the hospital

the ugly and the handsomes

After 3 days  holidays because of their wedding,

 sulli woke up first and get ready for doing to college 

minho and sulli goes to college with different car ,because minho said that he going to pick hyuna first before going to the school

when sulli arrived at the college ,she can feel that every girl student were glaring at her

sulli just ignored it but she don't know that a whole worl were already know about her marriage with minho

sulli walked and meet her friend


''you must be happy that the most famous guy in the college or korean was husband to you"amber

''shhhhsss,people will heard you''sulli

''what wrong with ssul,you want us to keep it as a secret but you already post your wedding picture as the hot issue in the newspaper'' vic

''what i never post it''sulli

''take a look''krystal while showing the newspaper

''oh my god,im gonna die soon''sulli

it was minhu doing

in another side,minho and hyuna were walking together in the college 

hyuna heard that about minho marriage,she already know about it since minho tell her everything before the wedding

then,hyuna smirked and started to make her excelent mono drama


''what wrong with you ,darling?''minho

''i heard they were whisper that im was stealing you from sulli,sob sob''hyuna

''don't listen to what their said ,i hate her ok''minho

suddenly hyuna kissed minho,the two of them enjoy it

sulli who was at the toilet can see them were kissing

sulli can't say a thing ,and a stream of tears flowing from her eyes

''why did i have to marry you minho,all i can fell is pain that can murder me''sulli

sulli went to minho and ask him if she can went home with him

since all of sulli friend,sulli and minho including hyuna was in the same course and class

hyuna who was listening to sulli question immediatly grab minho hand and give sulli a death glare

minho who was about to answer ,shocked when his see sulli eyes were red and swelling

then,sulli quickly said to minho

''ah,it so kay ,minho i just need to ask amber to send me home,sorry for disturbing you and hyuna''sulli

hyuna smiled 

at home,

sulli was scared and lonely since minho only came home when it about to morning because he only came home to change his clothes

at their house maid only came to works  at daytime,when evening all of them wemt home after cooking dinner for sulli and minho actually only for sulli

''i guess tonigt minho wil also sleep at hyuna place,better i sleep''sulli

it been 8 months since sulli and minho marriage

but sulli and minho still the same

minho keep busy with hyuna and sulli was lonely and getting used to it

at college,

because of sulli friends,sulli,minho and hyuna excellent grades

all of them will do their practical as doctor earlier

and it was be told to them by their professor

''wah,im going to be a doctor soon''amber

''only a practical doctor''sulli

''i hope all of us will became a doctor as soon as posibble''luna

''of course,since we are to smart''vic

''i think we should be a astronauts''krystal

''what''all of them ,then all of them burst to laugh

minho and hyuna don't even cared about it but busily talk about their party at hyuna place

first day at hospital

''i will split you guys into few team''the chief doctor

''yes''all of them

''team one,sulli,minho,hyuna''

''team two,onew.victoria,jonghyun,and luna''

''team three,krystal,taemin,key,amber''

''you will get you schedule later ok''chief doctor

''team one ,another teammate of your group will arrived later,understood''chief doctor








 it will be

sulli     savior..................................

sorry for a boring chapter

hope you guys will always support me..........................


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VictoriousNick #1
Please update!!!
MsSongEunIn #2
Chapter 9: Update please authornim? What happen to sulli?
Chapter 9: Hey, don't stop here. I'm going to die soon if not know what happened....
Btw it not boring....its good, really good :)
alecita #4
Chapter 9: I definitely hate minho and hyuna .. I have a lot of anger .. sulli is beautiful inside and out, minho is a fool for not realizing I prefer to stay with kai, minho definitivamnete disappointed and now I do not know what happened with sulli, I do not want anything bad to happen .. I hope minho regret what he has done :(, update soon
alfike #5
Chapter 9: my heart actually stopped beating for a second there! Hope to read the next chapter really soon :)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 9: Yeah Kai is on the scene. Its you turn to be jealous.

OMG .. Poor Sulli in an accident because of Minho Being mean and selfish. !! Please update soon. I hope Sulli is ok!!
alfike #7
Chapter 8: please let it be a guy that will knock some sense out of minho :) looking forward for the next chapter! :)