You and I


You stumbled a bit opening your apartment door. “Alright come on Youngjae,” That you had happened to be sharing with your best friend. Who was very drunk at this moment.

Youngjae stumbled a bit walking in, seeing that you grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards his room. “No~” He whined. “I wanna sleep in your room again, like we use to.” He said this as he dragged you.

“Yoo Young Jae, the hell are you doing let me go.” You argued. But deep down you really didn’t mind letting Youngjae sleep in your room again, you actually wanted him to sleep in your room again. You just didn’t want him to sleep there will he was drunk as hell.

“Taking you too bed. So hush, Oppa’s got you.” He replied back, though he slurred it slightly. You didn’t understand one thing; why did the memories of something so long ago come rushing back. One year ago you had gone through by far one of toughest times in your life. You remembered every detail perfectly. You were traumatized for life. But you had someone to help you through it; Yoo Young Jae.

“Youngjae…” You sniffled out, you had looked up and you were very surprised to meet two brown orbs full of worry for you. “Wha-what are you doing here?” Youngjae sat down next to you, he pulled you closer to him.

“What’s wrong _____?” He asked you, he cupped your left check and whipped away your tears.  However you remained silent and continued crying. “She~ it’s okay. Never mind. Just tell Oppa when you’re ready.” He said in soothing tone trying to calm you down. You smiled sadly. This is why he was your favorite Oppa.


And when your favorite Oppa found out why you were crying exactly, he beat the hell out of your boyfriend, and you had never known that Youngjae had this side of him. You were really shocked to hear what he done from Himchan. But in a way you were glad that jack of an ex-boyfriend got what he deserved, but he deserved much more pain and suffering. Though a side of you was happy that Youngjae had stuck up for you.

After the day Youngjae had found you crying he stayed with you every single night, making sure you were okay no matter what. You were glad to have him with you.  Youngjae after some weeks started to make you feel better, you started getting happier and happier, you were laughing, smiling, you were getting giddier.

No one else knew what had been going on between you and Youngjae. Everyone knew you and your Oppa were close, but they didn’t know you were that close. Both of you were basically living together, and for a month you weren’t speaking to anyone that wasn’t Youngjae. But the thing that had struck everyone was that you and your ex-boyfriend broke up way~ to suddenly, and that you went directly to Youngjae, when in fact it was actually him that had gotten to you.

There was only one other person that knew about what had happened to you, Yongguk. And that was only because one day, Youngjae had dragged you in to the house he shared with the rest of his friends  (B.A.P) and Youngjae had brought up the fact that your boyfriend had almost rapped you, and Yongguk was standing in Youngjae’s door frame glaring at both of you. You were in some deep with Yongguk. He had sat both you down and lectured your asses, he was pissed neither of you told him about it, he understood the rest of B.A.P, but him? He was basically your older brother. He was truly, really pissed off. But considering the circumstances he forgave, and basically crushed you with a hug. One that Youngjae had to pry him off you, because you were crying and could no longer breathe.

Yongguk agreed to not tell the rest of B.A.P, but he had forced Youngjae to stay the night at their house, and he took you home. He had said; that it wasn’t a good thing for you to rely on Youngjae so much for comfort and safety. And that was the first night in two months that you had spent without Youngjae at your side. And you had to admit it was pretty lonely to not have him with you.

The next morning at around nine am, messed up hair, out breathe and panting, Youngjae had come to your apartment to make sure you were okay. He looked like had just woken up, no in fact he did just wake up. You remembered he had apologized a million time for not being able to come earlier, he hadn’t been able to sleep. But he never told you that the reason why was; because he couldn’t sleep without you by his side.

Weeks after he had stayed a couple nights in his own house, but he was called you and both of you feel asleep. Cute thing about Youngjae most of the time he was a very sound sleeper, but sometimes he would mumble a few things in his sleep, the few nights when you couldn’t you fall asleep and heard him. You thought it was so adorable. One night you heard him mumbled; “_____ I wanna have you in my arms right now.” You had blushed at that comment. But you realized something after thinking. And that was the night you realized something; you Kim _____ loved Yoo Young Jae. And you couldn’t stand not being with him.

One day Youngjae had suggested that maybe he should move in with you, you remembered that you blushed, and Youngjae teased you. But then he turned serious back again, and tried to pursuer you into giving in, you had tried to look like you doubted the decision, though you had already known the answer; yes. You had never seen him so happy, and you had to admit you were really happy yourself. The nights when Youngjae spent at the B.A.P house you were sad and lonely, and when he spent the nights with you, you were happy and excited to be with him.

You remembered one night that had had to be the best night you in your life. You and Youngjae were watching movies and eating popcorn with chocolate syrup on it, though Youngjae’s just had better on it while yours had about a pound of chocolate syrup on it. Youngjae had started teasing you about how you called him an alien while you were the alien for eating popcorn like that, and among all your other eating habits. After a while he stopped teasing, because you were giving him the silent treatment, and were pouting, he never told you this; but he founded that completely adorable when you pouted, he just didn’t like the fact that you were giving the silent treatment. Later that night you had gotten chocolate syrup on your mouth, you didn’t even notice, Youngjae laughed at you, and you looked at him as if you were crazy. You kept asking him what, but he just laughed at you while placing his hands over his eyes. You asked him what and if you had something on your face, then you began touching your face, Youngjae just kept laughing. You crossed your arms and pouted, that made him laugh harder, then you told him to at least get of you and you called him a jerk. He stopped laughing for a second, and smirked. He grabbed your leg and pulled you closer, you were brighter than a tomato, he cupped your face, and then he leaned forward and on your lower lip to get the syrup off. You knew you were insanely red; a tomato didn’t have anything on you at that moment. Youngjae smiled at you when he pulled away, and he caressed your checks slowly with his thumbs then gave you a kiss on the nose and left you on the couch. You were completely confused at that moment, but you were very happy about that.

There were a lot of moments when you could tell him how you felt, but you never did, you were always too shy to tell him, no, wait scratch that, you weren’t shy to tell him, you just didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him, you knew that telling him would screw it all up.

So for now; you were just going to keep your mouth shut, because your mind this was just a story. This was your life, this was history and not much was going to happen, because this was the story of “You and I.”

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