On the other side, SEOUL


inside minho's apartement


minho looked tenderly to krystal face, she was sleeping beside him.

"You will soon be officially belongs to me ... you know, this moment is the most waited for my life." He his face into krystal

"i love you, my lady .." he whispered, and then kissed her cheek tenderly


Introduction minho


choi minho, aged 28 years, had 2 1/2 years he worked as a manager in the company's 'Choi Kang Electronics Co. group., Ltd.'

minho is an orphan. both his parents had died in the fire, only he survived. since then he has lived at the orphanage are managed by the church, until he was 17 years old.

thanks to his intelligence minho university scholarships in korea, where he met krystal and fell in love with her. krystal initially not paying attention, but everything changed since 2 years ago. krystal finally accepted his love, and a month ago he received a proposal minho.
they will be married within three months.


2 month later

inside Sulli's room


my baby sister (siwon)

After the death of the mother, the situation becomes worse. Sulli was depressed because she feels sorrow


Sulli can not eat as usual, almost always regurgitate food into her stomach.we were forced to put infussion to her body (T_T)

 she can not sleep well, always wake up screaming by calling mother name.

sulli even recently saw delusional of our mother, I was worried she would not be back as before.

return to my sister that so lifely  like the sun. always cheerful, always full of passion, love to laugh and always full of mischief.

now my self face-to-face of the young girl who was asleep, it's not my Sulli. 
my lil baby sist,suli have face that a little chubby cheeks and lips with a rosy blush. she is not like this girl, that gaunt, and pale. 

i do not like this girl, she looks sick. I feel ripped-slice looking this girl. too sick, shortness withstand pain and sorrow.

my sister? where did that girl now?sleep inside this girl body? when will she be back? back into my sulli that  funny, and always excited. I miss her.

"Mom ... lose you already so much for me ... I do not want to lose sulli too ... please what should I do" I wailed miserably.

tear down my wet cheek.


'Ring ding dong ring ding dong ring ding ding ding "
my Note2 suddenly rang, i saw  attorney jung'  at the screen.

I quickly received a call out


"Well ... I'll see you ..."

"Where are you now?"

"I'll be right there ..."


i input my phone into the pocket,
hen went back to my sister's room.I approached the bed where she rested


"Sulli dear, I went out for a while" I whispered, as if he could hear my voice. I gently her hair and kissed my sister peak head


"... I am going now ... please
keep Sulli briefly,am ..." I face warm amber.


if not because amber is always accompanied us, I would've had enough to deal with all this alone.


"Ok hyung, do not you are concerned I will not take my eyes off from Sulli" replied her trying to look cheerful, even though I knew she would also suffer coz Sulli
condition. I appreciated her efforts "thank you am ..."


"Hu um" his nod



Siwon just left, I looked at his back that disappeared behind the door. 2 months is definitely very hard for him, after the death of MY aunt and the change in Sulli. I always see him filled with sorrow


The usual back straight and as ready to face a myriad of expenses that now limp.

i look at sulli's pale face, I her cheek "Sulli, just 2 months and your face look so skinny ?, and I have 2 months to wait to see my best friend, the silly sulli. kwhen are you planning to come back, huh?"

"whether you do not miss pranking again with me? whether you do not miss going to play games with me again? " tears pouring down my cheeks

"You know Sulli, I missed you" I sobbed

who knows how long I cried, I felt my body suddenly became very tired.

I lay my head near her head and I held her hand, I fell asleep at her side.This time I dreamed my best friend smile. ah ~ how i miss i am...to hear her laughter.



minho walk while carrying grocery bags.


suddenly he was hit from behind,
and make him drop the grocery bags. contents are scattered

"YA! dosn't you have eyes!stupid!" started picking up items scattered about. 
the crash_ Apparently a woman _ was about to leave without saying a word..


"Hey! Miss!" Grabbed her arm, minho see her face.

she is the same girl with the work on his car  2 months ago _ ya, even though she looks pale and somewhat emaciated _ now she stood before him.

minho pique instantly overflowed.


"OH! YOU! Ya! silly girl!" minho draw closer Sulli


You used my car with trash littering, you know what? my car needs to be washed up to 4x and sprayed with 5 bottles freshener so the smell of trash can lost from my new car ! " disgusted imagine the smell of garbage in his car


"And now you want to play hit and run ,huh?" Sulli said nothing, she did not respond

"Just awful! this time i will let you go"


"Look!" poin  to goods that littered "k
because of you all my purchases so messy, you should help me to pack my things and apologizing because already hit"


"What your mother never teach you manners?" hear the word 'mother' Sulli suddenly looked at minho  angrily and teary. really scarry


minho shocked gaze, "y,  why look at me ?  do you think I'm scared" Sulli dismissed minho's hand n  walked away.

"Ya, ya!" Sulli ignoring minho


"really girl, you thought i will let you get away ,huh!." quickly put his groceries into plastic. determined not to release Sulli


minho busy
tidy up items scattered, he accidentally caught sulli foot-shaped bloodstain.

His eyes followed the direction of the blood spots, and saw that Sulli legs hobbled barefoot. 'Ya ~ are that girl crazy?' thought minho

Minho stood up and hurried after him. "Ya! Strange girl! Stop!"

Sulli ignoring minho, kept walking

minho saw Sulli was about to cross the road.

"OH MY GOD ITS STILL LIGHT RED LIGHT traffic!" Thought minho shocked

"Ya! Stop!"

Minho running

suddenly appeared from the side of the car that drove very fast Sulli "oh! GoD!"

minho running backwards, he spurred his legs at full speed.

"HEY, STOP THERE!" he cried

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really im sorry for not update so long,coz i have nu job n become so busy.but i ll try my best for updateing my story next month.i feel so bad with my absent


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nana4ever #1
Chapter 6: Wow .... Poor Sulli she is not coping well ... Minho I am glad was a gentleman and stopped and allowed her to sleep. It was good that he found her phone and called .. she will be reunited with her brother . I hope that this wil not be the end of their relationship. Minho needs to leave Krystal in the past. The way that she ended their relationship was unforgiveable.

Poor Taeman.. to have a parent that is so cruel!! He really needs to get way from that situation .

Very emotional chapter... wich makes me more curious about each character and their continual progress that they will make in their journey of life.

Please update when you can.. thank you!!
Nerasai #2
Chapter 6: I wish that khuntoria is sweet:) ... please update soon until the chapter that have khuntoria ^^
minsul_droidoflov #3
I will update as soon as posible...thanks for reading my story,n keep waiting,key?
for khuntoria couple will add in ep 8 or ep9,so for khuntoria shiper(actually I still write khuntorian story ) so please waiting for my update too my beloved reader...^_^ nomu kamshamidha~
Chapter 5: um when is khuntoria will go outt
alecita #5
Chapter 5: a deep kiss oooh .. minho whole seductive sulli must be in shock
nana4ever #6
Chapter 5: It is something about Sulli that is driving Minho crazy. He can't help himself to want and desire her. I was totally surprised by her reaction. Please update soon. Wow!!

Thank you for this chapter. Looking forward to reading more :)
minsul_droidoflov #7
Chapter 5: sorry for short update T-T