He can't be..

I never knew I needed you..

“Where are we going?” Baro was still pulling me, I kept on asking him where he’s trying to bring me but he gave me no answer. I was breathless because of running and walking.

He started pacing a little slower when we reached an apartment building. We walked up the stairs and stopped in front of an apartment unit. I can’t help but to wonder if this is where he lives. I’d be able to meet his family. But, isn’t it too early for him to introduce me to them. He had finally let go of my hand to get a key from his back pocket. He turned the knob of the apartment and pushed the door open.

 He turned to give me a smile, and I shiver a little when I looked at his eyes, “this is my apartment” he said as he entered the room.

I scanned the whole place while Baro sat on his sofa waiting for me to say something.

“Where’s your family?” I said in a confused tone. The place is a bit small for a family to live in. It has one bedroom. The place is enough for just at least two persons to live in.

He shrugged his shoulders and said “I live alone.” He said flatly like living alone was not a big deal.


I looked at him. I watched him walk to his television and remove his headset from his ear. He pulled a charger from a drawer and charged his ipod. I was just looking at him, watching his every move. He went back to his sofa and sat there for a moment while massaging his temple. He tapped the side of the couch beside him with his hand as if inviting me to sit.


I did not move a muscle, unsure of what to do, he then said, “Are you just gonna stand there?”

I made a face as I walk to his sofa and sat beside him. I left a little space between us, hoping not to get too close to him or my heart will start rippling out of my chest again, and I don’t want that to happen right now.

“You removed your headset..” I said calmly, trying not to sound tense.

“yeah~~ I need to charge my ipod.” He said cockily

Yeah my question was really stupid, I deserved that, “Why do you always wear them?” I said in between stutter “I mean.. your headset.. why do you often wear them?”

He gave me a sad and unsure look, I’m not close to understanding what his gaze is trying to say.. but I know whatever the reason is, it’s something serious and he’s not yet ready to tell me.

“oh~ well.. if it’s something you don’t want to talk about.. that’s fine.” I said faking a smile as I looked at my feet.


He then leaned closer to my shoulders resting his head there for a moment, he wrapped his arms around my waist, I don’t know how I should react to it but my heart started hammering its way out of my chest again. I froze, I did not do anything, he’s just holding me and I’m not even pushing him away.

“Hello~!” I almost jumped in shock when someone started knocking on the door,

“Great~!” that’s when Baro pulled himself away from me. His face started reddening and I swear he was the cutest thing when he’s shy.

“oh~ ” a short haired young woman came in, I guess she has a spare key to the apartment because she was able to open the locked door. “oh~~” she just let out those sounds as she turn to Baro and me.

“Great timing..” Baro said as he rested his head on the sofa.

“I’m guessing you are Ji-Un..” the woman said smiling at me, I just nod at her still clueless of who she is. “I’m Hanna..” she said offering a hand shake.

I shook her hand and said, “H~hello.. I’m Ji-Un..”

“it’s great to finally meet you~” she was talking while making her way to the kitchen, Baro is all but happy to see his visitor. “Baro talks a lot about you..”

“Hanna…” Baro said sounding like a protest. I just can’t help but smile at his shy expression.

“He started writing songs again when he met you..” Hanna didn’t bother about Baro’s protest and continued talking, “It’s great that you both are already dating.”

I just smiled at the thought of dating, I’m not to protest about that because technically that’s what we’re doing. We’re dating, I agreed to it and I was more than happy with my decision.

“ok~ that’s enough..” Baro stood up and started walking to the kitchen, he cupped Hanna’s shoulders and started pushing her to the door, “You’ve said enough already..”

“wait, I’m not yet done with those..” Hanna said pertaining to the grocery items that I think she just bought.

“I can fix that.” Said Baro who was still pushing the poor woman out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said then shut the door behind him.

I can’t help but smile when he turned to me and I saw his expression, I can see that he’s quite embarrassed with all the things that Hanna had said, he just scratched the back of his head as he sat on the sofa again, “I’m sorry about that..” he said grinning.

I smiled at him “that’s okay..” I started scanning the room again, “so.. you write songs?” I said not sure if he’s going to answer it.

He walked to his television where he placed his ipod, he took it and inserted his headsets to his ears again. Somehow, I felt a little sad when he started wearing them again, I actually like him better without them. “Yeah..” he answered as he made his way back to the sofa.

I don’t want to end our conversation and let us fall in deep silence, “what do you write?”

He looked at me intently as if trying to analyze my face, He leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes again, “Rap..” he said, and I can hear his music coming from his headset again, but it’s not as loud as it usually was.

I smiled a little “I don’t know but isn’t it a little bad boy to write rap songs?” he did not talk for a moment..

“I don’t know.. I like rapping, it’s where I’m good at me.. at least according to my friends..” he said flatly

I felt like he doesn’t want talking about it because he sounded a little bored, “I’m not really good with songs.. I’m sorry” I said feeling a little sorry for myself, I always know I’m not good with socializing myself with people but I never really thought I at it big time.

“stop over thinking.. ” he said now looking at me and I can see in his eyes that he was concerned “Sometimes, I want to get into your head just to know what’s going on inside it..” he said then he chuckled.

Stupid, since the first time I met you, you’ve been stuck here 24/7. If you’d ever be able to read whatever is inside my head I swear I’ll creep you out. I wanted to tell him these but something else came out of my mouth and I swear I wanted to be swallowed by the soil alive.


 “I’m.. brainless..”


I slapped my forehead in embarrassment as he started laughing again. I swear to god, if I can teleport away from him right then and there I’d do so. I’m hyperventilating and I can’t think straight, ok?


My cheeks are blushing in embarrassment, so I turned my head to look away from him. He’s so busy laughing that when he stopped I kind of missed it. He then pulled me closer to him. He raised his hand and cupped my cheeks while his thumb did a gentle rubbing on the skin that it was touching. I was breathing heavily, there was a little space between our faces and I felt like the earth is running out of air. His deep brown eyes looking at me, pulling me to its depth. I wanted to pull away but my body is doing the opposite.


“Whoah~! I’m sorry..” the door to his apartment swung open and we didn’t even notice that Hanna was there again, “Am I interrupting something?” she said almost laughing.

I can see the anger/frustration raging out of Baro’s eyes. I let out a deep breath but still under the spell that Baro had put me under. I know that from where she was standing, we looked like kissing. My cheeks started blushing again after realizing that.

“You should learn how to knock..” Baro scowled

“Oh~ I’m sorry.. I guess you’re right about that..” Hanna said while smiling sheepishly at us.

“Why did you come back?” Baro asked still sounding a little frustrated. I was just biting my lower lip trying not to interrupt their little fight.

“I just thought of making dinner for you..” Hanna said as she made her way to the kitchen, “And.. I can see you haven’t cleaned these up..” she said while pointing her finger to the grocery bags.

I saw Baro roll his eyes, “You don’t have to.. I’ll need to go in a few minutes.” I was a little confused because it’s almost 5pm in the afternoon and he’s still planning on going somewhere else.

Hanna did not answer, she just continued whatever she was doing. She turned to me and said, “Stay here ok? I’ll make dinner.” She said smiling at me.


Baro stood up and went straight to his room, he’s not looking so happy. My cheeks flush red remembering our almost kissing moment if Hanna didn’t come into picture. At the back of my head, I thought it was fine though.. I’m not yet ready for that, I need to know more about him. A few moments later he’s out of his room and ready to go.


 He stood just in front of me and leaned over to give me a peck on my forehead, I know Hanna was watching us because she let out a small chuckle before Baro gave her a death glare. “I’ll see you in school tomorrow. ok?” He said in a sweet tone.

“Yeah~” I said still mesmerized from his little action. He gave me a kiss on the forehead, and my heart skyrocketed to heaven.

He made his way to the door and before he shut it close he glanced over at me and gave me a smile.



A few moments later, I felt the urge to follow him to where he is going. I guess he’s walking to wherever the place is because there was no car that was parked in front of the building when we came there earlier. I was a little nervous because of this little adventure in my head. I bid goodbye to Hanna telling her that I need to do some homework and I can’t stay. I saw Baro walking while his hands are on his pockets. Ten minutes later, he reached a hospital. He went inside.

An hour later Baro came out of the hospital, my curiosity grew bigger so when he’s already out of my sight I went to the hospital and talked to the receptionist at the lobby. My heart was pounding really hard because I don’t know what to expect.

“I want to go to the room where Cha Sunwoo usually goes to..” my voice was a little shaky, so the nurse took a moment before telling me.

“He usually goes to room 503, Dr. Byun Hyun.” She said and I smiled at her.

I made my way to the fifth floor, I was shaking, and my hands were sweating. While I was on my way, I was contemplating if I should go or not. Standing in front of the door of room 503, I reached for the knob and before I was able to turn them, someone opened it from the other side.. it was an old woman, somewhere in between 60’s-70’s.

“Are you here to talk to Dr. Byun?” she said smiling, “He’s a great doctor. Every patient here loves him..”

I just smiled at the old lady, “he tells me to drink my medication if I want to live longer, he’s really nice.. he just don’t force me when I don’t want to.. he’s really good at talking you out to take your medication. Are you one of his patients?” she asked

“No.. I’m here for a friend of mine..” I said nodding, still wearing a smile on my face. I was smiling but deep inside I wanted to know everything about Baro. I’m desperate for answers.

“I should go now dear, I don’t like people thinking that you’re crazy like me because you’re talking to me.” She whispered to my ear. My eyes furrowed in confusion. “Yeah, Dr. Byun said I’m schizophrenic”


My eyes widened in disbelief, this can’t be possible right? She came out from the room of the doctor that Baro usually visits, He can’t be. Can he?


The woman then went to the room opposite to Dr. Byun’s, I took a deep breath and went inside the room. I was kind of surprised with the doctors expression when he saw me, but that was just for a moment, he then smiled at me.

“I’m guessing you’re Ji-Un” he said still smiling but his eyes does not reflect any sign of happiness. “Take a seat.” He said pointing to a chair opposite to him.

“Yes~” I said, my heart was raising, a lot of things are in my head right now, that if Baro has the same case as the woman I just met? What should I do? I felt like crying.

“You’re here because of Baro? Am I right?” he said in a concerned tone. “He talks a lot about you.”

I blushed for a moment knowing that Baro talks a lot about me to people he knows.

“You’re right again.” I whispered because I still trying to suppress my tears. “is he.. is he schizophrenic?” now the question came out of nowhere and I started crying.

He let out a smile, I don’t know if he’s smiling because I was wrong, or because I sounded funny and I look funny for crying about it. “He’s not..” he said in a calm tone.

“but.. but.. the woman outside said that according to you she’s had a mental illness” I said looking stupid because I was still crying.

I saw the doctor gulp before started talking, “I don’t think I should be the one telling you about his condition.” He looked at me and I can see how sorry he is that he can’t tell me about it.

I cried even more because I have no one to ask and I know Baro, wouldn’t say it himself, “Yes you have.. you’re his doctor.” I sobbed with my hands on my face “just yesterday, I realized that I loved him and this is the first time in my life that I have ever felt this way.. he made me feel this way.. I don’t know what to do if something bad happens to him.”

Dr. Byun let out a deep sigh, “He likes you back, I know that. He started smiling again, and composing songs.” He paused for a moment, “He locked himself out of the world. But, when he met you, he started.. living again… he wanted to live.”

I raised my head to look at the doctor who’s making the situation even worse for me to understand, still sobbing “What do you mean?”

“The reason why he wears headset every day is because it helps his brain to relax..” the doctor tried explaining. "everytime he removes them, he starts feeling a sharp searing pain."

I’m still looking at him clueless.

“He needs it because he had stopped taking his medication.” He said while looking down on his desk. “He lost the will to get better.. until he met you.”

“I don’t understand..” I said as my eyes furrowed on the doctors jumbled words.

“He has cancer..” Dr. Byun almost choke from his words, “I’m sorry Ji-Un.. but he doesn’t have much time.”


I felt a big lump forming on my throat. Everything felt like falling apart all over me. I was numb. I felt my heart had stopped from beating. He has cancer.











I can't believe I made Baro sick. My dear readers, don't get made at me because of this. There are twists in the story. ups and downs between on Ji-Un and Baro's love. Keep reading and don't forget to up vote! 

love lots xoxo:*

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Luuvingmusic #1
Chapter 29: Omg it's over Noooo!!! Maybe later on ... Could there be a chance for a sequel? I love this story soo much it's my favorite. I love the writing and the way the story developed in the end. Like it wasnt your typical story ending, on the contrary it had a twist and sweet ending. I love baro was like " who knows". . Oh the joke was so cruel but funny at the same time lol. The alternative ending also sound interesting, i can actually see why you wanted the story to end with baro dying. Both ending are great though!! Thank you so much for this story! It's was so beautiful and good!:) please messege me if you write another story ! ( even if it's not a baro, as long it's b1a4 I'm fine!) good luck on school too. ( I just started today .)
Chapter 29: The best fanfic i've ever read!
xxsherryxx #3
Chapter 29: i was so shocked when baro and everyone tricked ji-un, like srsly i was on the verge of crying. but thank you soo much for making this i love youu
Luuvingmusic #4
Chapter 28: YES!!! You did scared me. For a second I really believed that baro was dead and she would end up with lee. I practically cried and it didn't help that I read this chapter as it is raining outside. I feel so bad for JI-un and the scene where he died felt too realistic and it was beautifully written. Great Job on that !! All of these twist and turns took my by surprise. Even when she met her mom! Oh and the lyrics that he wrote were so beautifully incorporated to the story. Lol I love baros raps. He inspires is always inspiring me! this chapter felt too real and it was beautifully written. Please update soon !!!

P.s. I think the two words could be " Ji-Un" or " He's awake!"
Luuvingmusic #5
Chapter 27: Omo omo omo !!!! Noooo what's happening to Baro ?!?! And that was so sweet of him doing all that for her!
Please update soon your story is great!! :)
Chapter 27: Update soon, please!!
Chapter 27: Omo! No way! This is not happening! Hope he make It! O.O