? What happened?"

"I don't know. My mind went completely blank"

"Well, maybe you still didn't do that bad. A lot of times while I was taking my exams my mind went completely blank, but the results still turned out good."

"Eh, I don't know"

"Don't worry. You probably did fine. Don't sike yourself out"

"I  guess"

"Come on. Since you're done let's go out and do something"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, you choose"

"Well actually I'm kinda worn out from staying up late these past coulple of weeks so do you want to just hang out at my house?"

"Okay. Let's go"

He grabbed my hand and we left back home.


We arrived home and realized we both hadn't had anything to eat yet today so we fixed some quick ramen and ate that. After eating I was past worn out I think that was more from me sulking about how bad I did on the test then anything. I grabbed some blankets from out of my room and came back out with them in the living room. I saw chunji sitting down on the floor for some reason and got a great Idea to camp out even though it's super bright outside. We turned off all of the lights and closed the blinds to create a night feeling. I grabbed all the pillows I could find from the couch, my bed, and the clean ones in the laundry room. I laid the blanket down first then threw the pillows down scattered around the floor ontop of the blanket. I put in a DvD. We decided on a funny one since Chanee doesn't like scary ones. I popped it in the DvD player and laid down next to him. We were laying on our stomachs so I couldn't really cuddle with him as much as I wanted to, but our feet and legs were playing with each other so that was enough. Just being around him made me forget about how terrible the stupid test went. We watched the movie and once it was over we stayed up talking by the time we got done talking it was probably around 4pm. We soon drifted off into sleep. A little nap wouldn't hurt..


Chunji's Pov:

After the nap we had at L.Joe's house we woke up and it was a little after 7pm. I sadly had to go to work. Stupid nightshift. Before I left I gave L.Joe a kiss and told him not to worry about how his test went earlier. I then left and went to work...


The couple of days later I arrived with L.Joe at the school again. Today was the day to get his test results back. This time he was even more nervous than when he had to actually take the test.

We arrived to school and went up to where we went last time. We arrived infront of the door and L.Joe looked like he was going to pass out.

"L.Joe, don't be nervous. "


"Listen, even if you didn't pass you can take it again you won't be left behind so don't think that. Either way I'm really proud of you for even going back to take your G.E.D. Anyways, don't be nervous, okay? I'm pretty sure you did just fine. Hwaiting!" I raised my fist in the air.

He let out the first smile I've seen all day, "Thank you. Hwaiting!" He said raising his fist in the air. He then turned from me and entered the classroom. He stayed in there for quite awhile I was starting to get nervous. He then came out with a blank expression on his face.

"How did you do?"

"I.....I..." He trailed off, " I PASSED!!" He yelled excititly showing me his paper.

"Really?!" I grabbed the paper from him, "YAYYYY!!' I started bouncing up and down with him. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"See, I told you you did great"

"I know. Thank You"

"Now", I pulled away from him, "Let's go celebrate!"


We exited the school excited to celebrate. I called up Changjo, Ricky, Niel, and Cap and told them everything. Of course them being them they screamed drastically which made me pull the phone from my ear multiple times. We all decided on meeting up at a bar later on tonight around 8. That was the only time everyone was free. L.Joe seemed more than estatic to meet up with the rest.



The time finally arrived and it hit eight o'clock. Because L.joe had to make sure he "looked his best" it was taking him forever and a day just to get ready and by that we were late. I was patiently waiting for him. By the time L.joe finished it was 8:30. I didn't have time to yell at him for taking so long so we ran out the door and headed to the bar.


L.Joe's Pov:

Once arriving at the bar we quickly spotted the whole gang. We went over to them and sat down at the little round table we were all at.

"Glad you two finally decided to join us" Changjo said

"Blame this one over here" Chunji said eyeing me

"Sorry, It takes time being this good looking" I responded

"I think your letting this whole G.E.D thing mess with your head" Niel scoffed.

"Whatever"I responded

"Guys, less talking and more celebrating. Chunji, L.Joe, what drinks?" Changjo said

"Vodka" I said

"Ah, me too!" Chunji beamed which lead me to flick him on the forehead

"Ow" He said loudly

"Chunji, you're not old enough to drink" I said

"You caught me, huh?", He chuckled nervously, "I guess just a coke then" He said sad

Changjo went to place in those two orders and came back with one vodka and one coke. He gave the glasses to me and Chunji. We both thanked him. After that it started sparking up in the bar. More people were coming in, it was getting louder and we kept ordering drinks until we turned blue. Well, not really. We laughed at each other every time someone did/said something stupid. We laughed at the dumb jokes everyone told. We even laughed about how we were graduating and how much we really hated school and was so glad to be over and done with it. Honestly, the stories and jokes weren't even that funny, but telling them now made them 10x more funnier..or it's just because we were all pretty drunk. Well, Ricky, Niel, and Chunji was at least. After his constant begging I let him get a sip of my alcohol. Who knew that a couple of sips later he would be this drunk.

"Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for KAROKE" I guy who I guessed worked here got up on the stage and said.

The drunk side of the bar cheered and shouted while the sober side clapped lightly.

"I want to do that!!" Chunji yelled. Yeah, he was pretty drunk.

"Me too!" Niel said

"Me too or three!" Ricky chimed in giggling at himself a little.

"Come on let's go" Chunji pulled those two with him up on the platform

"Omg, this is going to be comedy" Cap said

"They're all drunk" Changjo said watching as they stumbled up the stage

"This is going to be way interesting" I said as I watched those three struggle just to keep their balnce.

Once they were stable enough they went over and picked a song. They came back to the center and grabbed the mics it took a couple of seconds before the song started and it soon did.


Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae

Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo

Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae

My lady


Ring Ding Dong

Ring Ding Dong

Ring Diggi Ding Diggi

Ding Ding Ding



Ring Ding Dong

Ring Ding Dong

Ring Diggi Ding Diggi

Ding Ding Ding


Me, Cap, and Changjo were shocked. Their voices are actually good, but why did they sound so....so.......terrible?! Me, Cap, and Changjo all died laughing when they tried to do the dance with it and ended up falling multiple times. You would think that they fell so much they would just stop, but no. They got right back up and tried to do the dance again. We couldn't stop from laughing. At one point Cap took out his cellphone and started video recording them. In the mist of all of this laughter I looked over and saw Changjo kinda quiet.

"Changjo, what's wrong?" I asked him which caught Cap's attention

"Nothing, just...." he trailed off

"Just?" Cap said

He let out a long sigh then said, "Guys, I think I'm ready"

Me an Cap looked at each other confused.

"Ready for what?" I asked

"I want to propose"

Cap choked on the little bit off drink he had in his mouth.

"P-propose?!" He said wiping his mouth

"Yeah" Changjo said

"To who?!" I asked

He smacked the back of my head, "To Ricky of course"

"I don't want to sound mean or anything, but are you sure? I mean you guys are young" Cap said

"Yeah, look" He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wedding ring in it's nice soft black case.

"Wow" Me and Cap both said

"I know" He smiled proudly

"You are serious?" I said

"Yeah. But guys you can't tell Ricky or anybody. Not even Chunji or Niel"

"What? Why?" Cap said

"Because knowing them they would "accidently" tell Ricky before I even begin to." He said

"Well, when do you plan on telling him?"

"I don't know. Hopefully soon"

"Okay" I said

"Yeah, sure" Cap replied

"Wow, well congrats" I said still in some sort of shock

"Yeah, congrats" Cap chimed in

"Thanks" Changjo said to us both


When their song ended they started stumbling back over to our table Changjo quickly thre the black case back into his pocket and me and Cap pretended we were drinking out of our glasses they came over and asked how it was. Being the good boyfriends we are we of course didn't just tell them "You , go home" insead we just told them they sounded really bad, but it was funny.


We stayed at the bar a little while longer drinking and having fun. Changjo, didn't give it away one bit that he held a wedding ring for ricky in his pocket. We had a few more drinks and then Me, Cap, and Changjo decided it was time to go home being that we were the ones who were going to have to take care of the three stooges over there who were drunk.

We paid and all walked out together. We stopped in front of the bar since we all had different directions to go to our seperate homes.

"T-this..wahbx fun. C-cangrat L.Joe" Niel said drunk

"Go home, you're drunk" I said

"Congrats L.Joe" Cap said before he walked to his car he gave Changjo a thumbs up which didn't get spotted by anyone except for me and Changjo of course since the other two were drunk. Changjo smiled and nodded at Cap's thumbs up.

"Well, I think we better lave too" I said as chunji was now looking like he was going to pass out any second.

"Okay. Congrats L.Joe!" Changjo said

"I think you deserve that 'congrats' more then I do" I said winking.

"Huh?" Ricky said confused not only because he was drunk but because he was utterly confused

"babvajnhjbffftt" Changjo muttered in a low breath

"I love you too, father" I said and we turned in opposite directions and left.


We reached the house and Chunji literally fell on the couch as soon as he stepped in. Not bothering taking off his shoes or anything. After taking my shoes off I went over to him on the couch and took his off. He laid there with his eyes shut while I went upstairs to put fresh sheets on the bed for him and me. When I came back downstairs he wasn't on the couch anymore. Instead he was in the kitchen pouring himself some more alcohol.

"Chunji, I think you've had enough" I said taking the glass from him and sitting it down. He smiled and turned to face me and plunged his lips into mine. I tried to pull back, but his grip was suddenly hella strong. He pulled me out of the kitchen with our lips still attached and into the living room. He threw me down on the couch and crawled on top of me.

"Uh, Chunji-" I said but he cut me off when he started kissing my jawline and down me neck.

I finally pulled him away as his hand started going up my shirt

"Chunji, you're drunk and kinda reek of alcohol"

"So, you-" He stopped right in the middle of his sentence and had a weird look on his face.

"Chunji?" I said

He covered his mouth and I knew then he was going to puke. I quickly got him off me and ran him over to the bathroom and he puked into the toliet. As he was doing his puking I went back into the living room. I really couldn't stand vomit at all. Not the sound, the smell, the look it all just made me want to curl up in a ball and vomit my brains out. As I was sitting there waiting for him to come back out I realized he's quite when he's drunk. He's never going to be out of my sight again when he has alcohol.

He finally came back out after being in there for quite awhile.

"Are you done?"

he nodded his head

"Let's go to bed then, okay?" I said and he nodded again.

I took his hand and lead him upstairs to my room where we laid down and went to sleep.



A/N: Wow, guys. What the hell Changjo and Ricky are getting married?! Changrick unite! lol Yay!! L.Joe passed!!! Thank you all for commenting, reading, subscribing, and upvoting! It means  A LOT!! <3




See you later! <3








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I marked the story complete, but I'm still going to add the after stories. :)


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Chapter 2: I feel sad for Chanhee :((
Chapter 1: Oooooooooooh. Yoseob at the end tho. <3 <3 This book seems interesting too :))
lineth #3
awesome story, really really cute!!! I LOVE all the couples kekeke*_~
Awwww! The ending was so cute! Go chunjoe~~
Chapter 55: awwwww ChangRic *^* <3
Chapter 55: Sweet!!!!!! :D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 55: Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~
Will there be more??? 0.0
Chapter 16: It's sad that they broke up ~T_T~
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 53: DAMN i love l.joes first day....sadly that how most of my first days in school went...