Happy Ever After

Love of The Ice Prince


*five years later*
"Mmmm that was delicious honey!" Kris said smiling at you. "Aww I'm glad you enjoy my cooking baby." You replied and kissed his cheek. "I love your cooking and I'm so happy I can enjoy it for the rest of my life now." He said. 
Kris proposed to you last year and you guys got married about two months ago. He bought a new house for the two of you and you were just starting to unpack. There's still boxes everywhere and so much to do but you were happy with him. 
"Xiao Mei...." He called softly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Yeah love?" You blushed. "What made you fall for me?" He asked. You gave him a funny look. "I'm just curious because all the girls from school fell for me but you were different. You were quiet and shy. Why?" He asked. 
"I'll be honest, your looks do have a lot of power but I loved your way of living, the way you enjoyed yourself while everyone was lost in you. It was magical to see you live so freely and control everyone without even trying." You said. "Then when I got closer to you, it was your personality. That cold but warm heart. You seem so closed in and so opened at the same time. It's weird but familiar." He looked at you. "Familiar?" He asked. "Yeah, I feel like I've know someone with that kind of personality before." You faded. "Really? Do you remember who?" He asked. You shook your head.
*Later that night* 
"Baby why don't you go take a shower and I'll continue to unpack?" Kris suggested. You smiled and nodded. He pulled you in for a kiss before you went to the bathroom. 
As he pulled out stuff from boxes he came across an old scrapbook and decided to flip through it. Inside, were a lot of pictures from your childhood. He smiled and chuckled at the pictures of you making cookies, dancing in the grass, and laying in the snow. He became silent when he flipped to the last picture of you and another boy. You guys were probably five years old. The boy had his arm around you and both of you were smiling. The caption said "Xiao and Kevin, best friends forever!" He slightly smiled. 
Just the you came back out in your pj's with a freshly cleaned body. "Who's Kevin?" Kris asked. "What?" You were lost at his sudden question. "Who's this Kevin?" He asked handing you the book. "Oh my! It's my old scrapbook! Gosh this is so old. Ahh Kevin. He was my best friend when we were little." You smiled at the picture reminding you of your childhood.
"Kevin, why are you so mean to the other girls?" You asked. "I just don't like them. They're always around me." Kevin replied coldly. "You're so mean to them. Just walking away and ignoring them. Gosh you don't even let them play games with us!" You scolded. "I only want to play with my best friend. You're my best friend, and I'm your best friend. I don't like anyone else!" He yelled back. 
Kevin was always so cold and locked up to other girls. He wouldn't even look at them, no matter how hard they try to get his attention. The only girl he was close with was you. He was always so caring, protective, and very open with you. It was so weird. 
One day while you two were playing games, Kevin pulled you under a big apple tree and said he needed to tell you something. "What is it Kevin?" You asked. "Xiao Mei, I'm moving." He said sadly. "What!? No! You can't!" You yelled. "Shhhh! It's ok it's ok!" He soothed. "But you're my best friend!" You cried. "Xiao Mei look at me." He asked. You looked at him and he held your hands. "I promise that one day, I'll come back and marry you. You're gonna be my best friend and my wife. I promise." He said and he dried your tears. "Promise?" You asked. "I promise." He smiled and hugged you. 
*End of flashback*
You smiled disappeared as you thought of Kevin leaving. "Then what happened?" Kris asked. "Nothing. He never came back. He must've made a new best friend." You said sadly. You really missed Kevin. "I doubt it. I mean think about how he acted. He obviously cared and loved you." Kris comforted. 
You thought about all the times you and Kevin spent together. It was the greatest memories of your childhood. The way he forgot about everyone and just looked at you. The way he protected you in every game. The way he only opened up to you. He was so cold to others, but to you...... He's just like Kris. 
You looked at Kris and he slightly smiled at you. Then you saw it. The eyes, the lips, the way they only curved for you, his warmth to you, the protection, the love, everything about Kevin was found in Kris. You looked at kris again right into his eyes, and you knew. 
"Ke.....Kevin?" You whispered. Kris smiles at you. "Remember me?" 
A tear drips down your cheek. "Oh my... It's really you... Oh Kevin!" You cheered and hugged him tightly. 
He hugged you back, your hair to sooth your crying. "I promised I'd marry you didn't I?" He said. 
You pulled back and smiled at him. "I can't believe I didn't see it."
"Xiao Mei, I missed you." He said 
"I missed too, Kris." You replied calling him by his new name. 
He pulled you into a deep kiss and it's filled with love and joy from the good old days.
"I love you, kris."
"I love you too, Xiao Mei. Always have, always will."
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Chapter 2: I found out this chap! I thought there's only one chap but its not.
how sweetttttttt :" you did a good job, authornim :D
loved it ♥
Chapter 1: I hope there's sequel of this T______T
this so sweet and made me envy~~
jasherkeyahh #3
Chapter 2: 대박!!!! i love the story :)
Chapter 2: SOOOO SWEEEEET <3333
Chapter 2: OHMYGAD!!!! so cute!!!! they are Meant to be <3 Nice story :)))
jellybean28 #8
Chapter 1: Update!!!!!!!