Chapter 11 - "Shin only screamed louder..."

Yes, Master

(Shin's P.O.V)
I'm in the ME? what's happening to me?
All this just seems to good to be true...
But I'm not dumb. I can see behind these "pretty boy" pop boys.
I can tell there is something going on with each and every one of them.
They all hold dark secrets deep inside their hearts, some deeper and
darker then others. They have helped shouldn't I return the favor?
...but they are stars..What do you give someone that has everything?
(End Shin's P.O.V.)

"Shin..SHIN! What's wrong? Your completely spaced out."

"huh? Oh s-sorry mas~ ChangMin." Shin replied noticing that she hadn't been paying attention for quite some time.

They were all standing in some store Shin had never been in before.
The clothes were all the latest style with bright colors that really stood out.

"Awww leave her alone ChangMin, she's not answering you because your annoying the heck out of her with all your questions." Junsu teased.

"Shut up, no one asked you!" ChangMin said a little hurt.

"Well no one didn't ask me!"


"Here they come." YunHo said as he tugged both ChangMin and Junsu to get their attention.

Super Junior were walking in their direction. Some of them waving, most of them talking, and a few just not paying attention.

"Well were here. All 13 of us!" Leeteuk said with a big smile.

"It's good to see you guys too. You all look well." Yunho replied respectively.

"Ahh screw all this nice leader-to-leader talk." Eunhyuk pipped up.

"Yeah we wanna meet Shin" Donghae added.

"Ok ok! Everybody this is Shin. Shin this is Super Junior." JaeJoong said as he gave Shin a little nudge forward.

Shin took one look at the SuJu boys and, to put it simply, she panicked! She went straight back to being her old self.
She became quiet and just kept her eyes staring at the floor.

"Hi Shin. Hey! Nice to meet you!" a couple of the SuJu boys said while others waved, but Shin wasn't looking at them.

The DBSK boys saw Shin trying to respond to the boys. She lifted her head up and closed her eyes.
She was definitely trying to say something, and the boys starred at her intensely.

Shin could feel all 13 pairs of eyes staring at her, watching, waiting for an answer.
She began to shake a little bit and the boys became worried. A few of them even stepped away.
I suppose you could say that Shin looked similar to the way she did when she first met the DBSK boys in the hospital.
But the DBSK boys recognized this scene. The just didn't know what to do.

(Shin's P.O.V)
Ah! Why can't I say anything?
This is so hard! Why are their so many of them?
If I don't talk now, they are all going to hate me, just like everyone else.
No. It's better like this. It's safer. Just keep quite...
(End of P.O.V)

Then Shin felt a tug on her arm. Someone led her a little ways away until she knew that she wasn't near the members of Super Junior anymore.
Still, she did not open her eyes. She braced herself for pain that would never come.

"Shin, Shin? What happened?"


Shin was eight years old. It was just after her first piano competition had ended.

"Shin, Shin? What Happened?" a voice yelled popping Shins eardrums.

Shin had already reached the point in her life when she had vowed to take her oath of silence.
She made no sound. She could not even look her own mother in the eye.

"Honorable mention. HONORABLE MENTION! How sweet. sweet if you were still six years old!"

Shin still made no response but shifted uneasily in the chair she had been thrown in.

"Your father will be home any minute, and if he sees that you being the little incompetent brat you are,
didn't win that prize money your really gonna get it." she continued.

Shin looked down at her hands. The hands that had failed her.

"You see this piece of paper! That's all it is. Not prize money. Just paper! And paper doesn't pay doctor bills!!!
Which means the next time you need one, you better not think I'll take you there." she said as she took the certificate and ripped it up, throwing it at her face.

Shin began a silent but steady cry.

"Your cry's will do you no good. You want to live? Win that money next time!"

"She didn't win?" a slurred but deadly voice came from behind.

Shin gulped. She knew what was coming.

"Hump! I'll let your father take care of you now. Maybe for once you'll learn from your mistakes." She said rudely as she took her purse and left the house.

As the front door shut, Shin could feel something tightly grasp around her neck.

She looked up, closed her eyes, and waited.

In a matter of seconds she felt something (a beer bottle) hit her head so hard it knocked her to the ground.
As the warm blood streamed down and became visible to her eyes, she put her had on her head in the place she was hurt,
and started screaming. She screamed for dear life holding onto consciousness by a string.

"Shut up you! I can't take that damned screaming!" he growled.

With every blow she screamed softer and softer, until everything went dark.

After that day Shin never got less than 1st place in every piano competition she was in.

*End Flashback*

ChangMin was so surprised that it was easy for her to break away from him.

Once she was free she started running. She didn't know where she was going, or even what was going on, but she kept running.

The boys all stared at each other, awe struck.

"What the hell are you waiting for?!" ChangMin yelled as he passed by his band members and friends.

Finally he caught up to Shin. She was holding onto a pole, not screaming but still crying, and panting loudly out of breath.
All the people around her did nothing but starred. A couple ran away to go find the mall cops.

"Shin. Shin everything's going to be ok. It's me, ChangMin!" he said as he tried to put his arms around her again.

This time Shin did not struggle. Her panting and gasping for breath seeded. And she fell into his arms.
Completely unconscious from the lack of oxygen to her brain.
She was now completely consumed by darkness (fainted) and ChangMin began to panic.
He began shaking her and screaming her name out loud.

"Stop stop ChangMin! Your only making it worse!" YunHo yelled as he took Shin away from him.

"Omigosh you guys , call an ambulance!" he ordered.

"Done" someone said.

"What are you doing waiting for an ambulance? We have to get help now! RIGHT NOW!!!" ChangMin screamed trying to take Shin back in his arms.

"Someone please take ChangMin away from here and calm him down!" Yunho ordered again.

A couple of the boys took him by the arms and pulled him roughly away from the scene.

The other boys followed them out of the fear of not knowing what to do.

Everyone that is....except YooChun.

The ambulance people came and took Shin away to get her immediate help.

"Why haven't you left?" YunHo confronted YooChun about his behavior.


"You care about her" YunHo said bluntly.


"Talk to me." he said as they sat down.

"....s-she fainted. Just like Yon-Soo."

"I know.....we should really be getting to the hospital."

"I can't go back to that hospital. I never want to be in a hospital room again." YooChun said.

"Look. Just because you weren't their for your sister, doesn't mean you can't be there for Shin."

YooChun was blaming himself, "I can't be there for her! you know I can't deal with stuff like this! ..... It's my fault."

"No. No it's not. Yon-Soo and Shin are different people. You can't expect them to act and react the same way."

"Oh don't give me that!"

"Looks like you need time to think. I'm going to the hospital, are you coming or not?" YunHo said standing up.


YunHo sighed, "...that happened a long time ago. you can't change it. But this is happening right now.
If I were you I'd grow up and think carefully about what your going to do."

YunHo walked away slowly, but soon broke into a run. He didn't show it on his face, but YunHo was definitely worried.
It's really hard for him sometimes to be the strong, solid leader.
YooChun watched him as he went.

He thought to himself, "Maybe he is right, but is it too late?"

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
17 streak #5
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #7
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Nice story, i liked it <3