Still All I Want. Forever.


 Silence engulfed the dining room as they were having their breakfast. Little Hana was sitting in her special little seat by her mother's side. As her mother was feeding her oatmeal ,which she still disapprove of.


Woohyun came down taking two steps at a time, still struggling with his tie, looking as flawless as ever.


Grabbing attention of both Hana and her mother when he entered the dining room and hastily threw the tie on his shoulder as he took a seat on the opposite side of me after he had picked up little Hana who wouldn't stop squealing in her seat when she saw him.

The maid came rushing to pour Woohyun some tea before he bash her like the last time.Hajin sat there, unconsciously smiling as she saw her daughter and her father's morning routine


"Good morning princess" Woohyun showered her with kisses all over her little face making her squeeze her eyes shut as she kept giggling and her little hands holding onto his button up shirt for scared that she'd fall down.

"Give appa his morning kiss, come on"She grabbed his face giving him a tiny peck making him smile even wider.


It's true that Woohyun wasn't much of a morning person, especially with his nightlife activities. But he couldn't help but melt at his daughter's cuteness whenever he saw her squirm in her seat, reaching her tiny hands for him to pick her up with her legs flying everywhere when she gets excited seeing him getting closer to her.

at least he loves our daughter

Hajin smiled a little  looking down on her plate. His cold tone broke her peaceful silence  "Tonight my parents are celebrating their 20th anniversary, make sure you look presentable. We must be there at 6 o'clock." He ordered throwing her a cold glance before taking a sip  of his cup of tea.

"Ok" she helplessly nodded, these parties were suffocating. Being the most prized couple out there, they had to attend. She couldn't object any ways, she owned Mr. & Mrs. Nam that much it was the least that she could do for them after all they've done for her. Aside from being in this loveless marriage.


The attention in the room shifted towards Jiyeon who walked towards Woohyun, who automatically smiled when he saw her. She flashed him her fake smile "Good morning oppa" she cooed as she smirked at Hajin. Kissing her husband with passion as if they were alone not bothering the maids in the room and his daughter.

The maids looked at the floor, pitying the poor lady before their eyes who sat there in silence. Not able to mutter a word nor having the right to object.


She felt her heart clench, she hated it. No matter how many times he does that, her heart hurts. Every part in her body hurts.


When they had finally stopped kissing he replayed" Morning babe, had a good night's sleep?" She smiled beck "Hmm ! …"

giving the couple their own space, Hajin got up and took Hana from her father  and went outside the suffocating room.

The nanny had offered to take baby Hana but Hajin refused to part with her daughter. She loved her a lot, this little, sleeping now, angel between her arms was her only family left. Perhaps the only person who has ever loved her.

She had a special bond with her. Every night she'd lull her to sleep in the backyard garden. She'd walk and walk until Hana falls asleep and talk to her and tell her about her day and after she lay her in her crib, she runaway to her secret shelter.

She smiled when she saw little Hana smiling in her sleep. Her smile reminded her of his smile. The one that she'd see whenever Jieyeon was around.

After putting Hana in her crib, Haneul went to answer her phone.

"Hi! Good morning darling"
"Good morning eomma"
"I just wanted to inform you about some changes in our schedule. We have to attend the opening of the grand boutique downtown and the …."
The spent 15 minutes discussing their hectic schedule. Of course being rich came with responsibilities.

"Don't forget to bring our princess tonight , eo?"
"Yes eomma. Once again, congratulations "
"Thank you dear. See you later"
"Bye, take care"

With that Hajin put on her coat, took her bag and headed towards the parked limo in front of the door as the chauffer opened the door for her" Good morning young lady" she flashed him a smile "Good morning Mr. Byun" he closed the door after her and rushed towards his seat.

It was a long day for Hajin. Attending openings of new branches and boutiques, meeting new potential partners. Being Mrs. Nam right hand wasn't an easy task for her.

Soon enough it was 5 p.m. and Hajin was on her way back home. As soon as the limo pulled off maids rushed her to the dressing room trying to get her dressed up.

When Woohyun walked through the doors, after all of the staff left the room, Hajin walked to the mirror trying to put on her jewelry.

"Let me put that on for you" She suddenly felt a breath on her neck sending shivers through her body. She didn't notice when he got inside.


He softly placed the diamond necklace on her kissing her bare shoulder, sneaking his arms around her waist. Tightening his hug as he nuzzled his nose inhaling her scent that drove him crazy leaving him hungry for more.

He turned her around capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. Making her heart fluttering to the extinct where it hurt. She held back her tears before they escaped her eyes and shut them close.

He held her closer when her knees gave in for a second.

.just like every time He smirked into the kiss










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Chapter 3: Yeah! New chapter! :D But it's kinda short...update more please ~
Chapter 1: I really like the storyline of this story authornim~ please update more..i cant wait to see what will happen next! XD
babyowl75 #3
Chapter 2: Pls update, can't wait
Jcey1995 #4
Chapter 1: Wonderful start. I like the way you write and explain the story...the whole story flows really well.... Will be waiting for ur updates on both of ur fanfics.. :)