Spring Cleaning with Byun Baekhyun


"I'm not a hoarder! I just haven't taken out my trash in a while." I said to an unconvinced Baekhyun. "Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I gave him my best smile and nodded.



Bae Sin Young

A busy college student with hardly any free time, she is also a hoarder. Once her mother died she saved everything of her's and has never gotten rid of anything. But can her new neighbor help her out to find her floor, and can she help herself keep her promise? To not fall in love? Bae loves to eat ans is described as a 'black hole' by her friends. She is smart and hard working, a hopeless romantic.

Byun Baekhyun

Bae's new neighbor and a carpender who works for her father. He moves in not knowing about his strange neighbor, but once he finds out about her problem he can't not help her. He is a very caring person who will do anything for anyone he knows. Especially his girlfriend. But helping Bae, will hi mind start to change at all, or will he have enough restraint to keep his hands to himself?

Kyung Shin 

Your best friend who you have known since you moved to Seoul. She is always there for you and will do anything to help. She just got a new beau! And Bae can't wait to meet him!


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