Be sent to a hospital for being checked out by Baro.

I never knew I needed you..

“Are you okay Ji-Un?”  Dr. Byun shoots me with a concerned look. I was staring blankly on the floor, my brain can’t process what he just told me. I was taking deep breaths. I’m hyperventilating again. This time not because of something that Baro did. I was hoping that someone from a prank show would jump out of nowhere and tell me everything that I heard is just part of a TV show. But, it’s not.

I raised my right hand to assure him that I’m okay. Still not talking, I tried to analyze everything in my head. Something’s not right. He’s sick, but he doesn’t live with his parents. Shouldn’t they be here to help him, to convince him that he needs to get better?

“Uhm~ I’m.. I don’t know what to say..” I just mumbled in between sobs.

“He’s fine Ji-Un.. he’s been taking his medications.” He said in a reassuring tone, of course that’s his job.. Make people believe that they’re fine and that nothing is wrong with them. I don’t know what is wrong with them but I feel like I want to throw tantrums in front of his doctor.

“He’s been better..” he continued, “few instances of sudden mood swings, but other than that, his body is responding very well.”

I raised my head to look at the doctor, he just gave me a smile.. “’I’m happy that you’re both together now. “ He said while handing me a roll of tissue.

“but.. he doesn’t look like he’s sick.” I said after calming myself.

“that’s because he’s been trying to get better.” He said, now his smile reached his eyes. “Don’t feel sorry for him.. he’s a strong guy, he’s fighting his sickness..”

Tears are forming again on the side of my eyes. “Be strong for him.. stay with him, he needs you..”


I left the room of Dr. Byun a few minutes after I have calmed down. I don’t know how I will tell Baro about what I have found out, he’s gonna be furious if he finds out that I followed him to the hospital. My knees almost felt like jelly upon remembering what Dr. Byun had told me. Baro is sick, he’s sick. And there’s nothing I can do to help him. Hanna is his personal nurse, she makes sure that he eats and does not do any destructive things to himself. I leaned on the wall to prevent myself from falling. How could something like this happen.. I just realized my feelings for him and then this..


Before I fell on my knees.. “Ji-Un..” a familiar voice called my attention, I raised my head to look at the person and before I was able to say anything, I ran to her and hugged her so tight. “What are you doing here?” she asked, I was still sobbing on her shoulders.

“Baro.. Baro~~” Hanna then started rubbing my back, I knew she already understands what I was trying to say before I was able to finish.

“it’s ok.. ” she hissed to stop me from crying any further, “Does he know you’re here?”

I shook my head still crying.

“I’m not gonna tell him I saw you here.. but you have to promise me you’ll tell him that you know about his condition.” She said in a concerned tone.

I nodded.

“Don’t worry.. he’s getting the best possible care..” she said calmly,


Hanna offered me a ride back to my dorm after seeing me at the hospital. She knows I was not in the right mood to be able to get home safe. Before I hopped off her car she reminded me that I should tell Baro, she assured me that he will not get angry about it. Though, I still feel a little nervous and sad at the same time. I wanted to shout, and scream my heart out. I just can’t. I felt like someone just threw a bucket of ice in my whole body making me numb and senseless. I flopped on my bed, feeling like sulking myself again. I know I shouldn’t be acting like this because Dr. Byun said he’s going to get better hopefully. Remembering that just makes me feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest, and air is just being out of me.. 


*beep *beep the sound was coming from my cellphone. The screen displayed the name of the person who’s causing this misery in my heart.. Baro


Did you get home safe?


I tried to suppress my tears. He’s hiding his illness from everyone in the campus. He’s trying his best to be normal. I know how hard it is to fit in with people. If they find out about his illness, definitely, they’ll feel sorry for him. I don’t think he’ll like that. I took a deep breath and started typing.




A few minutes later, I received a message again.


I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.


Then I thought, maybe I don’t really have to worry. I just have to trust those people around him to help him get better. I’ll be trying my best to be strong for him as well. I’ll tell him about what I found out.. And then we’ll be good. I want him in my life... I don’t care if he does not feel the same way, but I got to be strong.



It’s only been three weeks since I met him, and I swear just seeing him in front of my dorm building, butterflies start flipping their wings out of my stomach. I’m happy to see him here, but I know I’ve gotta tell him about my little adventure to the hospital yesterday. He texted me early in the morning that I have to wake up because he was hungry and he wanted to eat breakfast with me. I don’t have any idea when he started being bossy around me. But, I like the fact that he likes spending time with me as much as I do.


“Hi.” He said smiling. He’s wearing the kind of smile that would make your heart melt.

But instead of greeting him back, “I’m walking on sunshine.. whoah oh~~” ok I need to control myself from panicking when he’s around.


He cracked a laugh then what he did next made my heart fly out of my chest again. He leaned over to kiss my cheeks. My eyes widened then he slid his hand again to mine and interlaced our hands, I swear this gesture of his is making me go crazy. When he saw my reaction, he just widened his smile and started walking. My heart was racing really fast as I was staring at our hands.


“you’re creeping me out.” He said, looking at me while I was staring at our hands.

“Wh~what?” I replied clueless of what he just said, I didn’t hear him because I was a little busy enjoying the dance that my heart was doing.

He smirked, “am I your first?” he said sounding like a maniac, as if there was something else he was trying to get across.

I slapped my free hand on his shoulder, and he chuckled.

 “Yeah~” I said almost like murmuring.

“Good~” he said as he proudly lift his head in the air, “and I’m hoping to be last person to hold your hand.”

I took a deep breath after hearing his words, did he just say that or was I just imagining things? I let out a small smile. Something in my heart was flattering because of what he just said. I had to get use to this side of him.. sweet.


We arrived at the café where I work as a part-time employee, Shinwoo-ssi was outside the café wiping off the invincible dirt on a table. He’s very meticulous when it comes to cleanliness, he sees the tiniest dirt. Sometimes I feel like his eyeglasses have microscopic lenses. He raised his right hand and waved at us. He was smiling at first, but then when he looked at me, there was something in his eyes that I can’t explain.


“Yoh~!” Baro shouted to Shinwoo-ssi. He pulled me to the café, yet again my colleagues are giving us googly eyes.

I leaned closer to him and whispered, “I thought you hated the food here?”

“Do I really have a choice?” he said as he smirked and looked at his friend who was still cleaning the tables outside the café. “Plus, you work here.. If I won’t eat here..You’d be laid-off.”


I made a face because he’s being his egoistic self again, I turned to look at my colleagues who were whispering to each other like I don’t know that I was the one who they’re whispering about. I gave them a death glare and they started laughing.

I turned to Baro who was so busy scanning the breakfast menu. I still have something to tell him, I just don’t know how to say it. Dang I don’t even know where to start. A few weeks ago, I hated him for the mere reason that I hate hearing his music blaring from his headset. Now that I know better, I understand why he needed them, plus I’m finding his music as something that I’d rather listen to all day.


“Like what you’re seeing?” Baro said while grinning at me, he placed the menu top of table and he’s now looking at me eye to eye.

I rolled my eyes on him. He knows he’s the only one who’s making me look like a mess in a good way. I can feel that he’s liking it. “Have you thought of what you’re going to eat?” I said trying to avoid his gaze.

“yeah..” he then reached for my hand and held it, “You..” he said in a very husky tone.


I gulped after hearing him say the word “you”. I don’t know what this guy is trying to do to me, but I swear I’m going to have a mini heart attack right now because of him. I swear to cupid if this boy is not gonna stop doing his little flirting with me.. I’m gonna faint and be sent to a hospital for being checked out by Baro.

He was still holding my hand when our food came in, and I don’t think he’s planning on letting it go. He’s thumb is making circles on my hand, I can’t concentrate on anything but that small gesture that his thumb is doing at the back of my hand. I was eating with just one hand, and not wanting to pull my other hand from Baro’s hold.


“Baro~~” I said almost like a whisper.

“huhm?” he said as he raised his head to look at me.

I tried opening my mouth, but nothing seems to come out right.. “I~ uh~ I have a class in a few minutes..” I just said, that’s the only thing that came out of my mouth. I wanted to tell him what I already know, but I’m still too scared to tell him.

He shrugged and continued savoring his food, “ok~” he raised his head to look at me again “I’ll walk you to your room.. Lee-jerk might pop out from nowhere.” He said tightening his grip on my hand. “I hate sharing..”


I smiled at him because he looks adorable, I can see the jealousy from his eyes. I’m happy that I’m that one person who’s causing him to act like that. 











Here's my third update for today. I'll try to update later tonight :) I'm loving this fanfic so much. :)

How are you liking Baro's pssessiveness towards Ji-Un? Do you like it? or do you think it's gonna be one ugly reason for them to fight over in the future?

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Luuvingmusic #1
Chapter 29: Omg it's over Noooo!!! Maybe later on ... Could there be a chance for a sequel? I love this story soo much it's my favorite. I love the writing and the way the story developed in the end. Like it wasnt your typical story ending, on the contrary it had a twist and sweet ending. I love baro was like " who knows". . Oh the joke was so cruel but funny at the same time lol. The alternative ending also sound interesting, i can actually see why you wanted the story to end with baro dying. Both ending are great though!! Thank you so much for this story! It's was so beautiful and good!:) please messege me if you write another story ! ( even if it's not a baro, as long it's b1a4 I'm fine!) good luck on school too. ( I just started today .)
Chapter 29: The best fanfic i've ever read!
xxsherryxx #3
Chapter 29: i was so shocked when baro and everyone tricked ji-un, like srsly i was on the verge of crying. but thank you soo much for making this i love youu
Luuvingmusic #4
Chapter 28: YES!!! You did scared me. For a second I really believed that baro was dead and she would end up with lee. I practically cried and it didn't help that I read this chapter as it is raining outside. I feel so bad for JI-un and the scene where he died felt too realistic and it was beautifully written. Great Job on that !! All of these twist and turns took my by surprise. Even when she met her mom! Oh and the lyrics that he wrote were so beautifully incorporated to the story. Lol I love baros raps. He inspires is always inspiring me! this chapter felt too real and it was beautifully written. Please update soon !!!

P.s. I think the two words could be " Ji-Un" or " He's awake!"
Luuvingmusic #5
Chapter 27: Omo omo omo !!!! Noooo what's happening to Baro ?!?! And that was so sweet of him doing all that for her!
Please update soon your story is great!! :)
Chapter 27: Update soon, please!!
Chapter 27: Omo! No way! This is not happening! Hope he make It! O.O