Chapter 6

Supernatural War (Hiatus)

" Are we there yet? " You asked jaejoong for the 8th time. 

" No. " Jaejoong continued walking forward. The forest was hard to walk through because of the dense trees. You kept getting your ankles cut on bushes. 

" Can we at least take a break? We have been walking for about 2 hours already. " You asked. 

" Sure " Jaejoong walked into a section of the woods that was clear. He pulled a blanket out and layed it on the ground next to the ground. He sat down and leaned his back along the tree leaving no room for you. 

" Excuse me " 

" What? " Jaejoong looked up at you. 

" Can you make me some room? " You kicked his leg. 

" Oh " He scooted over a little.  * Stupid * You sat next to him. You layed down and looked up at the clear blue sky. 

" Look " You pionted at the sky. 

" What? " Jaejoong turned to look at you. 

" The sky its pretty isnt it? " You looked at him. 

" No. Its dirty. " Jaejoong closed his eyes and layed down. 

" What? " You looked back up at the sky. A helicopter had just flown over emitting black smoke. 

" Oh " 

" So. How far is the train station from here? " You turned to jaejoong. He didnt answer. His eyes were closed. 

" Hello? " You waved your hand in front of his face. He didnt react. You yawned.

" Maybe I'll take a nap to " You closed your eyes and fell asleep. 

~~~~ Tao's POV ~~~~~ 

" I need backup. " You were at a Military base east of District Z. 

" Human or Robot Sir " One of the soldiers asked. You thought for a moment. 

" Robot. " 

" We have the best Robot soldiers to offer. I will be back.  " The Soldier left the room. You used your super hearing and listened in on the conversation the soldier was having. 

" I heard his fiance ran away from him " Soldier #1 spoke. 

" I feel sorry for her. She is going to have to deal with a devil like him the rest of her life. " 

" Shh. He's going to hear you talking. " Soldier #1 sshed the other. 

" He's going to hear What? " You had got up and walked into the room. You clenched your fist and walked up to the first soldier. You grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall. His face began to turn purple.

" I suggest you stop talking about my life and get to work before I break your neck. " You turned to the other soldier. 

" Now Where are my robots? " You let go of his neck and he slumped to the ground. 

" This way " The other soldier showed you into another room. There were two robots in the middle of the room. You went behind them and the switchs. They came to life. 

" Names? " You walked in front of them. 

" K1 aka Kris " One saluted. 

" K2 aka Kai " The other saluted. 

" Follow me " You walked out of the room. You looked down at the Soldier who was trying to wake up his friend who you choked. 

" Chen.. Wake up. " Soldier #2 began to cry and held on to chen. 

" Weaklings. " You walked past them. 

~~~~~~ Eunmi's POV ~~~~~ 

" Look at this couple so cute " Someone spoke. You shifted uncomfortably. You slowly opened you eyes and saw jaejoong inches lips inches away from yours. You blushed. 

" YAH! " You hit jaejoong. 

" What? " He woke up. 

" Stop doing that to me. " You frowned. 

" Stop acting like you didnt enjoy it. " Someone spoke. 

" I did not. " You turned to the person. 

" Wait. Who are you? " You grabbed onto jaejoong arm. 

" None of your business. Now hand over your bag. " The man demanded. You looked over at jaejoong. 

" Bandits. Just give it to them. We dont have anything good. " Jaejoong whispered. You grabbed your bag and through it at him. He dug through the bag and threw stuff on the ground. He took the pain killlers and some of the food. He dug deeper in the bag and pulled out something. 

" What's this? " He pulled out your diamond head piece.

" LUHAN!!! " He yelled and the other man came running. 

" What? " He grabbed the headpiece. 

" Isn't that the princesses headpiece? " Luhan looked up at you. 

" Really you bring that? " Jaejoong looked at you. 

" Sorry " You smiled weakly.

" So did you steal this from the princess? You dont look like that good of a robber. It's hard to get in the Castle. " The other man asked you. 

" Ummmmm.. No " 

" So then the other option is that you are the princess. There are rumors going around that you ran away with.... a servant " He looked over at jaejoong. 

" Then I could return you back to where you belong and get some money. " He come closer to you and grabbed your chin. Jaejoong grabbed his hand and pulled it away. 

" Luhan grab the rope " Luhan ran back to his horse. 

" Dont touch her or I will hurt you. " Jaejoong held tight onto your arm. 

" What are you going to do servant boy? Serve me a meal. " The man chuckled and grabbed you. 

" I said dont touch her. " Jaejoong punched the man in the face. He fell backwards. 

" SEHUN! " Luhan came back with the rope. 

" Run. " Jaejoong grabbed your hand and ran. You could hear Luhan and Sehun behind you. The were catching up fast. 

" Over here. " A man called you and jaejoong over.  Jaejoon pulled you and hide with the man behind a bush. 

" The name's Ravi " The guy smiled. 

" Hi " You smiled back. 

" There coming. " Jaejoong wispered. 

" i got it. " Ravi stood up from his spot. He pulled knives out from his back pocket. 

" Over here! " Ravi yelled. When Sehun and Luhan turned around to look at him he pulled out his knives. He threw one in Luhan's direction and one in Sehuns's direction. 

" Did you kill them? " You stood up from the bushes. 

" No. I dont kill people. I just got them in there shoulders. They will be fine. " 

" Thank you for helping us. We should go now. " Jaejoong spoke up.

" Why dont you guys stay for awhile. My house is just half a mile that direction. I could cook us up a meal. " 

" You live in the forest? " You asked him. 

" Yes. With my wife and my daughter. " He began walking. You followed. 

" Eunmi. We missed the first train. We were alseep all day. There is another one in 2 days. " Jaejoong called you over. 

" So Ravi Can we stay with you for 2 days? " You ran to catch up with him. 

" Sure. But you will have to help around the house. " 

" Ok " 


" What kind of house is this? " You sat in the kitchen with ravi. 

" It's from before the war. Over a thousand years ago. The forest protected most of it and I repaired alot of it to. " 

You explored around the house it was very different. The castle had 30 different rooms. Normal houses in town had 3-4 rooms. 1 bedroom and the other rooms were the kitchen and bathroom but this house had many rooms 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and it had a room underground. There was plumbing in the bathroom which only the rich had. 

" Woah. You hopped on the nice soft bed that you using for the next 2 days. Although the bad thing is you have to share with jaejoong. 

" Dont try to hold me in my sleep again or i'll kick you " 

" T-That was you. " Jaejoong frowned. 

" Now we only have one bag of food left and no medicine for you. " Jaejoong dug around in his bag. 

" I'll go ask Ravi if he has some. " You left the room and walked down the stairs. A llittle girl came running out one of the rooms she transformed into a pixie and flew away down the hall. 

" Mia Come back " A woman followed her out. She glanced at you and smiled.

" You must be Eunmi. I'm Amy. " 

" Nice to meet you. " You smiled back. 

" Thats my daughter Mia " 

" Do you know where Ravi is? " You asked. 

" In his study down the hall. " 

You followed her direction and went down the hall to the study but no one was there. You glanced at the row of books lining the walls. You reconizged some of the books untill you got to the last shelf. These books were tattered and the color was blotched. You grabbed one of the books and opened it. 

" The Hunger games. Copyright 2008. I wonder if I can understand the language. " You opened to the first page and began reading. 

~~~~~ Tao's POV ~~~~ 

You looked around the Campsite. You could smell her scent. You looked at one of the men that was sleeping he had bandages on his shoulder. 

" Wake them up. " Tao instructed. Kris grabbed Sehun and Kai grabbed Luhan. 

" What the hell is this? " Sehun tried to pry kris's hand off. 

" Have you seen a girl and her servant around here? " You asked. 

" Who the hell are you? " 

" Answer the question. " You demanded. 

" Hell. " Sehun used his free hand to pull out a knife and stabbed Kris's  hand. Kris didnt even budge. 

" That's not an answer. Kris burn him. " You smiled. Kris heated his hand up and placed it on Sehun arm burning his skin. 

" Stop! " Sehun screamed. 

" You! " You pointed to Luhan. Luhan glupped. 

" Have you seen them? " you walked closer. Luhan didnt answer. 

" If you want me to stop hurting him. You will answer. " You kicked one of their bags. Something shiny fell out. 

" Oh Whats this? " You grabbed the bag and pulled out the Princesses head piece. 

" So you did meet her. Where did she go now? Tell me or I will get you beheaded for stealing the Princesses head piece. " You smirked. 

" She went that way. " Luhan pointed out. 

" Good boy. Kris you can stop now. " You pocketed the head piece. Kris let go of Sehun and sehun slumped to the ground unconsious. 

" Kris, Kai Burn the camp. " You walked away and got back on his horse. Kris and Kai burned their food and supplies. 

" Let's go. " 




I'm Back. YAYY!! Ok. Hope you like this chapter. 

I have decided if you want you can request a cameo and I can try to fit them into the story. 

Comment, Subscribe. :)

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Tarantulax #1
Update soon!!!
Chapter 6: ^_____^!!lol almost cute!Tao made it scary!*looks around nervously*update soon!!!