
A Feather Heart

And this realization brought your ultimate demise. Because angels like you aren’t supposed to love. Or understand. Or have broken hearts. So you picked your battered self off of your rosy cloud pedestal and dragged your feet down the path of heaven, glancing back at the naivete you once were a part of. The golden gates opened, and the once gentle zephyr tormented you as you departed from the land of the blessed.



And suddenly, there was nothing. Only the edge of a cliff.


Looking back, heaven was gone, the golden gates seemingly having vaporized. The sunset clouds had disappeared and all that you had before you was the jump.
Or the fall. Whichever suited the situation better.
Could angels die?


Because death seemed to be more real than ever before- than life itself.
Would your broken body lie untouched at the bottom of this unfathomable ocean for all eternity? To rot and fester with the sea urchin along the sandy bay of evening? It might be nice to be dead though- to have the warm sun beat down on your cold, unmoving body as the waves caressed your broken fingers. Could death be as gentle as the ocean spray on your cheek?


Wait- was this his way of reuniting with you? To be together in the land of the dead, in his land forever? To sit beside his throne of skulls and demon cries?
Yes- yes, it must be his way of vowing his love to you. He was in love with you as well after all. Of course- he was always so brilliantly scheming. But he loved you. You had changed him. His darkened heart was undeniably good again- all because of you. You were the key to his heart. You were his everything. And he was all you needed. 


Even now, the cries of the gulls were beckoning you to jump. To throw away that chain of innocence, that chain of purity that shackled you to wretched life. Because life had now become wretched without him. To be dead was now to be forever alive- and to be alive was the same as enduring eternal death. 
Your soiled white dress fluttered in the wailing wind, and the ocean seemed to open its arms- calling your name with each crash against the rocks below. You no longer had anything to lose anyway. The wings that carried your dreams- if you ever even had any- had been stripped from you the moment you stepped out of that illusion called heaven. The halo that proudly marked you as an emblem of naivete had disappeared.

You were free. Unmarked.


And it was your chance to chase whatever of an emotion you ever had. Love.
So closing your eyes, you took a breath. Because love filled your lungs now- and your beloved must be waiting. Wouldn’t want to make him wait too long.


You ran.


You jumped.


And in that one millisecond as you teetered on the edge of the cliff, your eyes shot open as this horrid feeling of betrayal overtook your pristine feather heart. And all you saw was white and him. You saw him smirking and walking away- holding the broken, deceived feathers of your soul, of your innocent trust.


But it was too late now. Too late to turn back and beg for forgiveness at heaven’s door- to grovel and plead to be allowed entrance again. It was too late for you to live anymore anyway.


All that was before you now was the plummeting fall.


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seoshi #1
Chapter 1: waw. this is si great. everytime i read your story, i will love it. always give your best °-°d cos its worth:')
Mrin_Jr #2
Chapter 1: This is a good story :):)
I very like it
So I can translate it into Vietnamese ?
I will give you link when I post it up.
Hope you agree :):)
Best wishes for you. Tks.
Chapter 1: Good story. :)