Matoki house


This is a story about you with a group of best friends taking care of a group of 6 boys. But they aren`t normal boys. They can transform into bunnies! Who knows what could happen?



YOU (Lico)

-Despite the nerdy image, you are actually quite sarcastic and tough.

-Childhood friends with Minhyun from NU'EST; really close friends with all of NU'EST.

-Lives with Minhyun, but occasionally goes back to your own home.

-Considered the real queenka because other girls actually acknowledge you as one.

-Stands up for the actual nerds in school and saves them from getting bullied by the fake queenka.

-Has a really big soft spot for cute things, and forgets her tough image.

NU'EST (From right to left: Minhyun, Aron, JR, Baekho, Ren)

Minhyun - Your childhood friend. You trust him with telling him everything that goes on in your life, knowing he'll never tell anyone. You two live together because both of your parents work overseas often. Your parents think it's not safe to live alone as a girl, and they are close with Minhyun's parents. Has a closer than friendship with Ren that you can always spot.

Aron - Your brother-figure friend. He takes care of and looks out for you like one. Even though you live with Minhyun, he comes over often (so do NU'EST) and makes sure you're living in a healthy environment. He likes being cute, despite being the oldest one in the group, but you like it because you love cute things.

JR - Your best friend. Even though Minhyun has known you a bit longer, you clicked with JR right away when you two met. You don't tell him everything, but you do most things together. Things like studying, going to arcades, things like that. His other best friend is Baekho. He needs a guy best friend too doesn't he?

Baekho - Your hyper friend. His aura is just always able to make you smile, you don't know why. You a lot, but only because he gives overexaggerated and cute reactions. Even when it doesn't happen often, he always knows when you're feeling down and comforts you the best way he knows how; With food.

Ren - Your fashion friend. He keeps up with fashion and takes you shopping because he likes having someone to go with him. He says that he doesn't want his only female friend to be less fashionable than him, either more or equally stylish.

B.A.P Best Absolute Perfect (From left to right: Himchan, Daehyun, Yongguk, Jongup, Youngjae, Zelo)

Himchan - Second oldest in the group of bunnies you have to take care of. Transforms into Tatsmato often just so he can be cuddled by you, after finding out that you like cute things. He likes getting your attention and does aegyo a lot to get it. He knows that he has a face of a model and is very arrogant about that. That makes you ignore him for the rest of the day and so he gives you the 'puppy-dog eyed look' while in his Tatsmato form and you give in. You're quite fond of him because when he's not being clingy, he's a very sweet guy who just likes to listen to you. 

Daehyun - Eats a lot. At first you thought he was just a quiet guy because he wore a mask when you first met him, but once he got used to having you around, he doesn't stop talking. You have to cook a lot for him but don't mind it because he knows what tastes awesome and he teaches you how to cook some dishes that you all eat together. Transforms into Kekemato, who is almost exactly like his human form; Quiet at first, but emotional mask comes off and then he becomes talkative. 

Yongguk - The leader of the bunny group. His face looks really intimidating when you first look at it, but once he smiles it's almost as bright as the sun. His smile is contagious, and almost automatically makes you smile too. Doesn't get mad often, only when one of the other members need some serious scolding, usually Himchan for always clinging onto you. Transforms into Shishimato who uses the small size to his advantage to sometimes hide away from the insanity that is B.A.P.

Jongup - The shy awkward one. He's the sweetest guy in all of B.A.P and you like spending time with him the most because he always offers to help you with cooking or chores, even though you're the one who works for him. He tries to never transform into Dadamato because of the personality difference. When you two first met, he tried not to transform like the rest of B.A.P because he didn't want you to have a bad impression of his human self, but he did for a short time, just so you can see his bunny form and so you'll see how different they are.

Youngjae - The sarcastic one. If you know the term 'tsundere', it might be the perfect term for him. What it means is that he acts like he doesn't care about you, but really his actions speak otherwise. You don't mind because when he cares, he cares a lot, even when he scolds you with harsh words. Acts like your mother, and usually does the cooking, even though you are the one working for him. He says that he only wants to eat food the way he prepares it, but occasionally eats your food with a small smile. Transforms into Jokomato who just plain ignores you and makes weird but helpful inventions.

Zelo - The cute one of the group. When you two first met, you scared him a little bit at first because he was too cute. He found out you had a soft spot for cute things, so he warmed up to you right away. Sometimes he tries to act manly, but to you, he just ends up looking cuter. You sometimes end up spoiling him because he's the youngest and in your eyes, the cutest. He enjoys it, but gets in little playful fights with Himchan because of that. Only transforms into Totomato when he wants to be even more spoiled than he already is in human form. (Usually every two days)



A/N I've been wanting to write a bap fic for a long time... But never had a unique idea. But then one day i had a dream and this idea seeemed interesting ^^

i hope im not copying anyone elses idea, cuz like i said, it was an idea from my dream ><

Not sure if ill update often, it depends on my inspiration ^^;... But please enjoy anyway~


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Chapter 2: Nice o: Update soon c:
Chapter 1: interesting--such an unique concept thts totally new! im loving it so far... only 1 chappie... lol update soon! hwaiting authornim b^_^d --Amy/ying