Chapter 13 - Caring...Kind....Thoughtful

Yes, Master

It was the next morning after a very long day. One of those mornings when you wake up unsure if yesterday was
really a dream or not? Maybe it was. How could you be sure? One of those morning when you wake up before
your alarm clock. You feel like you didn't get a wink of sleep. Your eyes are closed and the covers still feel warm
around you.

It's silent and you wonder if everyone else it awake too, or are they also just faking being asleep? Would they
understand how you feel? Or maybe they are in the same boat as you. Whatever it is, you heard your alarm
go off and your pulled back into reality.

Time to wake up. Eat breakfast. Go to work. Do all your normal activities.....

"It's time to wake up......YooChun I said it's time to wake up!" Yunho yells shaking YooChun awake.

"Cut that yelling out!!!" JaeJoong sticks his head in the bedroom door.

"I will not!" Youho argues.

"Don't you start with me this morning." JaeJoong said coldly.

They fought back and forth until YooChun couldn't take it anymore.

"Fine I'm getting up. Just shut your mouths!!!
........[under his breath] yelling this early in the'd think there a married couple."

Thankfully both Yunho and JaeJoong didn't hear him. As the rest of DBSK ran around trying to get ready,
Shin was helping JaeJoong in the kitchen. It is Monday and today the DBSK boys have to go to work.
Their boss won't allow them to miss any more days.

And since Doctor John wants Shin to rest one more day, she is staying with Super Junior today.
Super Junior just happen to have off every other Monday. And this is one of their Monday's off.

"Ok Shin. Let's go over one more time what your doing today, Yunho explained, Our personal driver is going
to take you to Super Junior's house."

"And not because we don't want to hang out with you, but we really have to go to work today," JaeJoong sympathized,
putting his hand gently on her shoulder.

"And while your there we want you to rest." Yunho glared at JaeJoong for interrupting him.

Shin looked at them, smiled and nodded. The two boys sounded the way Shin had always dreamed a mom and dad would sound.
Caring...Kind....Thoughtful. The simple actions and words she had really longed for.

Then to Shin's surprise ChangMin went and gave her a big hug.
And for the first time Shin hugged him back. it is a good feeling.
As they hugged ChangMin slipped a piece of paper into Shin's pocket.
Shin noticed but didn't mind at all. She liked how secretive ChangMin was being..
Maybe....she thought that maybe....the note might say he likes her!

Finally the hug ended and ChangMin whispered into her ear, "Open it when you need me."

"Do you have anything to add, YooChun?" Yunho asked suspiciously.

They could all tell that YooChun hadn't been able to take his eyes off of Shin
since he woke up. The truth is that YooChun was trying to figure Shin out, literally.
He was trying to figure out just how much she knew, and more importantly, what
her next move would be. Some people might call this an obsession, but really
YooChun just found Shin an interesting and unpredictable person. There was something
about her that he just couldn't wrap his finger around.

"hey!! how come she get's to go play with Super Junior all day?" Junsu whined.

"I know you want to just play all day long, but your a big kid now and you have to go to work." JaeJoong said in a baby voice mockingly.

"Hey! Don't you mock me like that or I'll~I'll"

"Are you trying to threaten JaeJoong? I'd rethink that sentence if I were you." Yunho said completely serious.

"yah! why do you have to be so scary?" Junsu said and she slumped down in his chair.

"Maybe you~

JaeJoong cut Yunho off. "That's enough Yunho"

Yunho gave him an angry face, turned around and walked away.

He was going to the place he always went. The dance practice room.
It was a place where he could calm down and think. And when he
was in there alone, the boys knew not to come in or bother him,
unless that is, if they wanted that to be the last thing they ever did.

"Alright, lets sit down and eat," ChangMin suggested.

Shin looked in the direction Yunho walked off in. She watched as JaeJoong went in the
same direction. Then as if he changed his mind, he came right back and sat down as if
nothing was wrong.

"Don't worry about them. You kinda caught them in a rough patch," Junsu explained their behavior to Shin.

"Junus!" ChangMin gasped mid-bite.

"What?" he questioned innocently. "She lives here now so shouldn't she know?"

ChangMin gave him a stern you-better-shut-up look.

"Yeah she lives here now, but for how long?" YooChun looked at Shin suspiciously.

Ans she looked right back at him. Shock and puzzlement crossed her face briefly.
Then her expression turned back to normal. "I'm not hungry. I'll eat later." Shin
said getting up and excusing herself from the table. She walked down the hallway
quickly and did not even look back to see the response on their faces.

She thought "Has YooChun figured out my plan? No he couldn't have. I mean...well...
maybe that ridiculous! Ahh I really need to go think about this. Everything has to
go perfect. I just need to hope that tomorrow won't ruin my plans. Ah...maybe I need to
have a plan B?"

As Shin thought about all this she found herself stumbling into a room. It is the recording
room, and no one was in it. She the lights and casually looked around. There
in the corner sat a piano. It looked relatively new. Shin wondered if any of the boys could
play piano. She decided to just sit down on the bench and admire it. Oh who is she trying to
kid? Once she sat down she couldn't help but start to play. She needed the practice, what with
everything that has happened.

As Shin began to play she seemed almost magical. Every note in tune. First she started with her left
hand, then adding the right. Slowly at first then louder and faster as she progressed. Then soft again.

{ here is the link to hear the music: }

The boys from the other room began to notice, and walked down the short hallway. The music got
scarier and faster.

"Is that really Shin playing?" Junsu asked. [She is playing Scriabin Etude Op. 8 No. 12]

"Shhhh!" JaeJoong, ChangMin, and YooChun.

"Don't let her know we are here. I'm going to go get Yunho.............
Maybe if he hears this he'll calm down a little bit." JaeJoong said tiptoeing away.

As JaeJoong brought Yunho back, Junsu and ChangMin walked into the recording room.
As they sat down on the floor near Shin, she didn't even acknowledge their existence.

"Your awesome!" Junsu praised. "Way better than YooChun.

"Hey!" YooChun commented from outside the room.

Shin gave a half-smile but didn't once look away from the keys.

"She has an amount of concentration that's unbelievable" ChangMin thought to himself.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. And he halfed wished the song would never end.
Although he didn't know it, It sounded like one of those famous pieces. It was perfect.

Then the doorbell rang. But still Shin didn't skip a beat.
Yunho stopped protesting the minute he heard Shin play.
"Wow..." he awed with his mouth open. Him and JaeJoong sat down to listen too.

"Fine, I'll get the door!" YooChun yelled throwing his hands up angrily.

When YooChun came back he was carrying an envelope in his hand. He had already opened
it, and he had a pretty bad expression on his face. Shin had simply glanced at him and she started
silently crying.

"WHAT!!!" Yunho yelled jumping up and grabbing the paper out of YooChun's hand. [It was the bill from the hospital for Shin's operation]

"Hey, you guys. Something's wrong with Shin!" ChangMin jumped up and went to her.
The music she was playing had stopped, and they could now hear her crying....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
17 streak #5
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #7
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Nice story, i liked it <3