


            One day.  One week.  One month.  Two months.  Three months.  One year.

            As the time flies by, my feelings for Byunghun deepens.

            Once again, I sit at my desk, staring outside the window, staring at the rain.  A soft sigh escapes me as I remember that day when I first actually talked to Byunghun and got to know him.  That day, I learned that he wasn’t as conceited as I’d thought.  I learned that he was actually caring.  But since that day, he hasn’t acknowledged me in any way.  I wonder if Byunghun even remembers what he did that day.  I brush the tip of my fingers across my lips, the warmth of Byunghun’s still lingering.  I still remember that he tasted like honey.  I wonder if he still does.

            I flinch when the bell rings, sighing when I see that the rain is pouring as hard as ever.  I glance at my friend, Daniel, who’s whining about something along the line of not having an umbrella.  I quickly look away when he glances my way, but I don’t miss the evil smile creeping up on his face.  I hear his boyfriend, Minsoo, telling him not to bother me, but Daniel doesn’t listen.  He never does.  I absentmindedly start packing and try to ignore his steps that are approaching me.

            “Hyung~!” he chirps, leaning down so his face was right next to mine.  “Do you have an umbrella?”  His tone sounds dangerous, but he can see right through my lies, so I nod.  “Great!  Would you mind if I burrow it?” he asks excitedly.  I sigh, handing it to him.  Never argue with Ahn Daniel.  That was something I’d learned when I first met him in first grade, and I’ve made sure not to since then.

            “Thanks,” I hear Minsoo’s low voice rumble.  I smile innocently up at the older boy but glare at the younger, who just shrugs.  “See you tomorrow, Chanhee,” Minsoo adds and then drags Daniel out before I can claw the younger boy to pieces.  Minsoo knows me so well, that guy.

            I decided to wait out the rain in the classroom.  One by one, my classmates leave the building, and soon I’m sure that I’m the last one left.  That is, until I look around the classroom.  My eyes widen when I see Byunghun sleeping in his seat, and realize that he must have been sleeping all throughout class.  I do remember his friends whispering his name and jabbing at him or something earlier.  I blink rapidly, glancing at the clock.  I let a sigh fall from my lips, getting up from my seat.

            “Byunghun,” I say softly, “you should wake up.”  I shake him gently, seeing if he would wake up.

            His eyes fly open in a flash and he sits up abruptly, the heel of his palm pressed against his forehead.  Since he moved so suddenly, I stumbled back, my legs getting caught in a chair.  I fall pretty dramatically, hitting my back hard against the ground.  I groan and I hear him giggling.  My cheeks start burning and I see him peering over, probably trying to see my pathetic figure.  Instead, he quickly offers me his hand, smiling and helping me up.  I blink rapidly, my cheeks still burning.  I feel his warm hand slip out of mine when I’m standing on both of my feet and I see him shuffling back towards his seat. 

            I bite my lower lip, righting the chair on its four legs again.  I walk back to my seat, leaning on the window, staring out, trying to will the rain to at least stop raining so hard.

            “It was on a day like this that we officially met, right?” Byunghun suddenly asks.  He walks towards me and stands next to me, staring out at the rain, too.

           A small smile creeps up on my face.  “Yup,” I reply, still staring outside.  So he remembered.  “It was one year ago, though.  Such a long time.”  I laugh dryly, turning to look at him.  My breath catches in my throat when I realize that he’s been staring at me.  We stare into each other’s eyes for the longest time before I awkwardly break the silence.  “Is there something on my face?” I ask calmly, although my heart is about to jump out of my chest.

            “Yes, actually,” he replies, a sly smirk sliding onto his lips.  “The lips that I kissed that day one year ago.”

            I stare at him as the words sink in.  I feel my cheeks starting to burn and I sputter before attempting to whack him harshly on his stupid blonde head.  Byunghun laughs as he quickly evades my attack and I chase after him, shouting.  He quickly grabs his bag and runs out of the classroom and I do the same, telling him to stop running and come back.  Our voices echo in the empty halls and I find myself laughing with him, my cheeks almost cramping from smiling too widely.  I trip over my feet multiple times and then actually fall when Byunghun walks out of the school building, laughter still falling from his lips.  I pout as I push myself up, staring at him as he stares at me, probably amused.

            “Stupid Lee Byunghun!” I yell and Byunghun just sticks his tongue out at me.  Then, in a flash, he’s helping me up and I find myself blushing again.  This is weird.  Why is he making me feel like this?  My eyes trail down towards our intertwined fingers and I bite my lower lip.  “Why are you still holding my hand?” I ask slowly, staring up at his eyes again.

            “Because I want to,” he replies simply.


            Just like that, our conversation ends.

            My eyes fly from his face to our hands to the rain outside, and then back to his face.  I repeat that cycle at least ten times before I hear him giggling.

            “You need a walk home?” he asks.  They’re the same exact words he asked me one year ago.  He even used the same tone.  How awkward is that.

            I nod hesitantly.  Well, I do, since I lent Daniel my umbrella, and the rain doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon.  Byunghun smiles so brightly that I feel as though I have to shield my eyes from it.  His grip around my hand tightens as he pulls out his umbrella and then pulls me towards him, hooking his arm around mine and letting go of my hand.  I blush furiously at our close proximity and he smiles, taking the umbrella in his now free hand. 

            We walk in silence.  It’s not awkward.  I feel his warmth seeping from where our bodies touched.  Let’s ignore how weird that sounds.  Anyways, I stare at the ground, happy that he was still holding onto me.  Soon, we walk into a familiar street and my heart drops.  I see my house on the road and he seems to sag a little, too, but that’s probably just my imagination.


            He startles me.  “Huh?” I ask, blinking at him.  He stops walking and turns to me.  He drops the umbrella and I feel some sort of misty rain hit me, but even that’s slowly starting to disappear.  “B-Byunghun?”

            “Shh, just close your eyes,” he whispers, his hand caressing my cheek.  I slide my eyelids shut and I hear him murmur something before he presses his lips to mine.  I melt at the touch, grabbing his arms quickly so he wouldn’t slip away. 

            When he pulls away, I open my eyes to see his pretty smile.  The smile does something to my brain and the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. 

            His smile only gets brighter when I say the three words, though.  I feel a smile coming up on my own face and he leans towards me again, giving me a small peck before laughing breathily.

            “I love you too, Chanhee,” he says, his eyes shining.

            “R-really?” I practically shout, unable to control my happiness.  “Oh my goodness, you probably have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to tell you!”  I pull him into a hug and he laughs happily.  All of my shyness from earlier is gone and I’m laughing too.

            “Maybe I don’t, but you probably don’t know how much I’ve wanted to tell you, either,” he says.  “Lee Chanhee, I love everything about you.”

            I blink as he pulls away.  Is he going to start a speech?

            “I love your smile,” he starts.  I think he really is going to start a speech.  “I like your voice.  I like how you always bite your lip and fix your hair as a natural habit.  You always sniffle, and that gesture is beyond adorable, you know?”  Byunghun laughs.  “There are many more things that I love about you, but I don’t think you’ll want to listen to all of them at once.”

            I nod slowly.  “I love you a lot, too, Byunghun,” is my lame reply.  This time, I pull him in for a kiss, trying to make it last as long as possible.  I feel the sun peek from behind the dark clouds and cast a warm light on us.  It seems like the sun is celebrating for us too. 

            I did not just say something that cheesy, holy flying cow.

            We part, our breathing slightly ragged.  It thrills me to see Byunghun blushing, mostly because he makes me blush all the time.

            “Look, Channie,” he suddenly says, pointing to somewhere beside us.  “It’s a rainbow.”

            I turn in the direction he’s pointing to and squeal, clapping my hands.  “It is!  Oh my gosh, Byunghunnie, it’s so pretty!”  I start fan-girling over a stupid rainbow.  Wow.  Way to ruin the mood, Lee Chanhee.

            “I hope we end up like a rainbow,” Byunghun says softly.

            I turn back to him, scowling.  “Huh?  What does that mean?” I ask, utterly confused.  Byunghun may be too smart for me to handle.

            He shifts, pulling me into a hug.

            “It means I want us to be endless, Chanhee,” he whispers.  “It means I don’t want anybody to see us come to an end.”


A/N: This story ended up being weirder and worse than I'd hoped it to be.  I'm sorry if I disappointed you guys sobsob.  You guys can slap me if you want...I'm used to being hit for being stupid and a fail.  ROFL.  Bai guise.  Thanks for reading<33

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Chapter 1: This is so cute omg I was practically just squealing and all that throughout this entire 2 shot <33
Marionetti #2
Chapter 1: No slapping needed, trust me.
Chapter 1: hdbfhdehdjw lolz fangirling over this fic right now~~ ^-^ haha. I love how u right, I can imagine everything in my head so clearly for some reason, and its just so cute and romantic- I think I actually like this one even more than the last one lolz :)
Chapter 1: Awwww, this was even cuter than Umbrella! >_<.
Freaking love it so much!
If I could marry this story, I would.
AWWWW, this is just so precious! ^-^ It's so adorable how Channie always does things that he regrets and he blushes like crazy around Byung. xD I love this sequel~! Thank you for writing it, author-nim~! <3
Chapter 1: "holy flying cow!" love that line....it was so FREAKING CUTE!!!!!
Chapter 1: CUTE !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet! Ma byungie is soooo cute haha channie too! Love it! ^^
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww cute!!! I loved it!!!
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 1: Awwwww~~~~ So cute!!! And fluffy!!~~