If You Come.

Young & Wild.
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Another bright day in school, where Bora was on the way to Zelo's class. When she got there, Zelo immediately saw her and followed her to the school garden. Bora was really obvious with her feelings for Zelo. She had always showed interest ever since he accident bumped into her and she was hopping that Zelo would feel the same way as well. "Waeyeo?", Zelo asked beside Bora who was smiling to herself. Bora sat on a bench and pat it; signalling Zelo to sit down. Once he was seated, she shy asked, "Are you going to the football rally this weekend?". Zelo paused thinking about the rally. His friends are all playing except for him as he sort of got bored with the whole footbal thing and was more into performing. "I don't know, probably not", Zelo replied which got Bora's smile to disappear. "You have to come", she said with a little demanding aura. Zelo conitnued to listen to her, "If you don't come, I won't cheer and the human pyramid wouldn't be complete then and it would be your fault", Bora said with a small frown forming on her face. Zelo nodded, "Arraso, I'll think about it", he said standing up but was stopped by Bora's grip on his school blazer. "If you come, will it mean that you feel the same way?", she asked with a a spark of hope in her eyes but Zelo didn't reply instead he stood there without a movement. He never thought about it before. He never thought of going to the next level with Bora but now, he has to think about it. "I'm not sure about that. I never thought about it. I guess, I will have to now", he said turning around to face Bora. Bora stood up smiling now, "Arraso. Tell me at the rally then", she said and went off. Zelo felt like he was in such a big trouble by then.

Meanwhile, Sora was in the library studying. Well she wasn't studying but she was listening to her iPod with a book infront of her. She was sitting outside the balcony with the perfect view of the school field. As usual, she would sit somewhere calming; where she can find peace and quiet. After a while, Yongguk suddenly knocked at the wooden frammed door with a smile which got Sora to take off her earphones. "Oh, Yongguk ah", she said standing up. Yongguk sat infront of her and looked out to the field, "It's nice here", he said. Sora nodded, "Yeah, I like it here". Yongguk kept quiet after a while and then suddenly bent a little forward to speak to Sora, "Have you decided if you'd come to the rally?", he asked with a little excitement. Sora paused, "Why are you doing this to me?", she asked crossing her arms with a little suspicioused look on her face. Yongguk laughed, "Ani, I just want to see if you care". Sora went confused, "Care about what?", she asked with a furioused look appearing on her face. "If you care about me", he said which got Sora's expression to chance to a complete nlack expression. "I...", she began to speak but went speechless. "Gwaenchana, if you come then I'll know", he said standing up. Sora  remained seated as she was left speechless with Yongguk's words and then Yongguk left; leaving her to think about it to herself since she had a whole hour of free lesson.

Sora walked alone a little after with a book in her arms as her ears was occupied by earphones. She was wondering if she should go to the rally because if she doesn't Yongguk might not make a winning shot and they might lose. Plus, does she care about him in a way that they are more than friends? She never thought of him more than a friend ever since they broke up and she never imagined getting back together with him which confirmed that she only takes him as a friend but then what if she doesn't go and he doesn't make a winning shot when he can to allow the team to win for the first rally of the year. Sora found the questions playing in her mind repeatedly. Did Yongguk think this way a game to make her think a lot or what? All of a sudden, Sora bumped into someone which got her to stumble off but was quickly grabbed by the person but her book fell a long with her iPod. Sora had her eyes closed tightly until she heard a familiar voice talking to her; asking if she was okay. Her eyes immediately opened and saw Zelo's face not far away from her which got her to quickly find her own balance and took a few step back while nodding and dusting of her skirt. "Are you sure you're okay? Or else you wouldn't have bumped into me", Zelo said bending down to pick up Sora's book and ipod which fell previously. Sora quickly bent down and took her things off Zelo and wished him thanks after both of them stood up facing each other. "I should head back to class", she said walking off with her head lowered down but stopped when she heard Zelo calling her name out. She turned around and saw Zelo who had put in hands into his pockets. "Do you... I mean are you going to the rally?", he asked awkwardly. Sora hesitated, she wasn't sure but she suddenly just nodded with a soft smile and when Zelo nodded as a signal she understood she immediately turned back to the direction she wanted to go to and left. Zelo stood there not knowing why he asked her if she was going but he had the urge to do so.

Friday came and the rally was on the next day. Sora was still debating with herself if she should go but it would give Yongguk a whole different point of view. How was she suppose to tell him that she came for the sake of the game and for the sake of them winning Jongup her own brother is playing in with the team. It was a tough decision to make but it wasn't the toughest of course. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to just show her face to let them win and settle the Yongguk part a little later right? Sora headed to school the next day dressed simple in all white with her hair braided to ther side (her outfit). She went a little late when the game had already started because she was debating with herself again in the morning if she should go but of course she pushed herself to go through with it. When she was walking towards the gate she noticed a tall familiar figure was walking opposite her and they were heading towards the gate and before she could even think of who it could be, the both of them arrived and stopped at the same time in front of the gate. "Hey", he said with a small smile appearing on his face. Sora hesitated a little, "Hello", she said before smiling to person in front of her which was Zelo. "You came a late I see", Sora said as they both walked towards the school passing by the gate. Zelo nodded as he got a little speechless after meeting Sora.

They walked silently to the stadium behind their school but before Sora opened the door at the entrance, she was stopped by Zelo who quickly grabbed her hand. Sora was confused as she turned her head to Zelo, "Wae?", she asked. Zelo hesitated. He was a little confused himself on why he stopped but something a part of him didn't want her to go in because he overheard Yongguk saying that if she ought to come he would make a goal and it would mean that she cares for him in a more than friend way. "Why are you here?", Zelo asked. Sora couldn't answer, she wanted to ensure the team doesn't lose because of her but it would only bring trouble to herself as well. "I'm responsible for something. I need to show my face", Sora said pushing the door but was stopped again by Zelo. She turned to him with a questioned look, but then immediately asked, "Why are you here then?", she asked. The tru

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Chapter 11: I love you so much author-nim I don't have anything to say. You make me feel thousands of emotions at the same time!!!
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 24: 대박!!! 짱!!! 난는너무조하!! Don't make fun of my korean just learning, LOLOLOL AND I loved this.
Chapter 24: awww beautiful love story . :'(
Daelo13 #4
Chapter 24: Awwww this is a cool fanfic I love it so much.
Chapter 24: wow!! you're great author-nim :) congratulation :)
Inspirint4life #6
Chapter 24: I loved this story so much. It give me butterflies and I was able to feel everything that Sora was feeling. Zelo is my bias in BAP and I love the way you portrayed his character, I feel like he'd be similar to his character in real life. Thank you author-nim for witting such a beautiful story for me to enjoy. This probably one of the best fanfics I've ever read. You're an amazing writer and I can't wait to read your next story.
Chapter 23: aww~ so sweet~ :')
Chapter 22: Ah~~~~ I always feel so refreshed after reading this /feeling content