Are You Listening?

Listen To Him



"Make him listen." Taeyeon's words were echoing through Baekhyun's head ever sense she left. 


~Before Teayeon Left~


"Baekhyun, please, for your own good, let it all out. Don't try or even think of holding any feelings back....don't go to far though." Taeyeon chuckled, ruffling Baekhyuns hair as she whispered good luck to him when Chanyeol came inside the apartment. Baekhyun took a big breath and didn't want to let it go. "Listen to him Channie." Taeyeon pecked Chanyeol on the lips before leaving. He didn't really know what she meant by that but just didn't ask and went to go sit beside the stiff figure that was Baekhyun. Well, here we go.


~After Taeyeon Left~


Baekhyun wasnt really going anywhere he wanted to. There they were. Sitting on the couch. Him and Chanyeol. For about 10 minutes now. Baekhyun had just been sitting there with his head down, looking his fingers he was playing with trying not to make eye contact with the younger. Chanyeol, thank god, decided to break the never ending silence.

"So why did Taeyeon call me here?"

Baekhyun was still in a stand-still. "Well, um, she wanted me to talk to you." That almost came out like a whisper, but they were close enough that Chanyeol could still hear.

"About what" 

How can he be so calm right now....oh right he doesn't know. Ok Baekhyun, just remember what Taeyeon said. Let it all out and don't hold back.

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun took in another deep breath, "I've been in love with you for the past 9 years and I haven't been able to tell you because I was afriad of what you'll say, I know with the wedding and everything you'll still say no but Taeyeon said it's best if I let you know now before I regret not telling you at all." 

Then he exhaled. There was a long silence and no eye contact what's so ever. 

"Well, anything." Baekhyun was scared for the answer but he still wanted to know. No matter how much it was going to hurt him, it would be worth the pain.

"I-I didn't know. I wish you would've told me sooner." Chanyeol whispered that last part too low for Baekhyun to hear.


"I said I wish you would have told me sooner!" Chanyeol was at the break of tears trailing down his face. They actually did make eye contact after that loud outburst, and it was never broken. Chanyeol didn't mean to let out his thoughts but...

"I loved you since I first saw you in the cafeteria for breakfast. Our second year of junior high. When you looked at me, I didn't see anything else but that smile of yours. You were the only light in that darkness that surrounded me. I didn't want myself to believe it, so after staring at you for about 10 seconds, I turned my attention to Taeyeon. My brain blinded my heart. I made myself believe I was in love with Taeyeon so that's how I spent the rest of my life. Blinded. Everything I wanted to ever say to or do with you, I did with her. I'm sorry." One tear broke through both their walls. 

"You really mean that?"

"Yes. So much. I'm sorry if I hurt you." Feelings snapped.

"You did. You hurt me a lot. I felt like I wouldn't live happy like I wanted to without you. Starting from the day you told me you loved her. I knew that you would never take what I had to give you. I felt angry and heartbroken at the same time. I knew that you wouldn't be able to see what I really felt for you, so I just tried to let it go. But I couldn't. The pain kept growing and I still loved you. Then you asked her to marry you, that sent me over the edge. That little piece of hope for us I had left after that. When I told you I was happy for the both of you, I lied. It hurt even more to say that than it did hearing it. I never thought love would hurt this much. I never thought one person could bring on this much emotional pain. You did hurt me Chanyeol..."

Baekhyun gripped onto Chanyeol's collar and crashed their lips together. He felt everything around him fade like it was nothing. Everything to Baekhyun right now was showing Chanyeol what he was feeling. 

Baekhyun pulled away, "...and now I just want you to heal me." 

Chanyeol nodded his head before gentally connecting their lips together again. A tongue war was raging with pain used as amo and their victory was each other. The tears shed were out of lust and wanting.

"I love you." This was the first true thing Baekhyun had said to Chanyeol. A returned 'I love you' gave them their peace and happiness. 


~Outside Baekhyun's Apartment Door~ 


*sigh* "Thank god I didn't have to go in there and slap the love back into you, Chanyeol." Taeyeon gave herself props. "I'll call everyone and tell them that the weddings off now." 



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Beau1996 1373 streak #1
Chapter 4: Wise Tayeon
secret_silenterz #2
Chapter 4: I LOVE TAEYEON VERY MUCH ❤ Thanks Taeyeonieee hahaha
Chapter 3: plz update soon i really can't wait to see.....
lazygirlxsica #4
Update soon, neh?
kpopmeme #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^