FAIRY (One Shot)(Fantasy)


Jung Min saw a Fairy when he was a boy.


A simple fiction story of Jung Min as a young boy, my first one shot, and first fantasy story.  

It all began, with the idea, what if, Jung Min was still a boy, how would he be in the past? And, what if, there was a fairy? 

And, because of this story, a friend asked or challenged me, and I ended up composing  each member of SS501 a fantasy story. 



The posters were found in the photobucket, and I don't own it, the owners are the artists and the publishers. 


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Chapter 2: I just found a great one shot so randomly 😛😙
Chapter 2: Niceeee (Y)! :DD
lol found my own story in the random story lolol

May 3, 2012
Hello! @Grey_Storm! Thank you for reading and commenting on my story, *huggles*<br />
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This is my first one shot story, *smile* and, the reason, I wrote the other fantasy one shot for the other boys of SS501, because my friend asked/challenged me to write each one of them a story lolol
Aww that was really simple and cute<br />
A real fairy tale! :)
Hello! @minnie-don! Thank you for the comment! I appreciate it! *smile*<br />
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Thank you for reading my story. *big huggles*
Nice one<br />
so innocent <3
Hello! @keeeper! Thank you for reading my story, and for the comment!<br />
You found it! lol I am so glad and happy!<br />
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The name, hmmm ya, it does seem familiar. hahaha
Funny, xD<br />
Her name sounds and looks really familiar. Hmmm. Haha!
Hello@ pockyesh! Thank you for the comment! I really appreciate it!