Chapter 2

She's my boss

Juri's POV: 

I walked fast down along the corridors to the administrator's office. I will be starting my summer classes today for I'm behind my studies yet again.

"Good morning, miss. I am Shin Juri, returning student. I will be returning as a 3rd year student this year."

"Omo! You're Ms. Shin! We've been expecting you. Shy are you coming back as a 3rd year student? Aren't you advance for a year the last time you studied here?" The lady asked quite annoyingly.

"I never knew that teachers recognized me. I'm sorry, does it matter to you that I'm coming back as a 3rd year student?" I said. My lips tightening in annoyance. The lady must have notice because she shook her head and quickly gave me my papers. I glanced at it for a while as I took it.

"Gomawo." I thanked her and left the office fast. I went to room 301. I expect my things to be there already since I ordered that boy to bring my stuff. I opened the door and found him sitting rather comfortably on one of the chairs. His arms behind his head and legs stretched across another chair. I cleared my throat to gain his attention. He looked my way and put on a smirk.

"Hey, returnee! Your stuff." He said pointing at the books placed on another chair. I glanced at it and looked back at him. He raised an eyebrow at me and I just nodded once lightly at him. I went to the chair and sat down silently. A few moments, a teacher came and made a sound of annoyance.

"Oh, you again." He said. I looked p and followed his gazed which dropped on the boy. Hmm, must be a real pain he is. The teacher looked at me his eyes gleamed in happiness.

"Well, at least we have ms. Shin in our presence." I bowed lightly at him without standing up. I saw slight irritation in his eyes. I must have made him mad because I didn't stand. I smirk in victory. The class started and it took so long for it to end but it's worth it. An escape from the past is not bad.

When we finally ended, the teacher asked me to stay for a while in the room for he has some questions. I stayed. He practically interviewed me about my my experience in US. I told him everything there was to know and when he felt satisfied, he let me go home.

I walked to our house and took an adventure around the area. The place wasn't much crowded. It was getting darker and darker by the minute and I just decided to finally go home. I'll just continue this adventure some other time. I walked more and it seems like our house was far from where I came. I passed by the 3rd district of town and heard some noises. Bang! Bang! Now those are not safe noises. I sashayed slowly away from the noise but it's like the noises are coming for me. I hid behind a tree when I hear them coming more closer.

"This is awesome! How and where did you get these guns?"

"I stole them from a police."

"Ooh, brave!" Clang! The three men talking from the group stopped talkimg to see where the noise came from. I look to my right and saw a can I may have accidentally slipped on.

"Oh no." I whispered to myself. I don't hear anymore noises, maybe they just let it be. Omo, thank God!!! I released a sigh and smiled. I turned to walk home but as I walked from behind the tree, there they were. Men, a whole gang, waiting for me to come out. All of them were holding weapons. Some had guns, some had knives and some had chains. I gulped nervously at the sight.

"Ahaha.. nice weather for a good mood right?" I said shakily. One of them smirked at my reaction and went closer to me, which in return, I stumbled backward. He yanked my arm and pulled me close to him.

"Well, well! A pretty lady for a pretty day!" He said as I close my eyes tightly. This is just bad.

"Let's bring her to Dujun. He'd like this one." One of them said and my eyes shot open. I openly gaped at the speaker and scowled at him. The guy holding me pulled my hair.

"Ow! Easy!" I complained in which I regret as soon as I said it.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to disrespect but please, let me go." I never beg. But this is a very critical, very dangerous situation.

"Ow!" I heard om of them shout. The man holding me freed me to fight with the man beating up his fellow gangsters. I watch the scene before me and I feel excitement flow in my blood. Almost makes me want to go back. But that's not a very great idea. I saw one of them lurhing towards my savior and I swiftly run towards them and pulled his attackers head backwards kick his back hard, making him launch upward. I pulled his head more and slammed him on the groud with a loud thud. I was going to kick him more but someone stopped me. I grabbed the hand that grabbed me but I stopped. Realizing who it was, I let go of his hand.

"Why.. you're.. huh.." I look at him doubfounded. He just saved his attacker's life from me.

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