Hello Stranger?


After a bad phone prank, Kang Nina finds herself at spending her nights on talking to a total stranger on the phone. What she doesn't know is that he isn't really a stranger... 



 main characters

K R I S   Y I F A N   WU
 Kris Wu
○ 22-year-old.
• Mandarin Teacher at Daeyeon High School.
○ Goes by his chinese name -Yifan- for work, but likes to be called by his english name -Kris- by his friends.
• A lot of female students and teachers like him ~
N I N A   K A N G
 Kang Nina
○ 18-year-old.
• Student at Daeyeon High School.
○ Sleeps most of the time during classes but still manage to get good grades.
• Krystal's bestfriend.
○ Doesn't have mandarin classes, so she doesn't know Mr. Wu.



 Hello Stranger? 




     Well, I don't know what to add ~ So read, please ~ ♥ 



credits to ~  







Nina and Krystal were laughing like there was no tomorrow for no particular reason. Many bottles of Soju were around them, sign that the girls were clearly drunk.

Tired. Nina wanted to lie down on her bestfriend's bed, but on her way, she stumbled over something on the floor. Although being inconsicous of what surrounded her in the room. She knew it wasn't a bottle...
"What's that?" Nina asked her friend, taking the object.
Krystal looked to the book, "Isn't it the huge book where people put their phone numbers?". Nina was still looking at the phonebook curiously. 
"Let's call someone!" she finally said, excited. "Yah!", was Krystal's reply, "It's 3 a.m. in the morning, who do you think is still awake at this time? A weekday?".
But Nina wasn't listening, searching among all these names for their victim...
"Wu Kris - Teacher"
Perfect. She was in the mood for disturbing some teachers...
She took her cellphone, hoping that she dialed the phone number correctly, and waited for an answer... Krystal approached her friend to listen.
"Wha-..." started a male voice but was cut off by Nina. "Hello y boy," she started with what she wished sounded like a husky y voice, "I meet you every nights in my wildest dreams, you know?".
She immediately hung up as Krystal started laughing, she joined her friend, laughing like crazy. Until her phone rang, but she still managed to answer it, a little surprised.
"Don't you know that your own phone number appears when you call someone? Thanks for disturbing me while I have work tomorrow, and don't think it ends here... Next time, I'll be the one disturbing you."
He hung up, leaving the room in silence. Worried by her friend's state, Krystal asked Nina what happened, but no answer came.
"I'm screwed..."


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