Can't Be Without You


Zhang Yixing studied under the Melody of Hearts high school when he happened to come at the stage where he was put as an student teacher, though it wasn’t much as he thought the job would be; he’d thought educating the young students about simple dance moves would give him the opportunity to reach out to the younger generation, indubitably he was wrong. Bratty teenagers who were only a year younger then he was, annoyed the out of him till the point where he actually wanted to jump from the school building. Nonetheless the mahogany-haired male kept his calm and cool image as a student teacher and continued his job. Luckily he did happen to bump into another student teacher as he taught the learners, Wu Yi Fan an eight teen year old whose came from the Song Lance Notes high school. He taught students of voice control (controlling the pitch of your voice), nearly all the females in the school were madly in love with him; of course it was for his charming looks and handsome deep voice. Even if he’s just simply pasting through the hall, you would hear a long feminine sigh from each and every girl in the room. Both are known as Lay and Kris; simply because they feel more comfortable. Though you may think how would anyone annoyed when you have somebody like Kris to protect you, Yixing teaches a certain student in his dance classes who makes him absolutely cruse every time he hears his voice calling for him.



“What do you want now you turd?”


Joonmyun pouted dropping his arm down as he causally watches the Chinese male brush past him. He grunted and rotated his heels directed behind him before displacing another one of his angel-like smiles, he ran toward the older one’s side and lifted his arms behind his head.


“Oh come on Hyung don’t be so rude now.”

“Shouldn’t you be practising your dance skills? You know how bad your grades are?”


The Korean male chuckled in advance he crooked his head to the side, and spotted a slight glimpse of the medium height male walking alongside him. He breathed out a slight laugh and rotated his attention back down the endless road lane. “I should, but I don’t feel like it.” Yixing snickered and begun increasing his leg speed to farther away from the curly red head. The teenager watched the eighteen year old causally walk down the lengthy pavement, he stood on the spot and began eyeing the glorious view of the teacher’s back figure. He growled pinching his edgy chin up and down by his very finger tips. Joonmyun smiled waving his arm into the air before screaming to the male one last time.


“Bye Sungsaengnim I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Yeah, yeah~!”


Author's Note's: I just can't be without you, my heart won't be without you, I just can't be be without you~! <3 ♫ That's right, I'm back with anoother One shot, insprised by Kyle James: Can't Be Without You. It's an old school song I grew up with throughout my whole life, and annoyed the hell out of people with! Recently I found this song hiding in one of my computer folders and I just HAD to make a Fanfic out of it ^^ I'll be updating this soon so please wait for me, till then I say good bye to my lovely muscial notes~ <3


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