
Dream a Little Dream



Junhong wakes to the sound of his own voice.

He frowns. Talking in his sleep is normal for him, but something about the sound seems off.

“Mm,” he hums. He has a high voice, but it’s nothing like this positively girly sound that’s coming out of his mouth. Yeah, that’s definitely not normal. 

The strange feeling gets stronger when he turns around and Jongup seems…bigger than usual, somehow. 

As he squints at Jongup’s sleeping figure through the darkness, he feels two soft, pillowy lumps where a flat expanse should be. 

It can’t be….can it?

Junhong doesn’t think he’s ever wished harder for individual bedrooms than right now, as he fumbles his way down Jongup’s bunk bed and across the room to the door. Himchan is snoring soundly, Youngjae and Daehyun appear to be sleeping like rocks, and Jongup hasn’t moved an inch. Yongguk’s bed is empty, the leader probably in the studio writing lyrics again. Junhong breathes a sigh of relief.

The relief only lasts until Junhong reaches the bathroom and looks in the mirror. He stares. A girl stares back. Or more accurately, a girl version of himself. The figure in the mirror is still recognizably Junhong, but the shoulders and torso are narrower, arms and legs slimmer, the lines and angles of the face more delicate. The hair is a bed-headed mess but still the same short length, its dark blue a stark contrast against marble-white skin. The ceiling seems a little higher, the ground a little closer. 

Junhong breathes deeply even as her heart races a mile a minute, her mind immediately going to the first person she thinks of whenever she needs help:

Yongguk-hyung. Yongguk-hyung will know what to do.




Yongguk nearly falls out of his swivel chair when the door to the studio opens and a girl walks in. A very familiar looking girl, with very familiar blue hair, and very familiar long legs that go on for miles, and - 

“…Junhong? Is that you?”

 - which is the cue for the girl in front of him to break out into tears.

Junhong hates acting like a child, but how many 16-year boys wake up as girls? “I just woke up and now I’m…” she sniffles, pointing to the unfamiliar objects on her chest. 

Shaking off his initial shock, Yongguk walks up to Junhong slowly. It really is the maknae, after all - the same eyes, nose, and mouth, the same slightly chubby cheeks. And still taller than him - even as a girl, that hasn’t changed.

Yongguk mentally fumbles around for something to say as Junhong looks at him expectantly. But what was he supposed to do? Leader though he is, nothing in his 22 years had prepared him for something like this

It has to be a dream. Yongguk nods sagely to himself. Yup, that’s the only possible explanation. 

“It’s just a dream, Junhong. Go back to bed. Everything will be back to normal in the morning.”

Yongguk breathes a sigh of relief as Junhong nods slowly. The maknae’s total trust in him was something else that hadn’t changed. 

He glances at the clock. Midnight. “Come on. I’ll go with you.”

Junhong nods shyly as Yongguk falls in step beside her, making their way back to the shared bedroom. She steps on the first rung of the ladder to Jongup’s bunk when a hold on her arm stops her.

“Where are you going?”

“Jongup-hyung’s bed…because….sleep paralysis….” Junhong feels embarassment flooding back into her face. 

Yongguk frowns. The maknae line sleeping together was nothing new, but something about it happening while Junhong was female struck him as wrong. Who knew what could happen between the two in this state?

“You should go back to your own bed for tonight.”

Junhong nods immediately, but Yongguk can make out a sulky frown in the darkness. He smiles, fighting the urge to pat her on the head. Some things really don’t change. Still as cute as ever.

He blurts out the next words before he can stop himself: “You can sleep with me.”

Before he’s able to take it back, Junhong’s bright, hopeful eyes are boring into his own.

Did Yongguk-hyung really just say that? He was right, this had to be a dream. A very, very nice dream.

A blush creeps up Yongguk’s cheeks as he teases with what he hopes is a nonchalant shrug, “I don’t know what you and Jongup would get up to together.” Great. It sounds lame even to him.

Thankfully,the maknae is all eager smiles. She tries not to sound too happy. “Thanks, hyung”

“Don’t mention it.” Yongguk grabs the lone pillow from Junhong’s top bunk and places it next to his own. He awkwardly holds out the blanket as Junhong sneaks onto his bed, and finally scoots in next to her.

“Goodnight, hyung.” Junhong stifles a yawn and shifts a little, her eyes closed.

“Goodnight Junhong.” 




After what seems like an eternity Yongguk still can't sleep and, if he were being honest, would probably never be able to sleep, not tonight - 

- not with Junhong’s soft body pressed against his own, shallow breaths ghosting over his collarbone, warm heat radiating off her body and firing off hidden sensations deep within him. Her arms are resting lightly on his chest, head nested in the crook of his neck. 

He tries to shift his body away, but Junhong moves with him as if she was stuck to his torso with super glue. Yongguk is starting to think that she’s actually awake and doing this on purpose, when a sound interrupts his suspicions.

“Yongguk hyung…”

Hm, sleep-talking…she’s asleep after all.

Wait, did she just say his name?

“I like you, Yongguk hyung…”

Now that’s just unfair. He moves to lift his corner of the blanket to escape when two soft arms wrap around his waist.

“Don’t leave, Yongguk-hyung.” Junhong’s eyes are wide open and looking at the older man with that unnerving stare. Yongguk is about to make up an excuse, when he suddenly feels soft lips meeting his own. He only lets himself breathe when Junhong pulls away, her face flushed pink and breathless. 

“Don’t - ” she breathes out with eyes sparkling with stars, and Yongguk realizes - tears. “Don’t leave me, hyung.”

His reaches out a hand to wipe her eyes, and before he knows it he’s cupping her cheek and kissing back just as sweetly, the sensation forbidding and spectacular at the same time.

This is just a dream, after all, so why not? 

“I won’t,” he murmurs as he releases their lips, watching her astonished face intently. 

Still, he doesn’t want to force anything. He kisses Junhong once more, deeper than the previous ones, and slowly takes in her expression, looking for any signs of resistance. Her eyes have changed from wide orbs of surprise to thin crescents of happiness, and that’s all Yongguk needs. He carefully wraps both his arms around the maknae’s slender waist, pulling her closer to his body. Junhong snuggles up to him in response, smiling into the warmth of his chest.




Well, that sure was a strange dream, Junhong thinks as he blearily opens his eyes to the sound of birds chirping. Strange, but nice. Definitely nice. Speaking of which, the giant teddy bear he’s holding onto is nice as well.

Wait a minute. Since when did he have a teddy bear?

Junhong opens his eyes fully to be greeted with Yongguk’s own wide eyes staring back at him.

The leader is turning a brilliant shade of fuchsia, and Junhong's own face probably isn’t any better, if the heat’s anything to go by. 

Yongguk utters a low groan and begins to move away, but Junhong catches him by the hem of his shirt. 

“It’s still six. Just a little more?”

Yongguk pauses, then sighs and shifts back to embrace the boy in his arms.

“Only until the others wake up.”

Junhong grins.

“Of course.”

Dream or not, Junhong could tell that the relationship between him and his hyung was about to become a little more interesting.








A/N: this idea came to me and I just had to write it out. idek.





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lemon-deulop #1
Chapter 1: Sneaky~
I really liked this. Zelo is such an adorable creature.
WorldWideFailure #2
Chapter 1: Nice , I would love a full story on zelo becoming a girl :)
Its interesting :)
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
Chapter 1: Haha very interesting indeed. XD
TOPJaeLoveChild #6
Chapter 1: wahhhhh!!!!!! lucky bang van have both boy and girl in junghong XDD
Chapter 1: idk why and how but i knew it would end exactly like what you wrote (my intuition is no joke, just saying)
i really liked it, there arent much fluffy ones around here, recently. and im glad that you came up with this, let alone it's a good one.
but i kind of hoping it could be a bit longer, feeling somehow something is left out but idk.
good work, anyway.
gwisoon #8
Chapter 1: It was lovely and I really liked it ;;