Falsifying Emotions

Falsifying Emotions

Jiyeon faced a mirror of her dressing room, retouching her make-up for the later press-con. But honestly, she looked even better without that full red lipstick and simple make-up will do let her beauty shine. She has changed a lot, leaving her job as a news anchor and entering the world of fame and intrigues. She owes now big time by being a part-time celebrity. This could’ve not happen if Myungsoo hadn’t made her realize that she wasn’t worth of his time. He was her stepping stone that kept her into this industry.

“Ms. Park are you ready?”, It was the day of releasing T-ara’s new album. Now that she has her own dressing room, she is the one to be called and not to have interviews. She nods as she puts on her high red stilettos, wearing that sweet smile, hiding her expressive eyes with those big sunglasses that kept paparazzi’s following her from time to time. She looked at one girl there and sees how odd it is that three years ago there was her who was forcing herself to enter to “someone’s” life.  Saddened by the scene, she half-smirked, and waved goodbye to the crowd, pushing herself to the back seat of the car which awaits her from the beginning.

The group was first there, “Are you alright?”, Tifanny caught her looking down and emotionless. “Uhm.. Yeah”, forcing a smile to hide her gloomy face. Her smile was her bread and butter for she will not have that beautiful face if she will not use her captivating smile to the audience.


She carefully seats to a chair, placing one hand to clip her hair to one side, waiting for the people who are going interview them. A folder was resting on the table. She flipped its cover and sees a form. She had forgotten that they will also renew their contract as a group. Something reminisced at the back of her mind.

Two years ago, she was a scaredy cat to sign a contract because she’s so devoted to her job before being a news anchor. Even though she knew that she has the talent to being a star, she only have one big reason for staying in this industry: to prove to herself that she is worth of Myungsoo’s time. A big decision that greatly affected her to quit her job. Now that she’s in front of the matter, she has no choice but to be strong enough and face the situation. She slowly took off the cap of a pen with her name personally engraved with it. Rumors have spread that it was given to her by someone special but they do not know who is that person is.

“3.. 2.. 1!”

Awkwardly, in the middle of the press-conference, her phone buzzed.

Jinwoon’s name appeared on the screen.  A smile was found in Jiyeon’s face as she excused herself from the crowd and went somewhere she can’t be disturbed. Somewhere quiet and where she can be heard by the other person from the other line. “Have you signed yet?? “,  Still unsure why Jinwoon called, she replied, “Not yet“.

“Don’t tell me you’re doubting..”

“Of course not..”, her voice was fading.

“You sure?”

“Uhn”, Jiyeon responded with a nod as if Jinwoon was there.

“Okay..”, he sounded so happily and chuckled,  “See you then”. Jiyeon wondered why. “Jin—”

Bringing herself back to the room with the dean of noise makes her heart pound. She closed her eyes and composed herself before showing up again to the crowd. Five more steps and she was there, someone clears his throat on the microphone and people got even noisier when Jiyeon entered the room.

There were party poppers all around.  The girls greeted her ‘Happy Birthday! ’ and just after seconds, here is a tall guy who’s waiting for her.

“Look who’s here. It’s Jinwoon from 2AM!”, the host and paparazzi’s applauded as they welcomed Jinwoon. He took Jiyeon’s hand, companying her back to her seat.

Jinwoon, with his one hand at the back, took a big grin as he moved closely to where Jiyeon is, handing her a bouquet of flowers together with a kiss on her hand before letting it go.

Jiyeon said her thanks as she graciously smelled the daisies. They have this different kind of treatment to each other because of their pairings in the Dream High 2. “Did you plan this all along?”, a reporter asked Jinwoon.

“Are you or are you not informed?”, Jinwoon said  jokingly to Jiyeon and the rest followed his chuckle forming it into an uproar laughter.

“Silly!”, Jiyeon punched him light on the shoulder. “So what’s your next plan?”, follow up questions flooded the whole room.  “How sweet of him to come up with a surprise.. He did even connive with the girls just to form this surprise”, “What can you say Jiyeon?”, “Are you two together now?”

The two just looked at each other, finding answers to each other’s eyes. This great spark showed off just after Dream High aired in Korea.



Myungsoo dipped his hand to grab a mouthful of popcorns. Seeing from his face, he is not enjoying his alone time. His rumored girlfriend Krystal calls and leaves a message : “Myung! Why aren’t you answering my phone calls?! I’m so worried. Please reply when you received this mes—”, he turned off the cable just before she was about to say ‘message’. It was maybe her twelfth time calling and repeating such words just made Myungsoo feel sick even more.

He threw his body to his king-sized bed, messing his hair and looking up to the ceiling, reflecting why he had hurted Jiyeon’s feelings a long time ago. His plan was to come to her house after that day. But he didn’t find the courage to do so. He felt ashamed for himself. He tried to call her and make things up, but it was late. Jiyeon changed numbers and place too.

Even wearing a very thick jacket all day, Myungsoo can still be recognized as himself that kept paparazzi’s trailing him off until he lost his path. He can’t do more but to listen to news and read the daily headlines about her and that Jinwoon. Now that he had realized all this, is this too late?

Myungsoo sat beside his bed, looking something from his cabinet, Jiyeon had left a note here somewhere. He abruptly finds it out of nowhere until he lost his breath, breaking down to his knees. Why do we have to feel this?

He clutched a hand to his chest, feeling its fast beat. Somewhere, it must be somewhere. Sungyeol got out from his room which is near his, “What are you doing there?”. He opens the refrigerator they shared together and takes out a can of softdrinks. “Hey, stop joking around”, when he cannot hear a thing, he worried and spilled the can. “Myung?! Myungsoo!”



The infinite band full forced to rush L to the hospital.

Meanwhile, in Jiyeon’s party, she had already heard the news and it kept on bugging her. Although it was tempting, she can’t find an alibi to go to the hospital. She tried to call Myungsoo’s phone but no one is answering.




“Hey, Myung’s phone’s vibrating. It’s like someone’s calling”, Woohyun placed it to Sungyeol’s hand.

“Why are you passing it to me??”

“I don’t know the number..”, “And what do you expect from me? Am I his stalker?!”

“Stop it you two”, Sunggyu, the leader of the group commanded. “Let’s just wait for the doctor”

The two kept silent and bowed their heads, hoping for Myungsoo’s health to become better.




“Answer me, Answer me”, Jiyeon walked back and forth to her room. There will be a shooting for Dream High soon. Her hair was of a different style and needed to be curled but she refused too. How many disappointments she had this day? Tsk.  

She needed one person that can understand her. But who? Myungsoo is only the one who understands her. They were the “perfect” couple. “Jiyeon”, three knocks from her door even made her heart thump rapidly. There is no more excuses she can make and opened the door.

 “Jinwoon”, surprised by what he saw, opened wide. He with a straight face grabbed Jiyeon’s wrist and straightly entered the room, not caring of what other people say. “What are you doing?!”, digging a more deeper kind of conversation, Jiyeon taught of what had happened to her and Myungsoo. She was afraid that it would happen again.

“You know this guy, don’t you?”, Jinwoon lend out a photograph. Jiyeon can’t believe of what’s happening. What does he knows about Myungsoo and me? Although they weren't a couple, they treated each other as someone special. And because they have this kind of relationship, it is also hurtful to know that someone is 'cheating'.

“I only want you to be honest to me”, calm and sincere Jinwoon cannot turn to be mad. He was controlling his anger which let Jiyeon feel the guiltiness more inside.

She cannot control her tears anymore or else she was to falsify her emotions. ”I’m sorry”, she looked down. Jinwoon ducked his face into hers and pulled her closely to his chest. “Jiyeon I..”, she cannot move due to his manly grip. Cold and not moving, that was Jiyeon’s reply to his warm embrace. He somehow wished Jiyeon would give the same amount of love he had given to her.

But it looks like it will never or near to happen. Just before he was to give his confession, Jiyeon purely dictated what he really feels for Myungsoo.

“I love him”, and like a cold rock, it turns out that it was the password for Jinwoon to let her out and leave her alone. “I’m sorry”, a tear dropped down from Jinwoon’s right eye, considering that there was nothing he can do anymore. She has already decided.


His hands was like a machine that let him loss his grip, he failed, letting Jiyeon go.



Jiyeon rushed over the information desk and looked for Kim Myungsoo’s room. 804. 804.

She had burst into tears when she saw that there was no body left in the room. “Excuse me miss, is.. this Kim.. Kim Myungsoo’s room? ”, she called a nurse that arranges the bed and she replied “Yes”, sounding so sure.

Jiyeon covered her face with her hands, letting out her emotions, taking back steps. It was like a nightmare. “No, No”, she said denying a fact. Her eye make-up was drastically removed by the tears that flowed into her eyes.

Could this be that.. I am too late? Myungsoo, have I not become a good person to you??

It astounded many people to see her like that. And when she saw that, she made her way out, not focusing her sight until she bumped to a guy’s chest. From the beginning, she wanted to say that she had loved him. That she was not bitter to him. Or in any sense, she realized that she simply cannot live without him.  But where is he now?


She sobbed into the guy’s chest, although she doesn’t know who it is. One thing is clear in her mind.  It is that she wanted to cry all along.

From that very day when you walked out from that door, I know that there was no room for me anymore. Who am I to turn you down? Who am I to make a girl cry? Now I regret the times I didn’t say this feelings of mine. I was intoxicated by fame but then I realized, there was no me if you did not came in to my life.


His arms had longed for her. Who’s this? Jiyeon felt a sprinkle of magic spread between them as she slowly tilted her head to see that Myungsoo is gazing at her. Seeing her running from the hallway, he went back to his room to meet her halfway. She might think of him that he was gone dead, but the truth is that due to his breakdown, he had lost his breath and only collapsed to the floor. The doctor quickly removed him out of the room.


“What’s going to happen now?”, Sunggyu, the leader, puts on a calm voice and placed a finger in the middle of his mouth to signal the group to be in silence. Myungsoo lifted her chin and dried up the tears in her face. “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?”

Jiyeon smiled. Silence means ‘yes’ and although they have gotten too far, the good thing is that they learned from their mistakes.   

He leaned down and made her way to kiss Jiyeon on the lips. Just to see that the group is looking, Jiyeon pulled away but Myungsoo just covered their kiss with his jacket, considering that it can be hidden. Private.


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niiyeon #1
Chapter 1: i seriously ♥♥♥♥ this.. its short but wonderful
wolf88exo #2
Chapter 1: Waaaahah. So sweet! I love thi one shot thumbs up authorim! :)
stacyberd #3
Chapter 1: Woah,daebakkk.
kissing behind the jacket'so sweettt..
I love this oneshot i feel like watching my fav.drama..
Your great authornim,and im hoping for more myungyeon story from you..
Thanks for this fic.its great.
Chapter 1: Aaaaawwwww i love the ending, especially the kiss behind myungsoo's jacket! :") thank you again for the sequel! Looking forward for your next stories ^_^
honjejeje #5
Chapter 1: aaaaawww the ending is sooo beautiful
can u make it another chapter like epilog
anyway thanks for the sequel authorni love it
Chapter 1: Wah thank you for the sequel :)
YAAAY!!!!! ASSA!!! Kkkk thank you for making a sequel dear author! I love you too~ ^ㅂ^
YAAH , Final sequel . Update soon , authornim .
Sequel!!!!!! Yay!!!!