The Silent Mask


Lennox and Riley Go, the closest and bestest cousins. They're inseperable. And quite the oppisite. Lennox a quiet and smart charcter compared to Riley, who lives on the wild side. She's bubbly and fashionable. 


No Min Woo, Lee Jeong Min, and the rest of the group "Boyfriend" are a band of friends. A brotherhood. They all attend School of Performing Arts Seoul. Known as the Hottest guys in school.


On a warm fall day Riley Go was peeking out the window and caught a glimpse of No Min Woo, the news paper delivery guy. From that day on she's been drooling over him non stop.

As Min Woo walked into class the next morning, he noticed a new girl sitting in the seat in front of his. Her light brown hair tied in a ponytail, and her nose stuck in a book. He was usually the first one in class. He admired her simple beauty, and the way she was always so into her work, that she didnt mind others. But he was too afraid to say hello.

Jeong Min and Lennox met  a while ago, when Lennox and Riley were first coming to South Korea. Jeong Min and Lennox ended up sitting together on the plane, as he was heading back to Seoul after meeting up with his friends from elementary school. Unlike Min Woo, Jeong Min was more optimistic, and bubbly. At first he came to have feelings for Lennox, but soon fell for her lovely cousin, who was in his same grade (Riley). 





Lennox Go:

Came to Korea with her cousin Riley to live with their aunt and uncle.

She's quiet and conservative.

She prefers silence and darkness.

Referred to as the "Silent Ice Princess" for having a heart cold as ice.




No Min Woo:

Part of the group "Boyfriend"

Sweats easily. Has a temper.

He is good at aegyo. Expresses his emotions often. 




Riley Go:

Lennox's cousin. Older by a year.

Known as the "Bubbly Fashion Queen" For her great sense of fashion and bubbly personality.

Fell for No Min Woo at first sight. 




Lee Jeong Min:

Also part of the group "Boyfriend"

The "Joker" of the group.

He's funny yet, quiet, and mysterious.

Very optimistic


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