Early Return

Go Back To The Past ? Or Let Time Go By?



“she just finished a recording ? for what?... Oh a radio interview?... okay, I’ll see if she’s at home… Yeah she’ll be surprised that I’m back early… hahah thanks for letting me know… bye”

I end the call with BoA’s manager and throw my phone onto the passenger’s seat. Finally I’m back in town from my tour, it feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen everyone at the company, it feels amazing having a day to myself for once.

“oh I’m so freaking hungry!” I can smell the food in the backseat. Just thought I’d pick something up for me and BoA to eat when I surprise her at the company building… but she’s not freaking here. The smell of the food is killing my stomach so without any further delay I start the car and start driving to the little giant’s house.

Driving along the winding roads I was getting all giddy inside. I can’t wait to see her it’s been too long. Thinking about her face and smile made me smile to myself aswell. I would never let it show, but I really admire BoA. Not just as a best friend, but I understand that now just isn’t the right time for her to open up to anyone. She’s still heartbroken over him.

Who’s fault is that Yunho? Guilt twists and churns in my stomach.

“It was for the best yunho, don’t beat yourself up about it. You have no reason to.” I try reminding myself. But since the second I saw the first tear fall from her eyes, the guilt has been eating me alive.



“if you really love her, you’ll let her go, and leave on your own jaejoong”

Me and him stood in the hallway outside of the dance studio where BoA was practicing, being careful to make sure no one could hear us. Jaejoong balled up his fist and glared back at me with pure hate.

“You of all people, know I can’t do that. I won’t” He spat the words back at me.
I kept calm and didn’t show any emotion on my face. I looked at him directly and clenched my jaw. Jaejoong’s stubbornness was really getting on my nerves.

“Don’t you realize you’re only putting her in the middle of the cross fire in this petty little war you’ve created? then she’ll get hurt. I’m only going to tell you this once Jaejoong, I won’t let you.”

Jaejoong looked up at my face with pleading eyes. He looked like he was in absolute agony which clenched at my throat, I hated seeing him this way. He was my best friend and in this moment I was probably his worst enemy, but I wasn’t going to give into him.

“Yunho please try to understand, Your my BEST FRIEND! Can’t you at least try to see things my way? I can’t let her go, you know what she means to me. Please, she at least needs to know that I’m leaving the company.”

Hearing this changed my heart slightly, I knew how much he loved her. He’d never treated a girl the way he treated her and he had never been so happy before in his life. It hurt so much to rip away every bit of happiness. But I had to. To protect her.

“You know that when she hears your leaving, she’ll only follow you and leave all of this behind!” I say this through clenched teeth.
“you want to run away and be miserable then FINE GO ! but don’t drag her down with you ! what will you do when she becomes miserable too? Everything she has… Everything she IS , is her music, performing has been her dream since she was a child and your willing to rip that all away from her, because of your selfishness? You and I both know that you won’t be able to live with yourself if you become the main source of her pain.”

The words that I spoke seemed to finally register in his head and I could see he understood exactly what I had just said.

“Yunho… I know where your coming from… But I just can’t… I can’t” he hung his head in defeat and sat down against the wall, head in his hands.

“Jaejoong, you won’t even have to worry. I’ll look after her, I won’t let anything happen to her. Just please, think of her, of what she’d be giving up. Everything she’s worked so hard for.”

He clenched his hair in his fists and stood back up, slowly rising his head he stares me straight in the eye.

“Yunho, I know you think that you’re doing this for her. You may even have the crazy impression that you’re doing this for me too. But I know you’re really doing this for yourself.”

For the first time, I show emotion on my face and my jaw drops open in shock.

“what the hell do you mean? I’m ONLY doing this for the two of you. What the ?!”

He just continued to stare at me in the eye and I could feel his anger pouring into me. But I could also sense resignation in his eyes, and in his voice.

“Yunho, I can see just by looking at you that you have feelings for her. You’ve never been so protective over a girl.”

Amazed by his words I become speechless. Do i? do I really… love… HIS GIRLFRIEND?

”You may not know it Yunho but you do, and as much as I hate you for it, I don’t blame you. She’s amazing.” He stares through the door at her and smiles the saddest smile I’ve ever seen in my life… It was the look of a final Goodbye.

“But I’ll leave her, I’ll do it. Because… I love her. Yunho ah, look after her.”

I couldn’t stand to look at him anymore, his sadness was ripping at my chest, knowing that I was the cause of it was making it worse. I turned around to walk into her practice room and he grabbed my shoulder.

“as much as I hate you right now. You’ll always be my best friend, my brother.” Tears welled up in my face and I dropped my head down.

“Jaejoong. You don’t have to go, you could always just stay. You could have her, we could stop fighting, you could still have everything. I’d have my bestfriend back” I whisper, barely audible.Every bone in my body was wishing he’d just agree and stay.

“I can’t… I’m sorry, I won’t sit around and let people I love get hurt because of me… goodbye.”

And he let go and walked away, I could hear his footsteps down the hallway.

“Goodbye… Brother.” And the tears streamed out as I punched the wall.




Before I know it I’m at her house.

“FINALLY ! I’m so hungry I could die!” getting all excited again, I grab the bags of food in the back seat and quickly get out of the car. Ahhh after 2 months I finally get to see her again, my tour was meant to end next week but the rest of our concerts got cancelled due to storms in the region, so here I am, about to surprise her.

Walking up the driveway, I realize that BoA’s car isn’t in the garage, but it’s in the driveway.

“Ahhhh, you are such an idiot, leaving a perfectly fine garage empty” I say to myself laughing at her.

Without even knocking I walk inside as I usually do, being careful to close the door since it’s chilly outside. Setting my scarf down on the table next to the door, I creep into the lounge ready to surrise her. Then I see something that makes my heart sink into the floor.

What the ?

What I see in front of me doesn’t even seem real.

It can’t be… please god… say I’m imagining things… tell me this isn’t real

She’s in the lounge. But she isn’t alone. Her lips… Her lips… They’re on someone elses, I can’t see who until they separate after what feels like a thousand years. And I see the man who placed his disgusting lips on hers.
I can’t hear a word their saying,  Anger… All I have inside is absolute pure anger. Then he speaks a little louder and I hear the words that make me want to kill him on the spot

EH:” BoA… Will you be mine?”

After hearing this I can no longer keep quiet. I drop my bags on the floor and they both look up at me shocked. Boa jumps out of his arms while he just sits up frightened.

…”Boa, Hyuk… Care to tell me what the is going on here?” I say through gritted teeth.

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joros_ #1
Chapter 12: Hi author-nim! It's been years but I'm stilling waiting for this fic T.T
Chapter 12: Update soon authornim!!
Chapter 12: I just realized I spent almost half an hour reading this XD
Chapter 12: Yeah it's good author nim! Update soon!
Chapter 10: Ohhhhh the drama it's really good
Chapter 6: Oohhh I see the drama!!! Forgive me if I end up spamming comments!! Haha!!
Chapter 4: Awesome I really like the drama so far! Can't keep my comments till I finish reading because this is just such a nice fic! Awwww I like how u put BoJoong as main couple!! AFF is running out of BoJoong fics :(
Chapter 12: Your writing has been improving ^^ I am not disappointed. Grammatically there are less errors, and the story in general flows more fluently.
This chapter was written lovely, but I consider this ending much too abrupt and rushed. If BoA and Jae had a honest and true love, they would endure much more turbulence in their relationship. I would really enjoy reading your ending...Hoping for a little more HyukBoA and YunBoA action? xD